Seminar Hasil Penelitian Nur Ilmi Wahyuni Pelajari
Seminar Hasil Penelitian Nur Ilmi Wahyuni Pelajari
Seminar Hasil Penelitian Nur Ilmi Wahyuni Pelajari
03 How is the relationship between self directed learning and physics learning outcomes of stu-
dents at SMA Negeri 8 Makassar?
Problem Statements
The problem formulations proposed in this study are....
03 How is the relationship between self directed learning and physics learning outcomes of stu-
dents at SMA Negeri 8 Makassar?
Objectives of The Research
01 To describe student’s self directed learning
03 To analyze the relationship between self directed learning and student’s physics learning out -
Objectives of The Research
Based on the formulation of the problem posed, the objective of the research are ...
03 To analyze the relationship between self directed learning and student’s physics learning out -
Literature Review
Self Directed Learning
Self directed learning is Self directed learning is Self drected learning is Self directed learning is Self directed learning is
a kind of learning the active and an attitude of the condition of a an action caused by
activity that centers on constructive process of responsibility of person who wants from internal motivation
the creation of students learners in setting students by realizing within himself to without any
through opportunities learning goals and their potential and progress better without encouragement from
and experiences so Self directed learning
trying to monitor, is an effort in the form
wanting to develop it in of activities carried out by
the help of others for a students to
others in the form of
that they are able, facilitate
regulate, and the control
learning process and improve
a process their learning
of changing outcomes, where
change in himself in the the efforts
desire, initiative and
confident, self- the learningmade come from within
process, themselves
behavior through and withoutform coercion frominothers.
of changes responsibility in
motivated and able to motivation and training and experience behavior and changes determining and finding
learn at any time. behavior, guided and as a provision for the in other aspects as a learning resources and
limited by goals and future. result of his experience learning methods.
contextual features in interacting with the
the environment. environment.
Suciati 2016
Permana, Borahima, &
Kadir, 2020 Handayani & Hidayat,
Misdalina, Ningsih, & Darusman, Isrok’atun &
Marhamah, 2017 Gusrayani , 2017
Literature Review
Self Directed Learning
Self directed learning is Self directed learning is Self drected learning is Self directed learning is Self directed learning is
a kind of learning the active and an attitude of the condition of a an action caused by
activity that centers on constructive process of responsibility of person who wants from internal motivation
the creation of students learners in setting students by realizing within himself to without any
through opportunities learning goals and their potential and progress better without encouragement from
and experiences so trying to monitor, wanting to develop it in the help of others for a others in the form of
that they are able, regulate, and control a process of changing change in himself in the desire, initiative and
confident, self- the learning process, behavior through form of changes in responsibility in
motivated and able to motivation and training and experience behavior and changes determining and finding
learn at any time. behavior, guided and as a provision for the in other aspects as a learning resources and
limited by goals and future. result of his experience learning methods.
contextual features in interacting with the
the environment. environment.
According to
Suciati 2016
Permana, Borahima, &
Kadir, 2020 Handayani & Hidayat,
Misdalina, Ningsih, & Darusman, Isrok’atun &
Marhamah, 2017 Gusrayani , 2017
Meanwhile, according to
Another opinion by Misdalina, Ningsih, 2017 says that Handayani & Hidayat,
2018 that ...
Based on some of these opinions, it can be concluded that ...
Self directed learning is an effort in the form of activities carried out by students to
facilitate the learning process and improve their learning outcomes, where the efforts
made come from within themselves and without coercion from others.
Literature Review
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are
Learning outcomes are defined as the level of
Learning outcomes are Learning outcomes are
a description of the success achieved by
Learning outcome is a the cumulative results a form of change in the
mastery and abilities students in learning at
learner's achievement of learning progress behavior or nature of
that students achieve school expressed in the
of effort or the result of experienced by an individual that can
related to the material Learning outcomes are a success that describes the value or changes
be observed and in a person
form of scores obtained
thought in the form of students over a certain through learning test
and skills taught after both inknowledge
terms of cognitive,period
affective, and psychomotor as a result
mastery, of time, both measured in the of the learning
going through the results related to a
process or learning
and basic skills. short, mediumprocess.
and long of knowledge, attitudes
certain amount of
term. and skills.
experience. subject matter taught at
Payadnya, Hermawan, Hartati, 2022 Astuti, 2022 Hamalik, 2022 Nawawi, 2022
& Moore, 2022
Literature Review
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are
Learning outcomes are defined as the level of
Learning outcomes are Learning outcomes are
a description of the success achieved by
Learning outcome is a the cumulative results a form of change in the
mastery and abilities students in learning at
learner's achievement of learning progress behavior or nature of
that students achieve school expressed in the
of effort or the result of experienced by an individual that can
related to the material form of scores obtained
thought in the form of students over a certain be observed and
and skills taught after through learning test
mastery, knowledge period of time, both measured in the form
going through the results related to a
and basic skills. short, medium and long of knowledge, attitudes
process or learning certain amount of
term. and skills.
experience. subject matter taught at
According to
Payadnya, Hermawan, Hartati, 2022 Astuti, 2022 Hamalik, 2022 Nawawi, 2022
& Moore, 2022
Meanwhile, Another opinion
according to by Astuti, 2022
Hartati, says that ...
2022 that ...
Based on some of these opinions, it can be concluded that ...
Learning outcomes are a success that describes the value or changes in a person
both in terms of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor as a result of the learning
Method of The Research
Time and Place of Research
Type of Research The location of this research was SMA
Descriptive research with a correlational Negeri 8 Makassar and the time of the
approach research was conducted in the even
semester of the 2022/2023 school
Very High High Medium Low Very Low
The research data shows that the lowest score of self directed
learning obtained by students is 49, the highest score is 81 and
the average score is 64.81.
Results of The Research
1. Self Directed Learning
Table 1.2 Frequency Distribution of Self Directed Learning
Number Interval Category Frequency Percentage
1 73 – 88 Very High 6 8,33
2 60 – 72 High 55 76,39
3 47 – 59 Medium 11 15,28
4 34 – 46 Low 0 0
5 21 - 33 Very Low 0 0
Based on Table 1.2, the score of self directed learning with the
highest frequency obtained by students is in the high interval,
namely 55 people out of a total of 72 students. category.
Results of The Research
1. Self Directed Learning
Very High High Medium Low Very Low
Very High High Medium Low Very Low
The research data shows that the minimum score and maximum
score obtained by students are 7 and 19 respectively and the
average score of physics learning outcomes is 11.97
Results of The Research
2. Physics Learning Outcomes
Table 2.2 Frequency Distribution of Physics Learning Outcomes
Number Interval Category Frequency Percentage
1 16 – 20 Very High 12 16,67
2 12 – 15 High 20 27,78
3 8 – 11 Medium 39 54,17
4 4–7 Low 1 1,39
5 0-3 Very Low 0 0
From Table 2.2 it can be seen that the score of physics learning
outcomes that most students get is in the medium interval,
namely as many as 39 people or 54.17% of all students
Results of The Research
2. Physics Learning Outcomes
Very High High Medium Low Very Low
2.The physics learning outcomes of students at SMA Negeri 8 Makassar is in the medium average category.
3.There is a positive and significant relationship between self directed learning and physics learning
outcomes of students at SMA Negeri 8 Makassar.
Based on the results of the study, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
1.The self directed learning of students at SMA Negeri 8 Makassar is in the high average category.
2.The physics learning outcomes of students at SMA Negeri 8 Makassar is in the medium average category.
3.There is a positive and significant relationship between self directed learning and physics learning
outcomes of students at SMA Negeri 8 Makassar.
This is the presentation of my research results. Next, I
would like to invite the moderator