Art Appreciation Reportingg 2
Art Appreciation Reportingg 2
Art Appreciation Reportingg 2
• Define what is painting. (U)
• Identify the elements of painting. (R)
• Discuss the color wheel. (U)
• Enumerate the categories of color wheel. (R)
• Identify and describe the medium of painting. (R)
• List down the symbolism and meaning of primary colors. (R)
• Value the purpose of arts especially in painting. (An)
• Create your own painting using a canvass. (C)
Elements of Painting
Line - It has a continuous marking made by a moving point to outlines shape and can
contour areas within those outlines. It can suggest movement (vertical, horizontal,
diagonal, and curved). Each line has its meaning:
Perspective - It is an art technique for creating an illusion of three-dimension with
depth and space.
It is projected according to its levels namely: foreground, middle ground, and
•The foreground is the visual plane that appears closer to the viewers.
•Background is the plane in a composition perceived farthest from the viewers.
•The middle ground is the illustrative plane between the foreground and the
Shapes - It is an element in painting that helps express ideas. They maybe circles,
rectangles, ovals, or square. It is an area with defined boundary created by a variety of
color, value or texture of the areas adjacent to it.
Symbols - The artists often include symbolic objects in their paintings that have a
special meaning or a special message. It is used to express ideas such as death, hope, life,
The Color Wheel and its Categories
colors play a fundamental role in our lives
and how we respond to our environment
colors wheel also known as a color circle is a
visual representation of color arranged based
to theirclTitle
chromatic relationship Title text
color wheel
additionis divided into 12 segmes
Red Color
Warmest S
Fiery heat
Life and vitality
Essential to human life
Important to human life
🌸 2. Modern Style
e. Surrealism – It is a
d. Cubism – It is a form of
type of art wherein the
abstraction wherein the
artist creates dreamlike
object is first reduced to
paintings that filled with
cubes and then flattened into
mysterious objects.
two-dimensional shapes.
= +
• Describe the nature and background of sculpture. (U)
• Identify the types of arts sculpture. (R)
• Enumerate the medium and techniques of making sculpture. (R)
• Explain the importance of sculpture. (U)
• List down the basic sculpture terms. (R)
• Create sculpture carving through the use of soap. (C)
E The Origin of Sculpture
Sculpture is from the Latin It has sought to produce artworks One of the oldest
word "sculpere" which means that are as permanent and is sculptures discovered is
“to carve.” working in durable and expensive an ivory statuette, dating
materials such as bronze granite, approximately 30,000
-The tools used in sculpture limestone, marble, and stone. BCE from a cave at
are varied and is changing More rarely, precious metals such Hohlenstein-Stadel,
throughout history. It engages as gold, ivory, jade, and silver Germany called
our sense differently than were used for chryselephantine Löwenmensch (which
paintings because it occupies works. More common and less means a “lion-human”).
space as a three-dimensional expensive materials were also This Paleolithic period
mass through carving, used for broader consumption, statue is about 12” tall
casting, modeling or like cast metals, ceramics, glass, and depicts a human
assembling materials and hardwoods. figure with a feline face.
• Another very iconic and famous piece of sculpture is “the Sphinx” of Egypt. This
sculpture of an image of the pharaoh Khafre and is part of a funerary complex for the
pharaoh. Egyptian sculpture and all Egyptian art were on the belief in a life after death
wherein the body of their ruler (the pharaoh) was preserved carefully and buried with
some goods with him to provide for his needs forever.
The Egyptians often combined features from various creatures to symbolize ideas. For
example, the head of the pharaoh Khafre is added to the bowing figure of a lion to form the
Great Sphinx. This type of masterpiece suggests the combination of human intelligence and
animal strength. The Great Sphinx of Egypt is an enormous sandstone sculpture, measuring
240’ ft. Long and 65’ ft. High.
Importance of Sculpture
• Likewise, the making of sculpture is with the idea of expressing religious, personal,
and political views.
• Statues and sculptures have always been96%an integral part of museums and art
• Sculptures and miniatures have also become more popular as decoration items, and
in the long term, valuable art investment.
1. Bust- is a sculpted and painted representation of the upper part of the human
figure such as the head, neck, shoulders, chest or breast.One of the famous
bust in Sculpture is Bust of Queen Nefertiti of Thutmose(1340 BC)
1.Carving - It is a procedure in which the artists cut away objects until reached the
desired form. Various tools are used, depending the materials to be carved and the
statue to which the work has progressed.
2.Casting - Casting is a method by which a liquid material is usually poured into a frame
or pattern, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to
harden. It has two types, namely:
a.Glass casting - It is a shaping activity of pieces of rough natural
stone through the use of essential hand tools like hammer and chisel.
8.Replica - It refers to a
precise reproduction of an