City Cat
City Cat
City Cat
Transporting development
goods, people,
means (Castonguay &
Evenden 2012;
Lambert 2010)
Khlong Saen Saeb connects the Chao Phraya River to Prachin Buri and
Early Brisbane history
• Water-based transport most reliable means for
communication and transport of goods and passengers
• In some areas, rents are half the Source: City of Hoboken 2014
price of midtown Manhattan
Waterbody Crossings
• Ferries declined by
Source: Beautiful Photography Blog n.d.
the late 1950s
San Francisco
• Serious problems with traffic congestion
on the bridge
Source: Groupon, Inc 2015 Source: Bangkok Trip n.d. Source: CBS New York 2011
Brisbane Case Study
Go Card data suggests that the CityCats are being used as a linear
How were the locations for the CityCat terminals
Thames Clippers
Better coordination and timing of CityCats with other public
transport modes
Brisbane City Council and Regatta Hotel shared the cost of the
original Regatta terminal in 2003
Higher residential densities around ferry terminals
Sipe, N & Burke, MI 2011, ‘Can river ferries deliver smart growth? Experience of CityCats in Brisbane, Australia’, Transportation Research
Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2217, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington
D.C, pp. 79-86.
Soltani, A, Tanko, M, Burke, M & Farid, R 2015, ‘Travel patterns of urban linear ferry passengers: Analysis of smart card fare data for
Brisbane, Australia’, Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Thompson, R, Burroughs, R & Smythe, T 2006, ‘Exploring the connections between ferries and urban form: Some considerations before
jumping on board’, Journal of Urban Technology, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 25-52.
Tsai, CH, Mulley, C, Burke, M & Yen, B 2014, ‘Exploring property value effects of ferry terminals: Evidence from Brisbane, Australia’,
Proceedings from the World Society for Transport and Land Use Research, June 24-17, Delft.
Weisbrod, RE & Lawson, CT 2003, ‘Ferry systems: Planning for the revitalization of U.S cities’, Journal of Urban Technology, vol. 10, no. 2,
pp. 47-68.
Thank you
Any questions?
Alicia Ames
[email protected]