Data Structure & Algorithm: Prepared By: Patrick V. Mole, MIT

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Structure &
Prepared by:
Patrick V. Mole, MIT
Binary Tree
Binary Tree Data Structure

 A binary tree is a tree-type non-linear data structure

with a maximum of two children for each parent.
 Every node in a binary tree has a left and right
reference along with the data element.
Tree terminology
 Node: It represents a termination point in a tree.
 Root: A tree’s topmost node.
 Parent: Each node (apart from the root) in a tree that
has at least one sub-node of its own is called a parent
 Child: A node that straightway came from a parent node
when moving away from the root is the child node.
Tree terminology (cont.)
 Leaf Node: These are external nodes. They are the
nodes that have no child.
 Internal Node: As the name suggests, these are inner
nodes with at least one child.
 Depth of a Tree: The number of edges from the tree’s
node to the root is.
 Height of a Tree: It is the number of edges from the
node to the deepest leaf. The tree height is also
considered the root height.
Tree terminology
Node / Vertex
A Root

Left subtree
Right subtree

Edges Leaves


Node A is the root. Nodes B and C are A’s children. Nodes B and D together form
a subtree. Node B has two children: Its left child is the empty tree and its right
child is D. Nodes A, C, and E are ancestors of G. Nodes D, E, and F make up level
2 of the tree; node A is at level 0. The edges from A to C to E to G form a path of
length 3. Nodes D, G, H, and I are leaves. Nodes A, B, C, E, and F are internal
nodes. The depth of I is 3. The height of this tree is 3.
Example Tree Calculations
Recall: Height of a tree is the maximum number of A
edges from the root to a leaf. Height = 4

What is the height of this tree? B C


Height = 0 B Height = 1
What is the depth of node G?
Depth = 2
Difference between Full &
Complete Binary Tree

Full Binary Tree

 A full binary tree is a binary tree
in which all of the nodes have
either 0 or 2 offspring.
 In other terms, a full binary
tree is a binary tree in which all
nodes, except the leaf nodes,
have two offspring.
Complete Binary Tree:
 When all of the levels of a
binary tree are entirely filled,
except for the last level, which
can contain 1 or 2 children
nodes and is filled from the left,
it is said to be a complete binary
Example 1
 Node C has just one child
therefore, it is not a Full binary
 Node C also has a right child but
no left child, therefore it is also
not a Complete binary tree.
 Hence, the binary tree shown is
neither complete nor full binary
Example 2
 All of the nodes have either 0 or 2
offspring, therefore, it is a Full
binary tree.
 It is not a Complete binary tree
because node B has no children
whereas node C has children, and
according to a complete binary tree,
nodes should be filled from the left
Example 3

 It is a complete binary tree as all the nodes are left

 Node B has just one child, therefore, it is not a full
binary tree.
Tree Traversal

 Traversal is a process to visit all the nodes of a tree and

may print their values too.
 Because, all nodes are connected via edges (links) we
always start from the root (head) node.
Unlike linear data structures (Array, Linked List, Queues,
Stacks, etc.) which have only one logical way to traverse
them, trees can be traversed in different ways.

There are three ways which we use to traverse a tree

 In-order Traversal
 Pre-order Traversal
 Post-order Traversal
In-order Traversal (left subtree, root, right subtree)

In this traversal method, the left subtree is visited first, then the
root and later the right sub-tree.

 Step 1 − Recursively traverse
left subtree.
 Step 2 − Visit root node.
 Step 3 − Recursively traverse
right subtree.

OUTPUT: D → B → E → A → F → C → G
Pre-order Traversal (root, left subtree, right subtree )

In this traversal method, the root node is visited first, then the left
subtree and finally the right subtree.

 Step 1 − Visit root node.
 Step 2 − Recursively traverse
left subtree.
 Step 3 − Recursively traverse
right subtree.

OUTPUT: A → B → D → E → C → F → G
Post-order Traversal (left subtree, right subtree, root)

In this traversal method, we first traverse the left subtree, then the
right subtree and finally the root node.

 Step 1 − Recursively traverse
left subtree.
 Step 2 − Recursively traverse
right subtree.
 Step 3 − Visit root node.

OUTPUT: D → E → B → F → G → C → A

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