Human Resource Planning Career Management and Development
Human Resource Planning Career Management and Development
Human Resource Planning Career Management and Development
Development System perfection is seldom achieved. However, the planning process can
be assessed in terms of relative accuracy and ability to provide the
right mix of HR.
That is, if the organization is usually able to hire the right kind of
employees at around the time they are needed and the organization
seldom has a surprise or a shortage of qualified workers, then its
planning process may be deemed to be working effectively. On the
other hand, if the organization is often scrambling to hire people
on short notice, if it is often hiring the wrong kind of people, or if
it ends up having too many people in the payroll, then the
planning process might be flawed or defective.
Objective of Career
1. P r o v i d e c h a l l e n g i n g j o b
2. P r o v i d e p e r i o d i c j o b r o t a t i o n a n d j o b
3. P r o v i d e o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r m e n t o r i n g
HR Manager
The HR manager should provide information or
advice about training and development
opportunities or provide specialized services
such as testing to determine employees'
values, interests and skills, help prepare
employees for job searches, and o ff e r
c o u n s e l i n g o n c a r e e r- r e l a t e d p r o b l e m s .
Companies are responsible for providing employees with the
resources needed to be successful in career planning.
3. Career planning workbooks - printed guides that direct
employees through a series of exercises, discussions, and
guidelines related to career planning.
4. Career counseling - advice from a professionally trained
counselor who specializes in working with employees seeking
assistance with career
5. Career paths - planning job sequences, identifying skills
needed for advancement within and across job families such
as moving from technical jobs to management jobs.
1. Take the initiative to ask for feedback from supervisors and peers regarding their strengths and weaknesses.
2. Identify their stage of career development and development needs.
3. Gain exposure to a range of learning opportunities (i.e., sales assignments, product design assignments, administrative
4. Interact with employees from different work groups inside and outside the company (i.e., professional associations like People
Management Association of the Philippines or PMAP, Association of Marketing Educators, Council of Management Educators, etc.)
Thank you!