Simple Linear Regression

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Linear Regression

Learning Goals
• What is regression?
• Why regression?
• Scatter plot
• Measures of association
• Correlation coefficient
• Simple linear regression
• Fitting a regression line

Regression Analysis

✔ Regression Analysis + Correlation = Predict future performance using past results

✔ While Correlation explains the degree of linear relationship that exists between two
variables, Regression defines the relationship more precisely
✔ Regression analysis is a tool that uses data on relevant variables to develop a prediction
equation, or model
✔ It generates an equation to describe the statistical relationship between one or more
predictors and the response variable and to predict new observations
Simple Linear Regression
Simple linear regression is useful for finding relationship between two continuous variables.
One is predictor or independent variable and other is response or dependent variable.

It looks for statistical relationship but not deterministic relationship.

For example, relationship between height and weight.

✔In Simple Linear Regression, a single variable "X" is used to define/predict Y

✔E.g. Used car cost = B1 + (B2) x (Miles driven) + E (error)
✔Simple Regression Equation: Y = B1 + (B2) *(X)+ E (error)
Exp Salary
2 50 160

4 70 140

3 55 120
9 75
12 120 100

14 150 80
10 75
2 40 60

6 80 40
6 70

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Exp(Yrs) Salary(KUSD)
2 50
4 70
3 55
9 75
12 120
14 150
10 75
2 40
6 80
6 70 160








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Business Case :The Newspaper Data
• In order to investigate the feasibility of starting a Sunday edition for a large metropolitan
newspaper, information was obtained from a sample of 34 newspapers concerning their daily
and Sunday circulations (in thousands)
Newspaper daily sunday Newspaper daily sunday
Baltimore Sun 391.952 488.506 New York Daily News 781.796 983.24
Boston Globe 516.981 798.298 New York Times 1209.225 1762.015
Boston Herald 355.628 235.084 Newsday 825.512 960.308
Charlotte Observer 238.555 299.451 Omaha World Herald 223.748 284.611
Chicago Sun Times 537.78 559.093 Orange County Register 354.843 407.76
Chicago Tribune 733.775 1133.249 Philadelphia Inquirer 515.523 982.663
Cincinnati Enquirer 198.832 348.744 Pittsburgh Press 220.465 557
Denver Post 252.624 417.779 Portland Oregonian 337.672 440.923
Des Moines Register 206.204 344.522 Providence Journal-Bulletin 197.12 268.06
Hartford Courant 231.177 323.084 Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 133.239 262.048
Houston Chronicle 449.755 620.752 Rocky Mountain News 374.009 432.502
Kansas City Star 288.571 423.305 Sacramento Bee 273.844 338.355
Los Angeles Daily News 185.736 202.614 San Francisco Chronicle 570.364 704.322
Los Angeles Times 1164.388 1531.527 St. Louis Post-Dispatch 391.286 585.681
Miami Herald 444.581 553.479 St. Paul Pioneer Press 201.86 267.781
Minneapolis Star Tribune 412.871 685.975 Tampa Tribune 321.626 408.343
New Orleans Times-Picayune 272.28 324.241 Washington Post 838.902 1165.567
Source: Gale Directory of Publications, 1994
Scatter Plot: The Newspaper data

Which Straight Line? … The Newspaper data

The Best Line: Least Squares Method
•The line of our interest is:

Coefficient of Determination R^2

Measure of Variation
Sums of Squares
•Total sum of squares = Regression sum of squares + Error sum of squares
•Total variation = Explained variation + Unexplained variation

Let us do the Regression in Python

Simple Linear Regression: The Newspaper data

Regression Output
Coefficients Estimate t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) 13.83563 0.386

daily 1.33971 18.935 <2e-16

Multiple R-squared: 0.9181, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9155

F-statistic: 358.5 on 1 and 32 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

The omnibus test is a likelihood-ratio chi-square test of the current model versus the null (in this case, intercept) model . The significance value of less than
0.05 indicates that the current model outperforms the null model.

The Durbin Watson statistic is a test for autocorrelation in a regression model's output. The DW statistic ranges from zero to four, with a value of 2.0 indicating
zero autocorrelation. Values below 2.0 mean there is positive autocorrelation and above 2.0 indicates negative autocorrelation.

Autocorrelation measures the relationship between a variable's current value and its past values.

Jarque–Bera test is a goodness-of-fit test of whether sample data have the skewness and kurtosis matching a normal distribution .

The condition number a measure of how close a matrix is to being singular: a matrix with large condition number is nearly singular, whereas a matrix with
condition number close to 1 is far from being singular.

The Akaike information criterion (AIC) is a mathematical method for evaluating how well a model fits the data it was generated from . In statistics, AIC is used to
compare different possible models and determine which one is the best fit for the data. The model with the lowest AIC offers the best fit.

The Bayesian Information Criterion, often abbreviated BIC, is a metric that is used to compare the goodness of fit of different regression models. In practice,
we fit several regression models to the same dataset and choose the model with the lowest BIC value as the model that best fits the data.
Waist Circumference – Adipose Tissue
The Waist Circumference – Adipose Tissue business problem
• Studies have shown that individuals with excess Adipose tissue (AT) in the abdominal region have a
higher risk of cardio-vascular diseases
• Computed Tomography, commonly called the CT Scan is the only technique that allows for the precise
and reliable measurement of the AT (at any site in the body)
• The problems with using the CT scan are:
• Many physicians do not have access to this technology
• Irradiation of the patient (suppresses the immune system) In-class Exercise
• Expensive
• Is there a simpler yet reasonably accurate way to predict the AT area? i.e.
• Easily available
• Risk free
• Inexpensive
• A group of researchers1 conducted a study with the aim of predicting abdominal AT area using simple
anthropometric measurements i.e. measurements on the human body
• The Waist Circumference – Adipose Tissue data is a part of this study wherein the aim is to study how
well waist circumference(WC) predicts the AT area.
The Waist Circumference – Adipose Tissue
data Observation
3 81.8 42.6 40 79 55.48 77 103 109
4 83.95 42.8 41 83.5 73.13 78 104 127
5 74.65 29.84 42 76 50.5 79 106 112
6 71.85 21.68 43 80.5 50.88 80 109 192
7 80.9 29.08 44 86.5 140 81 103.5 132
8 83.4 32.98 45 83 96.54 82 110 126
9 63.5 11.44 46 107.1 118 83 110 153
10 73.2 32.22 47 94.3 107 84 112 158
11 71.9 28.32 48 94.5 123 85 108.5 183
12 75 43.86 49 79.7 65.92 86 104 184
13 73.1 38.21 50 79.3 81.29 87 111 121
14 79 42.48 51 89.8 111 88 108.5 159
15 77 30.96 52 83.8 90.73 89 121 245
16 68.85 55.78 53 85.2 133 90 109 137
17 75.95 43.78 54 75.5 41.9 91 97.5 165
18 74.15 33.41 55 78.4 41.71 92 105.5 152
19 73.8 43.35 56 78.6 58.16 93 98 181
20 75.9 29.31 57 87.8 88.85 94 94.5 80.95
21 76.85 36.6 58 86.3 155 95 97 137
22 80.9 40.25 59 85.5 70.77 96 105 125
23 79.9 35.43 60 83.7 75.08 97 106 241
24 89.2 60.09 61 77.6 57.05 98 99 134
25 82 45.84 62 84.9 99.73 99 91 150
26 92 70.4 63 79.8 27.96 100 102.5 198
27 86.6 83.45 64 108.3 123 101 106 151
28 80.5 84.3 65 119.6 90.41 102 109.1 229
29 86 78.89 66 119.9 106 103 115 253
30 82.5 64.75 67 96.5 144 104 101 188
31 83.5 72.56 68 105.5 121 105 100.1 124
32 88.1 89.31 69 105 97.13 106 93.3 62.2
33 90.8 78.94 70 107 166 107 101.8 133
34 89.4 83.55 71 107 87.99 108 107.9 208
35 102 127 72 101 154 109 108.5 208
36 94.5 121 73 97 100       18
37 91 107 74 100 123      
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