Digital Marketing

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Digital Marketing

By U Yadav
Digital Marketing
What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing can be described as actively

promoting products and services using digital
distribution channels as an alternative to the
more traditional mediums such as television,
print and radio
Digital Marketing
What is Digital Marketing?

 Today’s consumer is more cognizant of the marketing messages all

around them, leaving them more likely to tune out advertisements or other
forms of marketing communication

In the “golden age” of television, an ad on one of

the big three networks could reach 70 percent of
the viewing audience

 According to Seth Godin (author of Permission

Marketing) today’s consumer receives roughly one
million marketing messages a year on average
Digital Marketing
Overwhelmed consumers are becoming
adept at tuning out marketing messages

 E-mail filters to block spam

 Digital video recorders (DVRs) to skip commercials

 Caller ID to screen telemarketers

 Recycling direct mail pieces without opening them

Digital Marketing Strategies
How are marketers adjusting?

Digital marketers turn to technology to help

reach target consumers

1. Internet marketing

2. Mobile marketing

3. Social marketing

4. Viral marketing
Digital Marketing
How are marketers adjusting?

The goal for digital marketers is to focus on

interactive elements, encouraging consumers to
participate in the marketing process

U.S. interactive marketing spending will reach $55

billion by 2014, making up 21% of all marketing
spending, according to a report issued by Forrester
Digital Marketing Strategies
Internet Marketing

The Internet, far more than

any other medium, has given
consumers a voice, a
publishing platform and a
forum where their collective
voices can be heard, shared
and researched, creating a
more powerful and educated
audience than ever before
Digital Marketing Strategies
Media (CGM)

Encompasses the millions of

consumer-generated Also referred to as
comments, opinions and Online Consumer
personal experiences posted Word-of-Mouth or
in publicly available online Online Consumer
sources on a wide range of Buzz
issues, topics, products and
Digital Marketing Strategies
Consumer-Generated Media (CGM)

1. Blogs
2. Message boards and forums
3. Social media
4. Discussions and forums on large email
portals (Yahoo!,AOL, MSN)
5. Online opinion/review sites and
services/ feedback/complaint sites
What is the consumer journey?

The consumer journey is a detailed representation of the consumer buying

process, which is the steps customers take on their way to making a purchase.
It sets out all every interaction they have with your brand – from awareness, to
research and even advocacy.

In the world of eCommerce, the consumer journey includes all the digital
touchpoints that your brand has with a customer. These could take place
across websites, social media, online marketplaces, search engines, apps or
other channels as shoppers use their desktop, mobile or other smart device.

Creating a customer journey map allows businesses to understand the

experiences and needs of their target audience. These insights also empower
marketers to target consumers with tailored content and remove any barriers to
The traditional consumer journey has evolved dramatically over
the years, with eCommerce fundamentally changing the way
consumers purchase products.

While we have often heard the phrase that “consumer is king”,

it’s truer now more than ever. With brands competing to win
larger customer shares, consumers can make a choice from
thousands of brands for similar products.
At this early stage, consumers have a need, but they may not
even realize it yet. They are not actively looking for a product, but
are still receptive to advertisements.

Studies show that most consumers choose brands that they

know or like. That’s why building your brand’s awareness among
consumers continues to be such an important eCommerce trend
in 2021.

You can use videos, blogs, FAQs, social media content, and
OTT ads to capture consumers’ attention at this stage in the
journey. You can also use tracking pixels, newsletter sign ups
and social media to stay front of mind with them until they are
ready to convert.
At this point in the journey, consumers know they need a product
or solution and the vast majority of them turn to the internet to do
their research.

According to an recent survey, around 69% of shoppers do

product research on Google, while 61% use Amazon. Another
survey suggests that 43% of shoppers use social media as well.

At this point, you need to let people know how your product can
help using case studies, testimonials, reviews, product
comparisons, demos and fine-tuned product listings. Consider the
digital shelf as your virtual store front – it needs to show off your
product in all its glory!
Conversion is one of the most challenging stages in the modern
customer journey, with shopping cart abandonment rate at an eye
watering 69.8%.

You need to ensure you make the digital path to purchase as

smooth and seamless as possible to avoid losing customers at
this late stage.

Think about the different payment options you provide, the layout
and copy of your checkout page, and how easy you make it for
customers to sail through the process.
In the digital consumer journey, engagement continues after
shoppers have made a purchase.

In the advocacy stage, shoppers may share their experience of

your product by posting user generated content online. This can
include reviews, ratings, product questions, pictures, and more.
If you’ve provided a first-class journey, you will see the pay off
as your happy customers will help you to convert more buyers.
Digital path to purchase
The modern consumer journey is less linear than the traditional
consumer journey of the pre-digital age. Customers are now
much more likely to discover new brands during the research or
consideration stage of their journey.

For example, someone who considers buying an Apple iPhone

may discover a whole host of alternatives while researching on
Google, Amazon or a tech blog.

In the past, consumers would usually narrow down their options

at this stage of the journey, but now there are many more digital
paths to purchase that influence conversion.
Another unique feature of the digital consumer journey is that
communications now go both ways. With just a couple of clicks,
consumers can find the answer to any question about your
industry, brand, or products. They can also read or share reviews,
ratings and FAQs on websites, social media or marketplace
Digital Marketing Strategies
Sports and entertainment properties
use the Internet for a host of
marketing functions

 Ticket sales  Community relations

 Sponsorship sales  Player/staff fan connection

(blogs, chats etc.)
 Merchandise sales
 General promotion
 Additional revenue
streams (banner advertising
on team websites etc.)
Digital Marketing Strategies
Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing refers to two

different marketing means: one
refers to marketing on or with a
mobile device (such as a mobile
phone) while the other (more
traditional) is meant to describe
marketing “on-the-go”
Digital Marketing
Mobile marketing represents an area
of massive potential growth

In 2012, Americans alone sent over 2.2 trillion text

messages (that's an average of 19 messages per
American each day)

Mobile advertising raked in $8.9 billion in 2012, an

82.8 percent increase from 2011. One of the main
drivers of this growth is the fact that most consumers
have mobile devices on them nearly all the time, and
the always-connected nature of the device.
Digital Marketing
Mobile marketing represents an area
of massive potential growth

In a study conducted in 2013, researchers found

that nearly 14 percent of smartphone and tablet
owners used their devices to watch television.
Digital Marketing Strategies


Apps are individual

Apps have recently software programs
gained a lot of designed to run on the
popularity among Internet, computer, phone
consumers or other electronic device
typically designed to
increase functionality or
ease of use
Digital Marketing Strategies

In June of 2013, Apple announced that 50 billion

apps had been downloaded from their online “apps”
store, up from 30 billion apps in June of 2012
Marketing Applications

Digital Marketing Strategies

Modern Mobile Marketing

The 2013 NBA Slam

Dunk Champion was
crowned based on fan
votes via text message

Show’s like Dancing

with the Stars and
American Idol often
encourage fans to “text
to vote”

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