4 Corrosion

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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021-2022

Course name: Engineering Chemistry

Course code : CY 1001

Credits : 3
Mode of delivery : Power point presentation
Faculty : Dr. Amrita Biswas
Email-id : [email protected]

Unit 4 – Electrochemistry and corrosion science

22. Introduction, significance, types of corrosion, dry corrosion. Nature of oxide layers; PB Rule
23. Wet Corrosion: Electrochemical corrosion
24. Galvanic corrosion; Differential aeration corrosion: Pitting corrosion, Water line corrosion,
Crevice corrosion
25. Factors affecting corrosion: Nature of the metal, Nature of the Environment
26. Corrosion prevention by material selection and design alternation of environment by changing
medium; Stress corrosion – Caustic embrittlement
27. Cathodic protection –sacrificial anode and impressed voltage methods, Anodic protection;
Inhibitors – Anodic and Cathodic inhibitors, Protective coating – Metal coating (Electroplating,
galvanization, Tinning).
28. Introduction and theory of batteries and fuel cells.
29. Chemistry (working) of primary and secondary batteries.
30. Working principles of fuels cells and their applications.
31. Revision
Learning objectives

After following today’s class, you’ll be able to:

1. Define corrosion
2. Classify different types of corrosion
3. Explain protective and destructive layers
4. Apply a mathematical equation to examine corrosion
Corrosion  degradation of a material by chemical means.

(Reverse process of metal extraction)

Metal Ore

Reduction Refining

Pure Metal

Oxidation Corrosion

Corrosion product
Corrosion - Energetics
Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product
Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)
Corrosion - Energetics
Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product
Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)
Corrosion - Energetics
Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product
Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)

e rg

Reaction Coordinate
Corrosion - Energetics
Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product
Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)

e rg

Reaction Coordinate
Corrosion - Energetics
Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product
Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)

e rg
En Metal

Ore Corrosion Product

Reaction Coordinate
Corrosion may be considered to be the degradation of a material
by chemical means.
• Although all materials will degrade in some way, the term
corrosion is usually applied to metals, hence metallic corrosion.
• When considering metals, corrosion is essentially the reverse of
the refining process. When metals are extracted from the earth
they are refined into pure metals from the various ores (metal
oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, etc).
• As a result of corrosion, the metal reacts with chemicals in the
environment and progressively returns to the combined form,
rust is a form of iron oxide.

Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product

Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)
Effects of corrosion
Corrosion is a slow process but highly detrimental to metals
• Metallic properties are lost
• Frequent replacement and maintenance
• Reduced Strength
• Life time is reduced
• Wastage of metal
• Contamination
• Especially problematic for hazardous containers
Effects of corrosion
Corrosion is a slow process but highly detrimental to metals
• Metallic properties are lost
• Frequent replacement and maintenance
• Reduced Strength
• Life time is reduced
• Wastage of metal
• Contamination
• Especially problematic for hazardous containers

25% of the annual production of iron is wasted because of

Theories of corrosion
1. Acid theory:
• The presence of acid is essential.
• Example: rusting of iron.

2. Direct chemical attack: This theory explains the so-called

chemical or dry corrosion. Example: direct chemical attack by
dry gases
3. The electrochemical theory: This theory explains the indirect
or wet corrosion. The modern electrochemical theory is based
on Nernst theory.
Theories of corrosion
Acid theory:
• This theory suggests that the presence of acid (such as carbonic
acid) is essential for corrosion.
• This theory is particularly applicable to rusting of iron in the
• The rusting is due to continued action of oxygen, carbon
dioxide and moisture, converting the metal into soluble ferrous
bicarbonate which is further oxidized to basic ferric carbonate
and finally to hydrated ferric oxide.
Theory of corrosion
Chemical (or) Dry Corrosion
What is it?
The direct chemical attack on the atmospheric content on the
metal surfaces in the absence of moisture

1. Oxidation Corrosion: Direct action of oxygen at high (or) low

temperature on metal surfaces.
2. Corrosion by other Gases: Attack of gases like SO2, CO2, H2S,
Cl2, F2 etc. on metal surfaces.
3. Liquid Metal Corrosion : Attack of inorganic liquid metals on
solid metallic surfaces.
1. Oxidation Corrosion


 (Loss of electrons = Oxidation)

 (Gain of electrons = Reduction)
1. Oxidation Corrosion

If the formed metal oxide is stable,

further corrosion of metal is prevented

(Example: Al, Sn, Pb, Cu)

1. Oxidation Corrosion
If the formed metal oxide is stable, further corrosion of metal is prevented

(Example: Copper)
1. Oxidation Corrosion
If the formed metal oxide is stable, further corrosion of metal is prevented

(Example: Bronze)
1. Oxidation Corrosion

If the formed metal oxide is unstable,

corrosion does not occur*
1. Oxidation Corrosion

If the formed metal oxide is unstable,

corrosion does not occur*

(Example: Ag, Au, Pt)  Nobel metals


Metal oxide

e rg


Reaction Coordinate
1. Oxidation Corrosion

If the formed metal oxide is volatile,

surface is rapidly exposed, and evaporated
1. Oxidation Corrosion

If the formed metal oxide is volatile,

surface is rapidly exposed, and evaporated

(Example: Mo)
1. Oxidation Corrosion

If the formed metal oxide is porous,

surface is rapidly exposed, and evaporated
1. Oxidation Corrosion

If the formed metal oxide is porous,

surface is rapidly exposed, and evaporated

(Example: Iron, Steel)

Three types of oxides may
form, depending on the
volume ratio between the
metal and the oxide:
a. Magnesium produces
a porous oxide film,
b. Aluminum forms a
protective, adherent,
nonporous oxide film,
c. Iron forms an oxide
film that spills off the
surface and provides
poor protection.
Pilling-Bedworth rule
The Pilling-Bedworth rule 
Pilling-Bedworth rule
The Pilling-Bedworth rule 
Pilling-Bedworth rule
The Pilling-Bedworth rule 

Three types of oxides may form, depending on the volume ratio

between the metal and the oxide:
a. Magnesium produces a porous oxide film,
b. Aluminum forms a protective, adherent, nonporous oxide film,
c. Iron forms an oxide film that spills off the surface and provides
poor protection.
Pilling-Bedworth Ratio
The Pilling-Bedworth ratio (P-B ratio), in corrosion of metals, is
the ratio of the volume of the elementary cell of a metal oxide to
the volume of the elementary cell of the corresponding metal
(from which the oxide is created).

On the basis of the P-B ratio, it can be judged if the metal is likely
to passivate in dry air by creation of a protective oxide layer.
Pilling-Bedworth Ratio
The Pilling-Bedworth ratio (P-B ratio), in corrosion of metals, is
the ratio of the volume of the elementary cell of a metal oxide to
the volume of the elementary cell of the corresponding metal
(from which the oxide is created).

RPB : is the Pilling-Bedworth ratio,
V : the molar volume
ρ : density,
M : the atomic or molecular mass,
n : number of atoms of metal per one molecule of the oxide
Pilling-Bedworth Ratio
On the basis of measurements, the following connection can be shown:

the oxide coating layer is too thin, likely broken and provides no
protective effect (for example magnesium)
the oxide coating provides protective effect

However, the exceptions to the above P-B ratio rules are numerous. Many of
the exceptions can be attributed to the mechanism of the oxide growth: the
underlying assumption in the P-B ratio is that oxygen needs to diffuse through
the oxide layer to the metal surface; in reality, it is often the metal ion that
diffuses to the air-oxide interface.
Calculation of Pilling-Bedworth Ratio

V Oxide M Oxide × ρ Metal

𝐑 𝐏𝐁 = =
V Metal n × M Metal × ρOxide

Oxide Oxide Density Atomic Metal Molecular P-B Ratio

(g/cc) weight of Density Weight of
Metal (g/cc) Oxide
MgO 3.65 24.3 1.74 40.3 0.79

CaO 3.40 40.08 1.55 56.1 0.04

Al2O3 3.70 27.00 2.70 102.0 1.37

Calculation of Pilling-Bedworth Ratio

V Oxide M Oxide × ρ Metal

𝐑 𝐏𝐁 = =
V Metal n × M Metal × ρOxide

Oxide Oxide Atomic Metal Molecular P-B Ratio

Density Weight of Density Weight of
(g/cc) Metal (g/cc) Oxide
Cr2O3 5.22 52 7.19 152.0 ?

Na2O 2.27 23 0.97 62.0 ?

NiO 6.67 58.69 8.91 74.7 ?

K2 O 2.13 39.09 0.86 94.2 ?

Calculation of Pilling-Bedworth Ratio

V Oxide M Oxide × ρ Metal

𝐑 𝐏𝐁 = =
V Metal n × M Metal × ρOxide

Oxide Oxide Atomic Metal Molecular P-B Ratio

Density Weight of Density Weight of
(g/cc) Metal (g/cc) Oxide
Cr2O3 5.22 52 7.19 152.0 2.01

Na2O 2.27 23 0.97 62.0 0.57

NiO 6.67 58.69 8.91 74.7 1.70

K2 O 2.13 39.09 0.86 94.2 0.48

2. Corrosion by gases
The gases such as SO2, CO2, H2S, Cl2, F2 etc., when come in direct
contact with metal surface corrosion occurs.
• The extent of corrosion depends on the chemical affinity
between the metal and the gas concerned.
• The prevention of metal corrosion can be known from the
nature of corrosion product.

Whether the layer of corrosion product is protecting or non-

protecting in nature.
• If the formed corrosion product is protecting (or) non porous metal is
prevented. Ex: AgCl layer on metallic silver by the action of Cl2 gas.
• If the formed corrosion product is non protecting (or) porous , the corrosion
of metals occurs non stop. Ex: H2S gas attacks on steel at high temperature
forming FeS , a corrosion product which is porous.
3. Liquid metal corrosion
The chemical action of the flowing liquid metal at high
temperature, on a solid metal or alloy produces liquid metal

There are two reasons for this corrosion –

• Dissolution of the solid metal by liquid metal

• Internal penetration of the liquid metal into the solid phase,

weakening the solid metal.

Example: liquid Na used as a coolant in a nuclear plants, these

causes cadmium corrosion.
Theories of corrosion
Theories of corrosion

Dry or chemical corrosion: Wet or electrochemical corrosion:

• This occurs at dry • This occurs at wet conditions
conditions (electrolytic medium)

• Corrosion is uniform • Corrosion Is not uniform

• It is a slow process • It is a rapid process
• It involves direct chemical • It involves formation of
attack electrochemical cells
• Explained by absorption • Explained by mechanism of
mechanism electrochemical reactions
Electrochemical corrosion
The metal surface undergoes an electrochemical reaction with the
moisture and oxygen in the atmosphere. This theory is known as
electrochemical theory of corrosion.
Mechanism :
• Anodic reaction : Oxidation of metal (corrosion)
• Cathodic reaction : Consumption of electrons

Corrosion always occurs at the anode

Mechanism of wet corrosion

(Oxidation) (Reduction)

2 H+(aq) + 2e-  H2
M(s)  M2+(aq) + 2e- (Acidic medium)
(Dissolution or corrosion
½ O2(g) + H2O (aq) +2 e-  OH-
of metal takes place)
(Neutral medium)
Mechanism of wet corrosion

1. The formation of anodic and cathodic areas or parts in contact

with each other.

2. Presence of a conducting medium.

3. Corrosions of anodic areas only.

4. Formation of corrosion product somewhere between anodic

and cathodic areas.
1) Mechanism of wet corrosion

Wet corrosion takes place by the following two ways based on the
nature of medium:
1) Evolution of H2 (acidic medium)
Anode: Fe (s)  Fe2+ (aq) + 2e-
Cathode: 2 H+ (aq) + 2e-  H2

Displacement of hydrogen ions from the acidic solution by metal ions)

1) Mechanism of wet corrosion

Wet corrosion takes place by the following two ways based on the
nature of medium:
1) Absorption of O2 : Neutral medium
Anode: Fe(s)  Fe2+(aq) + 2e-
Cathode: ½ O2(g) + H2O (aq) +2 e-  2OH-
1) Mechanism of wet corrosion

Salt speeds up the process

Fe2+ Rust

Iron Dissolves-
O2 + 2H2O +4e- ® 4OH-
Fe ® Fe+2
4Fe2+ + O2 + 4H2O ® 2Fe2O3 + 8 H+
Theories of corrosion
Galvanic Corrosion

Galvanic corrosion is an electrochemical process in which

one metal corrodes preferentially to another when both metals
are in electrical contact and immersed in an electrolyte.

Galvanic cell
Galvanic Corrosion

Galvanic corrosion is an electrochemical process in which

one metal corrodes preferentially to another when both metals
are in electrical contact and immersed in an electrolyte.
Galvanic Corrosion

Galvanic corrosion is an electrochemical process in which

one metal corrodes preferentially to another when both metals
are in electrical contact and immersed in an electrolyte.
Galvanic Corrosion
• Possibility when two dissimilar metals are electrically
connected in an electrolyte.
• Results from a difference in oxidation potentials of metallic ions
between two or more metals. The greater the difference in
oxidation potential, the greater the galvanic corrosion.
• Galvanic coupling is a galvanic cell in which the anode is the
less corrosion resistant metal than the cathode
• The less noble metal will corrode (i.e. will act as the anode) and
the more noble metal will not corrode (acts as cathode).
• Perhaps the best known of all corrosion types is galvanic
corrosion, which occurs at the contact point of two metals or
alloys with different electrode potentials.
Standard electrode potential
Galvanic series

PASSIVE – will not

corrode – act as
cathode. These
elements are least likely
to give up electrons!

ACTIVE – will corrode –

act as anode. These
elements most likely to
give up electrons!
The Galvanic series
The galvanic series (or electro-potential series) determines the
nobility of metals and semi-metals.
When two metals are submerged in an electrolyte, while
electrically connected, the less noble (base) will experience
galvanic corrosion.
The rate of corrosion is determined by
• the electrolyte and
• the difference in nobility.
The difference can be measured as a difference in voltage

Galvanic reaction is the principle upon which batteries are based.

Design for Galvanic Corrosion

Severity of Galvanic corrosion depends on:

• Amount of separation in the galvanic series
• Relative surface areas of the two. Severe corrosion if anode area
(area eaten away) is smaller than the cathode area.

It does NOT depend upon:

• Amount of contact
• Volume
• Mass

PASSIVE – will not

corrode – act as
cathode. These
elements are least likely
to give up electrons!

Iron screws and brass

ACTIVE – will corrode –

act as anode. These
elements most likely to
give up electrons!

PASSIVE – will not

corrode – act as
cathode. These
elements are least likely
to give up electrons!

Iron screw in Mg

ACTIVE – will corrode –

act as anode. These
elements most likely to
give up electrons!

Iron screws and brass Iron screw in Mg

Dissimilar metals, the damage occurs at the anode.


PASSIVE – will not

corrode – act as
cathode. These
elements are least likely
to give up electrons!

ACTIVE – will corrode –

act as anode. These
elements most likely to
give up electrons!

Big Cathode, Small Anode = Big Trouble

Design for Galvanic Corrosion

 Material Selection: Do not connect dissimilar
metals! Or if you can’t avoid it:
 Try to electrically isolate one from the other (rubber
 Make the anode large and the cathode small
 Bad situation: Steel siding with aluminum fasteners
 Better: Aluminum siding with steel fasteners
 Eliminate electrolyte
 Galvanic of anodic protection

Steel bolt (less noble) is isolated from copper plates.

An iron rod and a copper rod are immersed in a conducting
solution and two of the electrodes are connected by a wire. The
surface area of iron rod and copper rod are x cm2 and y cm2
respectively. Consider the two cases-
(i) x: y > 1 and
(ii) x: y < 1

• Which one of the metals will be corroded?

• Among the two cases where the corrosion will be more and
Theories of corrosion
3) Concentration cell corrosion
Because of differential aeration, the concentration of O2 is varied
and causes Oxidation of metal .

1. Pitting corrosion
2. Water line corrosion
3. Crevice corrosion
3) Concentration cell corrosion
Because of differential aeration, the concentration of O2 is varied
and causes Oxidation of metal .
3.a) Water line corrosion

When water is stored in a metallic tank, it is observed that the

metal below the waterline gets corroded.
• The water below the waterline is poorly oxygenated and acts as
an anode.
• The metal above the waterline is highly oxygenated and acts as
a cathode.
General facts about differential aeration corrosion
• Corrosion may be accelerated in apparently inaccessible places,
because the oxygen deficient areas serve as anode, therefore,
cracks serve as foci for corrosion.
• Corrosion is accelerated under accumulation of dirt sand, scale
and other contamination. This is because accumulation of rust
and scale restricts the access of oxygen and establish an anode
to promote greater accumulation.
• Metal exposed to aqueous media under blocks of wood or
piece of glass, which screen that portion of metal from oxygen.

Anode: Fe(s)  Fe2+(aq) + 2e-

Cathode: ½ O2(g) + H2O (aq) +2 e-  2OH-

3.b) Pitting corrosion

Pitting corrosion, is a form of extremely localized corrosion that

leads to the creation of small holes in the metal.
3.b) Pitting corrosion

Pitting Corrosion is an extremely localized corrosion mechanism

that causes destructive pits.
3.c) Crevice corrosion
• Here, corrosion take place in crevices because solutions
retained at this place and takes longer time to dry out.
• When this occurs, the attack is more severe at crevices.
• Crevices are formed because of the metal contact with another
piece of the same or other metal or with a nonmetallic
• Corrosion in crevice is due to deficiency of O2, acidity changes,.
Measures to Reduce Pitting and Crevice Corrosion
• Fully understand the environment.
• Control the environment to low chloride content and low
temperature if possible.
• Use alloys sufficiently high in chromium, molybdenum and/or
nitrogen to ensure resistance.
• Prepare surfaces to best possible finish. Mirror-finish resists
pitting best.
• Remove all contaminants, especially free-iron, by passivation.
• Design and fabricate to avoid crevices.
• Design and fabricate to avoid trapped and pooled liquids.
• Weld with correct consumables and practices and inspect to
check for inadvertent crevices.
3.d) Stress corrosion
Stress corrosion is combined effects of static tensile stress and the
corrosive environments on a metal.

It is characterized by the highly localized corrosion. For stress

corrosion to occurs:
1. Presence of tensile stress
2. A specific corrosive environments

For e.g. caustic alkali and strong nitrate solution for mild steel,
traces of ammonia for brass, acids chloride solution for stainless
Stress corrosion
Stress corrosion is combined effects of static tensile stress and the
corrosive environments on a metal.

Tensile stress is caused by:

• Deformation during fabrication
• Unequal rate of cooling from high temp.
• Internal stress rearrangement involving volume changes
• Stress induced by rivets, bolts and shrink fits.
• Eliminating high stress areas prevent this type of corrosion.
Stressed corrosion and cracking
Stressed corrosion and cracking
Caustic embrittlement
This is very dangerous form of stress corrosion, occurring in mild
steel exposed to alkaline solution at high temperature and

The failure is often associated with steam boiler and heat transfer
equipment in which water of high alkalinity attacks the mild steel
plates, particularly at the crevices near rivets.
Caustic embrittlement
Boiler water, usually contains a certain portion of sodium
carbonate, added for water softening purposes. In high pressure

• Sodium hydroxide makes water alkaline in nature.

• Dilute alkaline boiler water flow into the minute hair-cracks and crevices by
capillary action.
• Water evaporates and the concentration of caustic soda builds up.
• The concentrated alkali dissolve iron as sodium ferroate (Na2FeO2) in cracks
and crevices (where the metal is stresses and the concentration of alkali is
much higher than that in the body of the liquid)
• The sodium ferroate (Na2FeO2) decomposes, a short distances from its point
of formation.
Design for Stress Corrosion Cracking
• Material selection for a given environment.
• Reduce applied or residual stress – Stress relieve to eliminate
residual stress (i.e. stress relieve after heat treat).
• Introduce residual compressive stress in the service.
• Use corrosion alloy inhibitors.
• Apply protective coatings.
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion

1. Nature of metal
2. Nature of the corroding environment
3. Solution pH
4. Oxidizing agent
5. Temperature
6. Velocity
7. Surface films
8. Other factors
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
1. Nature of the metal
• Position in the Galvanic series
• Relative areas of the cathodic and anodic parts
• Purity of metal (tiny electrochemical cells)
• Physical state of the metal (grain size, crystal faces)
• Nature of the surface film
• Passive character of the metal
• Volatility of the corrosion product
• Solubility of the corrosion product
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
2. Nature of the corroding environment
• Temperature
• Humidity of air
• Presence of impurities in atmosphere
• Nature of ions present in environment
• Conductance of corroding medium
• Amount of oxygen in atmosphere
• Velocity of ions which flow in the medium
• pH value of the medium
• Suspended impurities
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
3. Solution pH

• Metals such as Fe dissolve rapidly in acidic solution. In the

middle pH range the concentration of H+ ions is low. Hence, the
corrosion rate is controlled by the rate of transport of oxygen.
• Certain amphoteric metals dissolve rapidly in either acidic or
basic solution. e.g. Al and Zn.
• Noble metals are not affected by pH e.g. Au and Pt.

• H+ ions capture electrons and promote anodic corrosion.

Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
4. Oxidizing agents
• Oxidizing agents accelerate the corrosion of one class of
materials, whereas retard another class.
• Oxidizing agent retard corrosion due to formation of surface
oxide films, which makes the surface more resistant to chemical
• Thus a balance between the power of oxidizing agent to
preserve the protective layer and their tendency to destroy the
protective film determine the corrosion of metal.
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
5. Temperature
• Rise in temp increase rate of corrosion.
• Increase in temp reduce the solubility of oxygen or air. The
released oxygen enhances the corrosion.
• Increase in temp induces phase change, which enhance the
rate of corrosion.
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
6. Velocity
• High velocity of corrosive medium increases corrosion.
• Corrosion products are formed rapidly, because chemicals are
brought to the surface at a high rate.
• The accumulation of insoluble film on the metallic surface is
prevented. So corrosion resistance of these films decreases.
• The corrosion products are easily stifled and carried away,
thereby exposing the new surfaces for corrosion.
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
7. Surface Films
• The oxide films are formed on the surface of S.S. these films
absorb moisture, which delay time of drying and hence
increases the extent of corrosion.
• Insoluble slats such as carbonates and sulphates may be
precipitated from hot solution on the metal surfaces. These
protects the metal surfaces.
• If the film is porous (e.g. ZnO) corrosion continues. Nonporous
films (CrO on iron) prevents further corrosion.
• Oil and grease films may occur on the surface either
intentionally or naturally. These films protect surface from
direct contact with corrosive substance. e.g. metals submerged
in sewage .
Corrosion control methods
• Selection of metals
• Proper design
• Use pure metal
• Modifying the environment
• Sacrificial anodic protection
• Corrosion inhibitors
• Surface coatings (Paints, Electroplating, etc.)
Corrosion control methods
1. Proper design
• Minimal contact with medium
• Prevention from moisture
• Adequate ventilation and drainage
• Welding
• Avoid cervices between adjacent parts
• Bend should be smooth
• Bimetallic contacts should be avoided
• Paint cathodic portion
• Prevent uneven stress
Corrosion control methods
1. Proper design
Corrosion control methods
1. Proper design
Corrosion control methods
2. Modifying the environment
The corrosive nature of the environment can be reduced either
1. By the removal of harmful constituents
2. By the addition of specific substances which neutralize the effects of
corrosive constituents of the environments
Deactivation involves the addition of chemicals, capable of
combining with the oxygen in aqueous solution by using
• Sodium sulphite

• Hydrazine hydrate

• Dehumidification: Silica gel, Alumina
• Alkaline neutralization: NH3, NaOH
Corrosion control methods
3. Cathodic protection
The method of protection given to a metal by forcibly making it to
behave like a cathode

Two methods –
1. Sacrificial anodic protection
2. Impressed current cathodic protection
Corrosion control methods
3. Cathodic protection
The method of protection given to a metal by forcibly making it to
behave like a cathode

1. Sacrificial anodic protection:

In this method of protection , the metallic structure to be
protected called “base metal” is connected to more anodic
metal through a wire.
2. Impressed current cathodic protection:
In this method an impressed current is applied in the
opposite direction to nullify the corrosion current, thus the
anodic corroding metal becomes cathodic and protected from
Corrosion control methods
3. Cathodic protection

Cathodic protection of a buried steel pipeline:

(a) A sacrificial magnesium anode assures that the galvanic cell makes the
pipeline the cathode.
(b) An impressed voltage between a scrap iron auxiliary anode and the
pipeline assures that the pipeline is the cathode.
Corrosion control methods
3. Cathodic protection
Examples: Mg sacrificial anode of an iron storage tank

Anodic protection (AP) is a technique to control the corrosion of a

metal surface by making it the anode of an electrochemical
cell and controlling the electrode potential in a zone where the
metal is passive.
Corrosion control methods
3. Cathodic protection
Examples: Zinc is attached to the steel hull of the vessel
Corrosion control methods
3. Cathodic protection
Corrosion control methods
Corrosion inhibitors
A substance which when added in small quantities to the
aqueous corrosive environment, effectively decrease the corrosion
of a metal.

Anodic inhibitors:
These inhibitors avoid the corrosion reaction occurring at the
anode, by forming the sparingly soluble compounds. They are
adsorbed on the metal surface , forming a protective film or
barrier, thereby reducing the corrosion rate
Ex: Chromates , Phosphates , Tungstates
Corrosion control methods
Corrosion inhibitors
Cathodic inhibitors:
In acidic medium corrosion may reduced by:

1. Slowing down the diffusion of H+ ions by adding organic inhibitors like

amines, mercaptans, heterocyclic nitrogen compounds.
2. By increasing the over voltage of hydrogen evolution by adding inhibitors
like Antimony and Arsenic oxides
In neutral medium corrosion may reduced by :

3. Eliminating oxygen from the corrosion medium by the addition of Na2SO3,

Na2S ;
Corrosion control methods
Electroplating is a process of depositing a thin layer of a fine and
superior metal (like Cr, Zn, Ni, Au etc.) over the article of a baser
and cheaper metal (like iron), with the help of electric current.

Popular methods:
• Electroplating with Ni
• Electroplating with Cu

**Role of pH in electroplating
Corrosion control methods
Electroplating – Steps:
• Before electroplating the metal surface is cleaned thoroughly.
Firstly, an alkaline solution is used to remove grease and then it
is treated with acid to remove any oxide layer. It is then washed
with water.
• The article to be electroplated is made cathode since metallic
ions are positive and thus get deposited on the cathode.
• The anode is made of pure metal, which is to be coated on the
• The electrolyte is the salt of the metal to be coated on the
• A direct (D.C.) current is passed through the electrolyte. The
anode dissolves, depositing the metal ions from the solution on
the article in the form of a metallic coating.
Corrosion control methods
Electroplating with Ni:
• Electrolyte - Aqueous solution of nickel sulphate
• Cathode - Article to be electroplated (nail)
• Anode - Block of nickel metal.
• Dissociation of nickel sulphate:
Corrosion control methods
Electroplating with Ni:
Corrosion control methods
Electroplating with Cu:
Corrosion control methods
Metals Coatings
• It is possible to coat metals that are susceptible to destructive
corrosion with metals that will protect them from further
• Probably the best known coated material is galvanised steel,
which is steel coated with zinc.
• Zinc is a good choice for two reasons: it forms a passive layer
that prevents further corrosion and it is anodic when compared
to steel, so in the event of the underlying steel becoming
exposed the zinc will still corrode to protect the steel.
Corrosion control methods
Metals Coatings
Electrode potential
The potential difference developed when an electrode of an
element is placed in a solution containing ions of that element.

The potential difference between an anode and a cathode can be

measured with a voltage measuring device. The absolute potential
of the anode and cathode cannot be measured directly. Defining a
standard electrode, all other potential measurements can be
made against this standard electrode. If the standard electrode
potential is set to zero, the potential difference measured can be
considered as the absolute potential.

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