Lesson 3 1

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• As learned in NSTP 1, the National Service
Training Program encourages students to develop
a thorough analysis of the value and importance
of community service through various programs.

• Some topics discussed in NSTP 1 about

community service program includes information
disseminations about Disaster Risk Reduction
Management, First Aids, Clean - Air Act, and
Waste Management.
• As part of the community or barangay program,
students may help out in the medical or dental
mission, feeding programs or host social
activities for a community group such as
seniors, or plan activities with children.

• The programs can last from a few days to

several weeks, depending on the purpose. But
before doing this, students should learn about
what community service is all about and the
community where they will conduct the
community service.
• Community service is when you work for free to
help benefit a certain your community. Usually,
students who choose to do community service
do so as volunteers, meaning that they choose to
WHAT IS help out because they want to do so. Community
COMMUNITY service can have a lot of positive effects on

SERVICE students, such as helping them to develop skills,

making contacts, and allowing them to improve
the quality of life of others.
• Community service programs are
intended to get students be familiar with
issues in local communities or
barangays. Students usually do some
volunteer work on service projects that
deal with environmental, social, or
economic issues in the community. 
• Community service programs can fulfill
different ideas. Some of them are
planned to help NSTP students cultivate
their consciousness regarding their duties
and responsibilities to the society and to
their fellowmen.
• The objectives of community service projects
can help students develop awareness and better
understanding of the community needs and
implement solutions within their means.
Objectives of • It also provides the community skills and
NSTP Community trainings on livelihood activities that would uplift
Service Projects their socio-economic needs. 
• Doing Community Projects also
challenges the facilitators to help
students attain self-interest to realize
they can make a difference by bringing
out in them their potentials and talents
as they experience community service.
• The community survey is conducted to identify
the needs or wants of the community. In order to
find out the needs, an assessment must be done.

• A survey is a systematic process for determining

What is and addressing needs, or “gaps” between present

conditions and preferred conditions or “wants”.
• The difference between the present condition and
wanted condition must be measured to
appropriately identify the need. 
Conducting Community
Profiling and Survey
• Before conducting the community, service students
should be guided by the CHED Memo Order number
63, series of 2017: POLICIES AND GUIDELINES
obligation of the HEIs to adopt mechanism for the
safety of all participants to the off-campus activities
and observe due diligences and strict adherence to the
requirements stipulated in the CMO.
• According to Article 4 Section 6: Coverage, Nature of
Off-Campus Activity if considered Non Curricular;
NSTP is part of a Volunteer work including peer helper
programs, relief operations, community outreach, and
• Non-curricular activity refers to off-
campus activities that are considered as
non-program based activities, among
others, and are left to the discretion of
the concerned HEI for the strategies of
implementation as long as the safety and
security of the students are duly ensured.
• In conducting the community survey, an ocular
inspection should be done first to know if the
place is safe for all (students and facilitators). 

• An inspection of where the activity will be

conducted can help avoid possible problems. 

• A Pass slip or an Authority to travel form should

be accomplished first before doing the ocular
• Before conducting a Community Survey there should be
a Letter of intent (permission letter) to be given to the
Barangay Captain or the respective officers. 

• State the name of the school and ask the Barangay

officials to allow do a study research in the Barangay. 

• State the purpose, the expected length/days that the

survey will be conducted and to keep the records

•  If a member of the group is living in that barangay. It

will be a plus factor for the group (students) for them to
conduct the said activity
• Make sure that the letter details are real, and
valid. Since this is an activity or project in
school, a professor/facilitator together with the
Head of the School should sign this Permission

•  You can also attach in the letter the sample

questionnaire checklist to be use for the survey
and be prepare to personally converse with the
barangay official.

• Here is a sample/format of permission letter: 

• NSTP students will conduct the survey with
the supervision of their Facilitator to its
adopted community. The ratio is One Class per
One Community or Barangay. 

• The target respondents may be any adult (18

above) representing one household and
residing within the class’s assigned

• Each class will be required to interview at least

1 hundred (50) households. Household =
What will the class do with the accomplished
Community Service forms?
• With the assistance or guidance of the Facilitator, the forms are being
collected and tallied using a tally sheet right after the activity.

• The data gathered from the accomplished forms will then be converted
into a Community Profile.

•  This will be the basis serve or as a reference in making a Project

Proposal to be conducted on the adopted community/Barangay. 

Activity: Drama or role playing of community
• Instructions:
1. Organize your class into groups ( members will depend on number of students per class).

2. Choose a scenario that manifest volunteerism in the community and let them simulate the scenario for at
least 10 mins. each group.

3. Prepare a rubric for the grading of activity.

4. Require all the students to submit a reflection.

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