Chemical Enginineering Fourth Year
Chemical Enginineering Fourth Year
Chemical Enginineering Fourth Year
Process Control
Process control is the study and application of automatic
control in the field of chemical engineering.
The primary objective of process control is to maintain a
process at the desired operating conditions, safely and
efficiently, while satisfying environmental and product
quality requirements.
Proper application of process control can actually
improve the safety and profitability of a process.
Even though rapidly decreasing costs of digital devices and increasing
computer speed have enabled high‐performance measurement and control
systems, it is not an easy task to achieve this because modern plants tend to
be difficult to operate due to high complexity and highly integrated process
The possibility of improving the performance and the profitability is
illustrated by the figures below.
In this example, acceptable product quality requires that the impurity of the
product is below the limit indicated in the figures. However, we do not want
to make the product purer than necessary, because it would increase the
production costs. The figure to the left illustrates a situation where the
impurity fluctuates a lot, but the quality requirements are fulfilled.
The figure in the center illustrates that the fluctuations can be reduced
by better control.
Then it is possible to increase the average impurity in the product, as
illustrated by the figure to the right, without violation of the quality
requirements. Obviously, this also reduces the production costs.
As a consequence of global competition, rapidly changing economic
conditions, and stringent environ‐mental and safety regulations, process
control has become increasingly important in the process industries .
Process Dynamics
A process is a dynamical system, whose behavior changes over
time. Control systems are needed to handle such changes in the
process. Thus, it is important to understand the process dynamics
Transient operation occurs during important situations such as start‐ups
and shutdowns, unusual process disturbances, and planned transitions from
one product grade to another.
Even at normal operation, a process does not operate at a steady state
(with all time derivatives of the differential equations exactly zero) because
there are always variations in external variables, such as feed composition
or cooling medium temperature.
Thus, knowledge of steady‐state (or static) process properties, taught in
many engineering courses, is not sufficient for control design.
Feedback Control
The study of process control introduces a major new concept: feedback
control. This concept is central to most automation systems that monitor
a process and adjusts some variables to maintain the system at (or near)
desired conditions.
Chemical engineers apply these principles to heat exchangers, mass
transfer equipment, chemical reactors, and so forth.
Objectives of Control
A control system is required to perform either one or both task:
1. Maintain the process at the operational conditions and set points
Many processes should work at steady state conditions or in a state in
which it satisfies all the benefits for a company such as budget, yield,
safety, and other quality objectives.
In many real-life situations, a process may not always remain static
under these conditions and therefore can cause substantial losses to the
process. One of the ways a process can wander away from these
conditions is by the system becoming unstable, meaning process
variables oscillate from its physical boundaries over a limited time span.
An example of this would be a water tank in a heating and
cooling process without any drainage and is being constantly
filled with water. The water level in the tank will continue to
rise and eventually overflow. This uncontrolled system can be
controlled simply by adding control valves and level sensors in
the tank that can tell the engineer or technician the level of
water in the tank. Another way a process can stray away from
steady state conditions can be due to various changes in the
environmental conditions, such as composition of a feed,
temperature conditions, or flow rate.
2.Transition the process from one operational condition to
In real-life situations, engineers may change the process
operational conditions for a variety of different reasons, such as
customer specifications or environment specifications. Although,
transitioning a process from one operational condition to another
can be detrimental to a process, it also can be beneficial depending
on the company and consumer demands.
Definitions and Terminology
In controlling a process there exist two types of classes of
1. Input Variable :-This variable shows the effect of the
surroundings on the process. It normally refers to those factors
that influence the process. An example of this would be the flow
rate of the steam through a heat exchanger that would change the
amount of energy put into the process. There are effects of the
surrounding that are controllable and some that are not. These are
broken down into two types of inputs.
a. Manipulated inputs: variable in the surroundings can be control
by an operator or the control system in place.
b. Disturbances: inputs that can not be controlled by an operator or
control system. There exist both measurable and immeasurable
2. Output variable- Also known as the control variable. These are
the variables that are process outputs that effect the surroundings.
An example of this would be the amount of CO2 gas that comes out
of a combustion reaction. These variables may or may not be
Depending on how many controlled outputs and manipulated
inputs we have in a chemical process we can distinguish the
control configurations into:
1. Single input-Single Output (SISO)- for one control(output)
variable there exist one manipulate (input) variable that is used to
affect the process. For example, for the tank heater system: If the
control objective (controlled output) is to keep the liquid level at
a desired value by manipulating the effluent flowrate, then we
have a SISO system.
2. Multiple input-multiple output(MIMO)- There are several
control (output) variable that are affected by several manipulated
(input) variables used in a given process.
For example, for the tank heater system: On the contrary, if our
control objectives are (more than one) to keep the level and the
temperature of the liquid at desired values, by manipulating (more
than one) the steam flowrate and the effluent flowrate, then we
have a MIMO system.
In the chemical industry most of the processing systems are
multiple input, multiple-output systems. Since the design of
SISO systems is simpler we will start first with them and
progressively we will cover the design of MIMO systems.
Cascade: A control system with 2 or more controllers, a
"Master" and "Slave"loop. The output of the "Master"
controller is the set point for the "Slave“ controller.
Dead Time: The amount of time it takes for a process to
start changing after a disturbance in the system.
Derivative Control: The "D" part of a PID controller.
With derivative action the controller output is
proportional to the rate of change of the process variable
or error.*
Error: In process controls, error is defined as:
Error = set point - process variable.
Integral Control: The "I" part of a PID
controller. With integral action the controller
output is proportional to the amount and
duration of the error signal.
PID Controller: PID controllers are
designed to eliminate the need for continuous
operator attention. They are used to
automatically adjust system variables to hold
a process variable at a set point. Error is
defined above as the difference between set
point and process variable.
Proportional Control: The "P" part of a PID
controller. With proportional action the
controller output is proportional to the
amount of the error signal.
Set point:
Design Methodology for Process Control
1. Understand the process: Before attempting to control a
process it is necessary to understand how the process works and
what it does.
2. Identify the operating parameters: Once the process is well
understood, operating parameters such as temperatures, pressures,
flow rates, and other variables specific to the process must be
identified for its control.
3. Identify the hazardous conditions: In order to maintain a
safe and hazard-free facility, variables that may cause safety
concerns must be identified and may require additional control.
4. Identify the measurable: It is important to identify the
measurable that correspond with the operating parameters in
order to control the process. Measurable for process systems
• Temperature
• Pressure
• Flow rate
Electrical behavior
5. Identify the points of measurement: Once the measurable are
identified, it is important locate where they will be measured so
that the system can be accurately controlled.
6. Select measurement methods: Selecting the proper type of
measurement device specific to the process will ensure that the
most accurate, stable, and cost-effective method is chosen. There
are several different signal types that can detect different things.
These signal types include:
• Electric
• Pneumatic
• Light
• Radio waves
• Infrared (IR)
• Nuclear
7. Select control method: In order to control the operating parameters, the
proper control method is vital to control the process effectively. On/off is
one control method and the other is continuous control. Continuous control
involves Proportional (P), Integral (I), and Derivative (D) methods or some
combination of those three.
8. Select control system: Choosing between a local or distributed
control system that fits well with the process effects both the cost
and efficiency of the overall control.
9. Set control limits: Understanding the operating parameters
allows the ability to define the limits of the measurable parameters
in the control system.
10. Define control logic: Choosing between feed-forward, feed-
backward, cascade, ratio, or other control logic is a necessary
decision based on the specific design and safety parameters of the
11. Create a redundancy system: Even the best control system will have
failure points; there fore it is important to design a redundancy system to
avoid catastrophic failures by having back-up controls in place.
12. Define a fail-safe: Fail-safes allow a system to return to a safe state after
a breakdown of the control. This fail-safe allows the process to avoid
hazardous conditions that may otherwise occur.
13. Set lead/lag criteria: Depending on the control logic used in the process,
there may be lag times associated with the measurement of the operating
parameters. Setting lead/lag times compensates for this effect and allow for
accurate control.
14. Investigate effects of changes before/after:
By investigating changes made by implementing the control
system, unforeseen problems can be identified and corrected
before they create hazardous conditions in the facility.
15. Integrate and test with other systems: The proper
integration of a new control system with existing process
systems avoids conflicts between multiple systems.