Mysql Tutorial: Introduction To Database

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MySQL Tutorial

Introduction to Database
Learning Objectives
 Read and write Data Definition grammar of SQL
 Read and write data modification statements
 Read and write basic SELECT FROM WHERE
 Use aggregate functions
Introduction of MySQL
 MySQL is an SQL (Structured Query Language)
based relational database management system
 MySQL is compatible with standard SQL
 MySQL is frequently used by PHP and Perl
 Commercial version of MySQL is also provided
(including technical support)
Part1: SQL used for Data
 Allows the specification of not only a set of
relations but also information about each
relation, including:
 The schema for each relation
 The domain of values associated with each
 Integrity constraints
Domain Types in SQL
Type Description
CHAR(n) Fixed length character string, with specified length n
VARCHAR(n) Variable length character string, with specified
maximum length n
INTEGER Integer (a machine-dependent finite subset of the
SMALLINT(n) A small integer (a finite subset of INTEGER)
FLOAT(M,D) Floating point number, with total number of digits M
and number of digits following the decimal point D
DOUBLE(M,D) Double-precision floating point number

 Similar to data types in classical programming languages

 An SQL relation is defined using the CREATE
DATABASE command:
 create database [database name]

 Example
 create database mydatabase
 An SQL relation is defined using the CREATE
TABLE command:
 Create table [tablename] (A1 T1,A2 T2, … An Tn,
 Each Ai is an attribute name in the table
 Each Ti is the data type of values for Ai
 Example
 Create table student
(flashlineID char(9) not null,
name varchar(30),
age integer, Integrity constraint
department varchar(20),
primary key (flashlineID) );
 The DROP TABLE command deletes all
information about the dropped relation from the
 The ALTER TABLE command is used to add
attributes to or remove attributes from an
existing relation (table):
alter table tablename actions
where actions can be one of following actions:
ADD Attribute
DROP Attribute
ADD PRIMARY KEY (Attribute_name1,…)
Part2: Modifying the database
3 basic cases:

Add a tuple INSERT INTO table_name VALUES

(Val1, Val2, … , Valn)

Change UPDATE table_name

tuples SET A1=val1, A2=val2, …, An=valn
WHERE tuple_selection_predicate
Remove DELETE FROM table_name
tuples WHERE tuple_selection_predicate
 Add a new tuple to student
insert into student
values(‘999999999’,’Mike’,18,’computer science’)
or equivalently
insert into
values(‘999999999’,’Mike’,18,’computer science’)

 Add a new tuple to student with age set to null

insert into student
values(‘999999999’,’Mike’,null,’computer science’)
 Set all department to ‘computer science’
update student
set department=‘computer science’

 In table account(account_number, balance,

branch_name, branch_city), increase the
balances of all accounts by 6%
update account
set balance=balance*1.06
 Delete records of all students in the
delete from student

 Delete the students who study computer

delete from student
where department=‘computer
Part3: Basic Query Structure
 A typical SQL query has the form:
select A1, A2, …, An
from table1, table2, …, tablem
where P
 Ai represents an attribute
 tablei represents a table
 P is a constraints (condition)
 This query is equivalent to the relational algebra
 A1 , A2 ,..., An ( P (table1 , table2 ,..., tablem ))

 Example
Select flashlineID, name from student
Where department=‘computer science’
The SELECT Clause – Duplicate
 Unlike pure relational algebra, SQL does not automatically
remove duplicate tuples from relations or query results

 To eliminate duplicates, insert the keyword distinct after

 Example: Find the names of all students in the university, and
remove duplicates

select distinct name

from student
The SELECT Clause – Expressions, as
 An star in the select clause denotes “all
select * from student

 An expression can be assigned a name using as

 Example
select FlashlineID as ID
from student

Note: as is rename clause, also can be used to rename

table name
select name as myname
from student as S
The WHERE Clause
 The WHERE clause specifies the conditions
(constraints) results satisfy
 Corresponds to the selection predicate σ
 Comparisons and Booleans are as follows:
 Comparison operator: <, <=, >,>=, =, <>
 Logical operators: and, or, not

 Example
 Find names of all students in computer science
department with age smaller than 18
select names
from student
where department=‘computer science’ and age<18
Aggregate Functions
 Aggregate functions operate on the multiset of
values of a attribute and return a value
avg(attribute): average value
min(attribute): minimum value
max(attribute): maximum value
sum(attribute): sum of values
count(attribute): number of values

 To obtain the value when duplicates are removed,

insert the keyword distinct before attribute
avg(distinct attribute)
Aggregation: GROUP BY clause
 GROUP BY attribute operate in this sequence
1. Groups the attribute set’s members into subsets by value
2. Performs the aggregate separately on each subset
3. Produces a result value for each subset
 Example: list each department and its number
of students
select department, count(distinct name) as number
from student
group by department

Note: if a select clause contains any aggregate functions, then all non-aggregated terms
in the select clause must be used in a group by clause. Ex: department is not
aggregated, so it must be in the group by clause.
Null Values and Aggregate
 The youngest student in the university
select *
from student
where age=min(age)

 Above statement ignores null amounts

 Result is null if there is no non-null amount

 All aggregate operations except count(*)

ignore tuples with null values on the
aggregated attributes.
 MySQL and GUI Client can be downloaded

 The SQL script for creating database

‘bank’ can be found at
Banking Example
branch (branch-name, branch-city, assets)

customer (customer-name, customer-street,


account (account-number, branch-name, balance)

loan (loan-number, branch-name, amount)

depositor (customer-name, account-number)

borrower (customer-name, loan-number)

employee (employee-name, branch-name, salary)

Command for accessing MySQL
 Access linux server

 Access MySQL
>mysql –u [username] –p

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