Engineering Graphics
Engineering Graphics
Engineering Graphics
Part A
• 1. Introduction: Technical lettering as per BIS codes, Tabs
and Panels, The Command Line Box , Command Tools,
Starting a New Drawing , Naming a Drawing , Drawing Units ,
Drawing Limits , Grid and Snap, Save and Save As, Open,
Close, Terminology and Conventions, Linear Dimension,
Dimension Styles, Units, Aligned Dimensions, Radius and
Diameter Dimensions, Angular Dimensions, Ordinate
Dimensions, Baseline Dimensions, Continue Dimension,
Quick Dimension, Center Mark, MLEADER and QLEADER,
Text Angle, Tolerances, Dimensioning Holes, Placing
Dimensions, Fillets and Rounds, Rounded Shapes (Internal),
Rounded Shapes (External), Irregular Surfaces, Polar
Dimensions, Chamfers, Symbols and Abbreviations,
Symmetry and Centerline, Dimensioning to Points
• 2. Fundamentals of 2D Construction and Advanced
Commands: Line-Random Points, Erase, Line-Snap Point,
Line-Dynamic Inputs, Construction Line, Circle, Circle
Centerlines, Polyline, Spline, Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon,
Point, Text, Move, Copy, Offset, Mirror, Array, Rotate, Trim,
Extend, Break, Chamfer, Fillet, Table, Osnap, Osnap-Endpoint,
Osnap-Snap From, Osnap-Midpoint, Osnap-Intersection,
Osnap-Apparent Intersection, Osnap-Center, Osnap-
Quadrant, Osnap-Perpendicular, Osnap-Tangent, Osnap-
Nearest, Grips, Grips-Extend, Grips-Move, Grips-Rotate,
Grips-Scale, Grips-Mirror, Edit Polyline, Edit Spline, Edit Text,
Constructing the Bisector of an Angle
• 3. Sketching: Establishing Your Own Style, Graph
Paper, Pencils, Lines, Proportions, Curves,
Isometric Sketches, Oblique Sketches,
Perspective Sketches, Working in Different
• 4. Orthographic Views: Points, Lines Parallel to both H P and
V P, Parallel to one and inclined to other, and inclined to both,
contained in profile plane. True length and angle orientation
of straight line: rotation method and auxiliary plane method,
Difference between plane and lamina. Projection of lamina
Parallel to one and perpendicular to other, Perpendicular to
one and inclined to other, Inclined to both reference planes,
Definition of solids, types of solids, and elements of solids.
Projection of solids in first quadrant, with axis parallel to one
and perpendicular to other, axis parallel to one inclined to
other, axis inclined to both the principle plane, axis
perpendicular to profile plane and parallel to both H P and V
P. Visible and invisible details in the projection. Three Views
of an Object, Visualization, Hidden Lines, Hidden Line
Conventions, Drawing Hidden Lines, Precedence of Lines.
Part B
• 5. Sectional Views: Cutting Plane Lines, Section
Lines, Hatch, Styles of Section Lines, Sectional
View Location, Holes in Sections, Gradients,
Offset Sections, Multiple Sections, Aligned
Sections, Drawing Conventions in Sections, Half,
Partial, and Broken-Out Sectional Views,
Removed Sectional Views, Sectional View of
• 6. Isometric Views: Classification of pictorial
views, Basic Principle of Isometric projection,
Difference between isometric projection and
isometric drawing. Isometric projection of
solids such as cube, prism, pyramid and
• 7. Development and Intersection: Purpose of
development, Development of prism, cylinder,
cone and pyramid surface for both right angled
and oblique solids, and development of surface
of sphere. Intersection of solids.