4 Corrosion
4 Corrosion
4 Corrosion
Metal Ore
Reduction Refining
Pure Metal
Oxidation Corrosion
Corrosion product
Corrosion - Energetics
Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product
Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)
Corrosion - Energetics
Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product
Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)
Corrosion - Energetics
Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product
Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)
e rg
Reaction Coordinate
Corrosion - Energetics
Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product
Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)
e rg
Reaction Coordinate
Corrosion - Energetics
Metal Ore Pure Metal Corrosion product
Reduction Corrosion
(Reverse process of metal extraction)
e rg
En Metal
Reaction Coordinate
Corrosion may be considered to be the degradation of a material
by chemical means.
• Although all materials will degrade in some way, the term
corrosion is usually applied to metals, hence metallic corrosion.
• When considering metals, corrosion is essentially the reverse of
the refining process. When metals are extracted from the earth
they are refined into pure metals from the various ores (metal
oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, etc).
• As a result of corrosion, the metal reacts with chemicals in the
environment and progressively returns to the combined form,
rust is a form of iron oxide.
(Example: Copper)
1. Oxidation Corrosion
If the formed metal oxide is stable, further corrosion of metal is prevented
(Example: Bronze)
1. Oxidation Corrosion
Metal oxide
e rg
Reaction Coordinate
1. Oxidation Corrosion
(Example: Mo)
1. Oxidation Corrosion
On the basis of the P-B ratio, it can be judged if the metal is likely
to passivate in dry air by creation of a protective oxide layer.
Pilling-Bedworth Ratio
The Pilling-Bedworth ratio (P-B ratio), in corrosion of metals, is
the ratio of the volume of the elementary cell of a metal oxide to
the volume of the elementary cell of the corresponding metal
(from which the oxide is created).
RPB : is the Pilling-Bedworth ratio,
V : the molar volume
ρ : density,
M : the atomic or molecular mass,
n : number of atoms of metal per one molecule of the oxide
Pilling-Bedworth Ratio
On the basis of measurements, the following connection can be shown:
the oxide coating layer is too thin, likely broken and provides no
protective effect (for example magnesium)
the oxide coating provides protective effect
However, the exceptions to the above P-B ratio rules are numerous. Many of
the exceptions can be attributed to the mechanism of the oxide growth: the
underlying assumption in the P-B ratio is that oxygen needs to diffuse through
the oxide layer to the metal surface; in reality, it is often the metal ion that
diffuses to the air-oxide interface.
Calculation of Pilling-Bedworth Ratio
(Oxidation) (Reduction)
2 H+(aq) + 2e- H2
M(s) M2+(aq) + 2e- (Acidic medium)
(Dissolution or corrosion
½ O2(g) + H2O (aq) +2 e- OH-
of metal takes place)
(Neutral medium)
Mechanism of wet corrosion
Wet corrosion takes place by the following two ways based on the
nature of medium:
1) Evolution of H2 (acidic medium)
Anode: Fe (s) Fe2+ (aq) + 2e-
Cathode: 2 H+ (aq) + 2e- H2
Wet corrosion takes place by the following two ways based on the
nature of medium:
1) Absorption of O2 : Neutral medium
Anode: Fe(s) Fe2+(aq) + 2e-
Cathode: ½ O2(g) + H2O (aq) +2 e- 2OH-
1) Mechanism of wet corrosion
Fe2+ Rust
Iron Dissolves-
O2 + 2H2O +4e- ® 4OH-
Fe ® Fe+2
4Fe2+ + O2 + 4H2O ® 2Fe2O3 + 8 H+
Theories of corrosion
Galvanic Corrosion
Galvanic cell
Galvanic Corrosion
Iron screw in Mg
Material Selection: Do not connect dissimilar
metals! Or if you can’t avoid it:
Try to electrically isolate one from the other (rubber
Make the anode large and the cathode small
Bad situation: Steel siding with aluminum fasteners
Better: Aluminum siding with steel fasteners
Eliminate electrolyte
Galvanic of anodic protection
1. Pitting corrosion
2. Water line corrosion
3. Crevice corrosion
3) Concentration cell corrosion
Because of differential aeration, the concentration of O2 is varied
and causes Oxidation of metal .
3.a) Water line corrosion
For e.g. caustic alkali and strong nitrate solution for mild steel,
traces of ammonia for brass, acids chloride solution for stainless
Stress corrosion
Stress corrosion is combined effects of static tensile stress and the
corrosive environments on a metal.
The failure is often associated with steam boiler and heat transfer
equipment in which water of high alkalinity attacks the mild steel
plates, particularly at the crevices near rivets.
Caustic embrittlement
Boiler water, usually contains a certain portion of sodium
carbonate, added for water softening purposes. In high pressure
1. Nature of metal
2. Nature of the corroding environment
3. Solution pH
4. Oxidizing agent
5. Temperature
6. Velocity
7. Surface films
8. Other factors
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
1. Nature of the metal
• Position in the Galvanic series
• Relative areas of the cathodic and anodic parts
• Purity of metal (tiny electrochemical cells)
• Physical state of the metal (grain size, crystal faces)
• Nature of the surface film
• Passive character of the metal
• Volatility of the corrosion product
• Solubility of the corrosion product
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
2. Nature of the corroding environment
• Temperature
• Humidity of air
• Presence of impurities in atmosphere
• Nature of ions present in environment
• Conductance of corroding medium
• Amount of oxygen in atmosphere
• Velocity of ions which flow in the medium
• pH value of the medium
• Suspended impurities
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion
3. Solution pH
• Hydrazine hydrate
• Dehumidification: Silica gel, Alumina
• Alkaline neutralization: NH3, NaOH
Corrosion control methods
3. Cathodic protection
The method of protection given to a metal by forcibly making it to
behave like a cathode
Two methods –
1. Sacrificial anodic protection
2. Impressed current cathodic protection
Corrosion control methods
3. Cathodic protection
The method of protection given to a metal by forcibly making it to
behave like a cathode
Anodic inhibitors:
These inhibitors avoid the corrosion reaction occurring at the
anode, by forming the sparingly soluble compounds. They are
adsorbed on the metal surface , forming a protective film or
barrier, thereby reducing the corrosion rate
Ex: Chromates , Phosphates , Tungstates
Corrosion control methods
Corrosion inhibitors
Cathodic inhibitors:
In acidic medium corrosion may reduced by:
Popular methods:
• Electroplating with Ni
• Electroplating with Cu
**Role of pH in electroplating
Corrosion control methods
Electroplating – Steps:
• Before electroplating the metal surface is cleaned thoroughly.
Firstly, an alkaline solution is used to remove grease and then it
is treated with acid to remove any oxide layer. It is then washed
with water.
• The article to be electroplated is made cathode since metallic
ions are positive and thus get deposited on the cathode.
• The anode is made of pure metal, which is to be coated on the
• The electrolyte is the salt of the metal to be coated on the
• A direct (D.C.) current is passed through the electrolyte. The
anode dissolves, depositing the metal ions from the solution on
the article in the form of a metallic coating.
Corrosion control methods
Electroplating with Ni:
• Electrolyte - Aqueous solution of nickel sulphate
• Cathode - Article to be electroplated (nail)
• Anode - Block of nickel metal.
• Dissociation of nickel sulphate:
Corrosion control methods
Electroplating with Ni:
Corrosion control methods
Electroplating with Cu:
Corrosion control methods
Metals Coatings
• It is possible to coat metals that are susceptible to destructive
corrosion with metals that will protect them from further
• Probably the best known coated material is galvanised steel,
which is steel coated with zinc.
• Zinc is a good choice for two reasons: it forms a passive layer
that prevents further corrosion and it is anodic when compared
to steel, so in the event of the underlying steel becoming
exposed the zinc will still corrode to protect the steel.
Corrosion control methods
Metals Coatings
Electrode potential
The potential difference developed when an electrode of an
element is placed in a solution containing ions of that element.