10 Herbal Medicines

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Medical plants abound in nature.

Since most of
them are available and easily accessible, these
medicines are more affordable compared to
synthetic drugs.

Ten medicinal plants have been endorsed by the

DOH-PITAHC, after they have been scientifically
validated to ensure safety and efficacy

• Republic Act No. 8423

• Known as Traditional and Alternative Medicine
Act (TAMA) of 1997
• Signed by President Fidel V. Ramos
• This act created the Philippine Institute of
traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC)
Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative
Health Care

• to further the development of traditional and

alternative medicines in the Philippines
• It will be useful for he patients who have
difficulty in accessing commonly sold drugs in
the pharmacy
Community Health Nursing

• As Nurse, we have a vital role in reaching out to

the people in our communities and provide
health education with regards to the importance
of these herbal medicines
• We should serve as role models to our people in
order to empower them by offering alternative
sources of medication outside the conventional
medicine that is commonly used nowadays.

• The following are the list of the ten (10)

medicinal plants that the Philippine Department
of Health (DOH) through its “Traditional Health
Program” has endorsed.
• All ten (10) herbs have been thoroughly tested
and have been clinically proven to have medicinal
value in the relief and treatment of various

S – Sambong L – Lagundi
A – Ampalaya U – Ulasimang Bato
N – Niyog-niyugan B – Bawang
T – Tsaang Gubat B – Bayabas
A – Akapulko Y – Yerba Buena
1. Sambong (Blumea balsamifera)
- A diuretic that helps in the excretion of urinary
stones (anti-urolithiasis) (anti-edema)
- Aids in treating hypertension and rheumatism
- Treatment of colds and fever
- Help remove worms, boils
- Treats dysentery and sore throat

• Boil chopped leaves in a glass of water for 15

minutes until one glassful remains
• Divide decoction into 3 parts, drink one part 3
times a day
2. Ampalaya (Mamordica charantia)
- Known as “bitter gourd” or “bitter melon”
- Good for rheumatism and gout
- Lowers blood sugar level (Diabetes Mellitus)
- Helps lower blood sugar

• Chopped leaves then boil in a glass of water for 5

• Cool and strain
• Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals
3. Niyug-niyogan (Quisqualis indica)
- Vine known as “Chinese honey suckles”
- Anti-helminthic (parasitic worms) – it is effective
in the elimination of intestinal worms,
particularly the Ascaris and Trichina

• Only the dried matured seeds are medicinal: crack and

ingest the dried seeds two (2) hours after eating (5-7
seeds for children and 8-10 seeds for adults)
• If one dose does not eliminate the worms, wait a week
before repeating the dose.

Not to be given to children below
4 years old
4. Tsaang Gubat (Carmona retusa)
- The leaves of this shrub has high fluoride
content (mouthwash)
- Treatment for gastroenteritis, intestinal motility,
dysentery (stomach ache)
- Diarrhea or irritable vowel movement (LBM)

• Boil chopped leaves into 2 glasses of water for 15

• Cool and filter/strain
• Divide decoction into 4 parts
• Drink 1 part every 3 hours.
5. Akapulko (Cassia, alala L.)
- Also known as “bayabas-bayabasan” and “ringworm
- Used to treat ringworms and skin fungal infection
and scabies. (Anti-fungal)

• Fresh matured leaves are pounded.

• Apply soap to the affected area 1-2 times a day
6. Lagundi (Vitex negundo)
- Known in English as the “5 leave chaste tree”
- Skin diseases
- Headache
- Asthma, cough and fever
- Rheumatism, sprain, insect bites, contusions
- Eczema
- Dysentery
• Asthma, cough, fever, dysentery, colds and pain
- Decoction: boil raw fruits or leaves in 2 glasses for 15
- Drink a cup after meals, 3 times a day
• Skin disease
- Wash and clean the skin/wound with the prepared
decoction leaves
• Headache
- Crush leaves then apply on forehead

• Rheumatism, sprain, contusions, insect bites

- Pound leaves and apply on affected area

• Aromatic bath
- For sick and newly delivered patients
7. Ulasimang Bato (Peperonia pellucida)
- Also known as “pansit-pansitan”
- Lower uric acid, anti-hyperurisemia
(Uric Acid excretion)
- For rheumatism and gout

• Can be eaten fresh (about a cupful) as salad or like tea

• Boil a cup of clean chopped leaves in 2 cups of water
• Boil for 15 to 20 minutes
• Strain, let cool, and drink a cup after meal, 3 times a day
8. Bawang
- Popularly known as “garlic’
- Good for the heart
- Aid in lowering blood pressure (Hypertension)
- lower cholesterol levels in the blood
- Boost immune system to fight infection
- Relieves sore throat and toothache

• May be fried, toasted, soaked in vinegar for 30 minutes, or

blanched in boiled water for 15 minutes
• Take 2 pieces 3 times a day after meals

For Toothache
• pound a small piece and apply to affected area
9. Bayabas/ Guavas (Psidium guajava L.)
- Used as antiseptic, to disinfect wounds (washing
of wounds)
- for Diarrhea
- Mouthwash for tooth decay and gum infection
• Chopped leaves are boiled for 15 minutes. Warm decoction is used
for gargle. Freshly pounded leaves are used for toothache
• Warm decoction is used for gargle
• Taken 3-4 times a day as gargle and for toothache

• Maybe taken 3-4 times a day

Washing wounds
• Wash the leaves with running water before boiling it for at least 15
• Wait until the decoction cools down into lukewarm temperature
before rinsing the wound with it
• Done twice a day
10. Yerba Buena (Mentha cordifelia)
- Analgesic or anti-pyretic
- Swollen Gums, Toothache
- Cough and colds
- Pain, rheumatism, and headache
- Insect bites and pruritus
- Menstrual and gas pain
- Arthritis
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Diarrhea
• Pain (headache, stomach ache)
- Chopped leaves are boiled in 2 glasses for 15 minutes.
Drink one part every 3 hours

• Rheumatism, arthritis, headache

- Crush leaves and squeeze sap. Massage sap on painful
parts with eucalyptus

• Cough and Cold

- Soak 10 fresh leaves in glass of hot water. Drink as tea

• Swollen gums
- Steep (soak) 6g of fresh leaves in a glass of boiling water
for 30 minutes. Use solution as gargle
• Toothache
- Soak a piece of cotton in the squeeze sap and insert this in
aching tooth cavity
• Menstrual and gas pain
- Soak a handful of leaves in a glass of boiling water. Drink

• Nausea and fainting

- Crush leaves and apply at nostrils of patients

• Insect bites
- Crush leaves and apply juice on affected area

• Pruritus
- decoction: boil plant alone or with eucalyptus in water
Additional safety guidelines on using medicinal
1. Do not take for granted the identification of the
2. Use only the recommended amount for the
recommended period.
3. If you're over 65 and sensitive to drugs, start
with low-strength preparation.
4. Be extra cautious if you have chronic diseases.
5. Pay attention to any symptoms of toxicity.

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