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An integer is composed of
two parts: the sign and
the numerical part. The
sign indicates a direction
(positive or negative).
For this reason, integers are
called directed numbers.
The set of integers consist
of negative numbers, zero
and positive numbers (or
counting numbers).
Positive numbers may or may not
be preceded by a plus sign (+).
But a negative number must
always be precede by a negative
( - ), the same symbol used in
subtraction. Integers are also
called signed numbers.
a. - 3 is read as “negative
b. +3 or 3 is read as
“positive three” or simply
Other examples where we
use signed numbers are
shown below. In this
concept, zero is the
reference point.
Positive ( + ) Negative ( )

elevation above sea elevation below sea

level or above the level or below the
ground ground
thermometer readings thermometer readings
above zero, below zero,
temperature rise temperature drop
Earnings, income, Loss, debt, deficit
Distance upstream Distance downstream
Integers on the Number Line
Number Line- a straight line
extended on both
directions as illustrated by
arrowheads and is used to
represent the set of real
On the number line, there is
a point for every real
number and there is a real
number for every point.
Two numbers that are
equidistant (same distance)
from zero but located on
the opposite sides are
called opposites. Every real
number has its opposite.
The opposite of -1 is +1; of 2,
it is -2; of 10, it is -10. The
opposite of 0 is 0. The
opposite of a number is
also called its additive
Numbers on the number line
are arranged in increasing
order from left to right. Of
two numbers, the one
located to the right of the
other in the number line
has the greater value.
. One can see that all
positive numbers are
greater than zero, and that
all positive numbers are
greater than negative
. We use symbols < and > to
compare numbers.
1. +5 > 0 5. -3 >-5
2. -7 < 0
3. 5 > -7
4. 3<5
Integers on the right side
are always greater than the
integers on the left side of
the number line.
1.Positive integers are greater
than zero and negative
2. Zero is greater than
negative numbers
3. The smaller the negative
numbers, the greater it is. (-1
is greater than -2)
Seatwork 1.___
Compare the following integers by
writing, > or < on the blank.
1.) -48 ___ 50 6.) 33 ___ 50
2.) -12 ___ -1 7.) -128 ___ 4
3.) 0 ___ -9 8.) 62 ___ -450
4.) -5 ___ -5 9.) 3 ___ 33
5.) 14 ___ -14 10.) -11 ___ 0
Assignment 1.___
Arrange the following integers from
least to greatest.
1.) 3, -3, 6, 0, -1 ________________
2.) 1, 2, -3, 4, -5 ________________
3.) 5, -15, 10, 0, -20 _______________
4.) 2, -4, 6, -8, 10 _______________
• 5.) –84, -93, -72, -64, -100
Arrange the following integers from
greatest to least.
6.) -9, -2, -8, -3, -4 ______________
7.) 10, 20, -30, -40, 5 ____________
8.) -4, -7, -2, 0, -5 ______________
9.) 7, 16, -2, 9, -7 _____________
10.) 0, -5, 6, -7, 8 ____________

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