Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
By U Yadav
Digital Marketing
What is digital marketing?
1. Internet marketing
2. Mobile marketing
3. Social marketing
4. Viral marketing
Digital Marketing
How are marketers adjusting?
1. Blogs
2. Message boards and forums
3. Social media
4. Discussions and forums on large email
portals (Yahoo!,AOL, MSN)
5. Online opinion/review sites and
services/ feedback/complaint sites
What is the consumer journey?
In the world of eCommerce, the consumer journey includes all the digital
touchpoints that your brand has with a customer. These could take place
across websites, social media, online marketplaces, search engines, apps or
other channels as shoppers use their desktop, mobile or other smart device.
You can use videos, blogs, FAQs, social media content, and
OTT ads to capture consumers’ attention at this stage in the
journey. You can also use tracking pixels, newsletter sign ups
and social media to stay front of mind with them until they are
ready to convert.
At this point in the journey, consumers know they need a product
or solution and the vast majority of them turn to the internet to do
their research.
At this point, you need to let people know how your product can
help using case studies, testimonials, reviews, product
comparisons, demos and fine-tuned product listings. Consider the
digital shelf as your virtual store front – it needs to show off your
product in all its glory!
Conversion is one of the most challenging stages in the modern
customer journey, with shopping cart abandonment rate at an eye
watering 69.8%.
Think about the different payment options you provide, the layout
and copy of your checkout page, and how easy you make it for
customers to sail through the process.
In the digital consumer journey, engagement continues after
shoppers have made a purchase.