nation’s military strength as well as for its economic strength… is fundamentally different from the traditional key resources of the economist – land, labor, and even capital…we need systematic work on the quality of knowledge and the productivity of knowledge… the performance capacity, if not the survival, of any organization in the knowledge society will come increasingly to depend on those two factors” [Drucker,1994] What is Knowledge Management?
• Knowledge management (KM) may simply be
defined as doing what is needed to get the most out of knowledge resources. • In general, KM focuses on organizing and making available important knowledge, wherever and whenever it is needed. • KM is also related to the concept of intellectual capital. Forces Driving Knowledge Management 1. Increasing Domain Complexity: Intricacy of internal and external processes, increased competition, and the rapid advancement of technology all contribute to increasing domain complexity. 2. Accelerating Market Volatility: The pace of change, or volatility, within each market domain has increased rapidly in the past decade. 3. Intensified Speed of Responsiveness: The time required to take action based upon subtle changes within and across domains is decreasing. 4. Diminishing Individual Experience: High employee turnover rates have resulted in individuals with decision-making authority having less tenure within their organizations than ever before. So, what does this mean?
• Faced with increased complexity, market volatility and
accelerated responsiveness, today’s younger manager feels less adequate to make the difficult decisions faced each day. • KM is important for organizations that continually face downsizing or a high turnover percentage due to the nature of the industry. Is Knowledge Management for Everybody?
• KM is important for all organizations
• Today’s decision maker faces the pressure to make better and faster decisions in an environment characterized by a high domain complexity and market volatility, even in light of lack of experience typically from the decision-maker outcome of those decisions could have such a considerable impact on the organization Knowledge Management Systems
• Information technology facilitates sharing as well as
accelerated growth of knowledge. • Information technology allows the movement of information at increasing speeds and efficiencies. • “Today, knowledge is accumulating at an ever increasing rate. It is estimated that knowledge is currently doubling every 18 months and, of course, the pace is increasing... Technology facilitates the speed at which knowledge and ideas proliferate” Knowledge Management Systems
•Knowledge management mechanisms are organizational or
structural means used to promote knowledge management. •The use of leading-edge information technologies (e.g., Web- based conferencing) to support KM mechanisms enables dramatic improvement in KM. •knowledge management systems (KMS): the synergy between latest technologies and social/structural mechanisms KNOWLEDGE Knowledge Management Systems
• KM systems classification based on observations
on the KM systems implementations: Knowledge Discovery Systems Knowledge Capture Systems Knowledge Sharing Systems Knowledge Application Systems Knowledge Management Systems
• Artificial intelligence and machine learning
technologies important role in the KM processes, enabling the development of KMS • Experience management basically experience develops over time, to coalesce into more general experience, which then combines into general knowledge Issues in Knowledge Management
• “Effective KM is not about making a choice between
“software vs. wetware, classroom vs. hands-on, formal vs. informal, technical vs. social…uses all the options available to motivated employees to put knowledge to work …[and] depends on recognizing that all of these options basically need each other” [Stewart, 2002]. • One of the primary differences between traditional information systems and KM systems is the active role that users of KM systems play on building the content of such systems.
• Described KM ranging from the system to the organizational perspective. • Explained the relevance of KM in today’s dynamic environments augmented with increasing technological complexity • Explained the benefits and considerations about KM, including an overview of the nature of the KM projects currently in progress at public and private organizations around the world. • Described that information technology plays an important role in KM. The enabling role of IT is discussed, but the old adage of “KM is 80% organizational, and 20% about IT” still holds today.