Emergency Codes
Emergency Codes
Emergency Codes
Alert category
Specific code description
Location of emergency
Your response to the emergency code does not change. The only change is the
language used to announce the emergency situation.
Follow the hospital’s policy and procedure for the specific emergency situation.
Are all hospital codes the same?
Some emergency codes, such as code blue and code red, are fairly
universal across the United States and around the world. But many of
the other codes aren't consistent. Each color can have various
meanings across different states or countries. Some facilities use
numbered code systems rather than colors.
Example of Emergency Codes:
A bomb threat shall be known as a Code Black. In the event a bomb threat is received through a
telephone call, the person receiving the call should: Keep calm. ... The person receiving the
information should complete the Bomb Threat Checklist as soon as possible.
“Code Blue” is generally used to indicate a patient requiring resuscitation or in need of
immediate medical attention, most often as the result of a respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest.
When called overhead, the page takes the form of “Code Blue, (floor), (room)” to alert the
resuscitation team where to respond. Every hospital, as a part of its disaster plans, sets a policy
to determine which units provide personnel for code coverage.
A notification of Code Brown indicates that there has been a spill or leak of a
substance/gas being used on site. Depending on the kind and amount spilled, a
partial or complete evacuation of the building may occur.
Code Green is called when there is a need to evacuate all or part of the
facility to another area within the facility, or out of the facility all
On discovery of this code in your area that requires a search and sweep in other
areas, call and report.
On notification of this code, complete a search and sweep with someone familiar
with the area.
Call and report negative or positive findings.
Remain on alert until the “All Clear” is announced.
Code Amber: Is a hospital wide search for an infant/child who is missing.
A Code Amber will be initiated whenever there is any suspicion of missing/ abduction
of any infant/child by any person, including custodial parents, non-custodial parents,
visitors and patients.