Philo 1 - 081620

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What words come to mind when

you hear the word Philosophy?

Why do we need to study
• Philosophy is a path towards the attainment of Wisdom.

• “Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit, Wisdom is

knowing not to put it in a fruit salad”.
“Philosophy is asking if ketchup is a fruit shake.

• Knowledge is just an accumulation of facts. Wisdom is

knowing how to apply them.

• Knowledge is static. Wisdom is dynamic.

Philosophy as a concept
Philosophy is a system of beliefs about reality. It is one’s
integrated view of the world. It includes an understanding of the
nature of existence, man, and his role in the world. It is a
necessary product of man’s rational mind.

Philosophy as a process
Philosophy is employed as a method of inquiry. It is an
engagement in the search for the meaning of life, its value and
relevance. It is a process for finding significance in existence.
What Wisdom can you get from everyday objects:


2.Broom Stick

1. Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical analysis and
interpretation of concepts definitions, arguments, and problems.
2. Philosophy also improves problem-solving and decision making.
3. A philosopher is a wise communicator who can clear and adequately
present his or her ideas.
4. Wisdom is one intended product of philosophizing, and this refers to a
person’s ability to apply knowledge to daily life, particularly in making
sound choices and judgment.
5. Finally, knowledge of philosophy can contribute to self-development.
Three levels of inquiries.
1.Common Sense - a basic ability to perceive, understand,
and judge things that are shared by (common to) nearly
all people without need for debate.
2.Scientific- Based on or characterized by the methods and
principles of science.
3. Philosophical - relating or devoted to the study of the
fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence.
Situation #1
There was an airplane crash, every single person on board died,
but yet two people survived. How is this possible? 
Situation #2
What goes up and never comes down?
Situation #3
  Imagine you are in a sinking row boat surrounded by sharks.
The Act of Philosophizing
“ All men by nature desire to know, because man is
always searching for truth”.
- Aristotle –

According to Plato, Philosophy begins in “wonder”

– the sense of puzzlement and perplexity.
Four Concepts of Philosophy
A.) Philosophy is a science.
It is called as such because it is systematic and follows
certain steps or procedures. In short, it is an organized
body of knowledge same as any other sciences.
B.) It employs Natural Light of Reason.
This means that philosophical investigation does not
use any laboratory instrument, investigative tools nor
supernatural approach. Philosophers use their natural
thinking capacity or use the so-called unaided reason.
C.) Philosophy has an inclination to Study All Things.
Other sciences concern themselves with a particular object
of investigation such as: anthropology which deals with
human beings in relation with the society; sociology
focuses on society, its forms, structures and functions;
botany concentrates its attention on plants; Philosophy
may deal with human beings, society and plants among
others. It is this character that Philosophy is considered
multidimensional or holistic.
D.) Philosophy employs First Cause or Highest
Note that principle means a reason (or an
explanation) from which something proceeds in
any manner whatsoever.
The four characteristic (D) of Philosophy

1.) Principle of Identity.

In simple terms, this principle means “everything
is what it is”. What is not is not and what is is.

For example, a seed is a seed and will no longer be

seed when it appears like not a seed.
2.) Principle of Non-Contradiction.
This principle states that it is an impossibility for a
particular thing to be and not to be at the same time
at the same respect.

For example, a seedling is different from a seed. If

we say that a seedling is a seed, then that seedling is
a seed. They can never be both.
3.) Principle of Excluded Middle.
This principle explains that everything must be
“either be or not be” or “either is or is not”. There is no
middle ground thus the term “excluded middle”.

For example, anger is different from happiness.

There is no such thing as mixture of anger and
happiness. And lastly,
4.) the Principle of Sufficient Reason.
This principle states that there is sufficient reason
for the being and existence of everything.
Conversely, nothing exists without any reason at

For example, to say that something is

unexplainable already gives a reason for it being
1. Can we really find the missing P1 in the puzzle? Why or why not?
2. What argument/s can you give regarding the puzzle?
The following are my argument/s _________________
3. What philosophical concepts/characteristics, discussed , will you
use in order to make your argument/s valid and strong?
The concepts/characteristics that I will use
4. How are you going to use such concepts in number 3 to present
your argument/s?
The concept of_________________
three friends) as components of P30, or P2 (tip) and P3 (P1
each of the three friends) as components of change (P5), or
P25 (food) and P5 (change). Therefore, there is no missing
In the end, by painstakingly and eagerly looking for the
missing peso we are making ourselves seek wisdom along
the process. Remember also that there are other real
puzzles in our day-to-day life which Philosophical concepts
mentioned above will be of great help.
Let’s apply the Principle of Non-Contradiction. It says that it
is impossible for a thing to be and not to be at the same
time at the same respect. P30 is impossible to be P29. For
P30 is P30. And P29 is P29. They can never be the same. By
applying the Principle of Sufficient Reason, P29 should not
be existent in the first place. For P27 (total expense) and P2
(waiter’s tip) should not go together for they are of different
respect or aspect. P27 is part of the P30 and P2 is part of the
P5 (change). P2 is already included in the P27 total expense.
What must go together are: P27 (expense) and P3 (P1 each
of the
Doing philosophy requires the use of appropriate concepts
so as to make one’s statements clear, valid, reliable and
strong. The thoughts that we have in our mind remain
abstract unless we use certain concepts to translate these
abstractions. Philosophical concepts give form to the
thoughts that we have in mind. The proper use of
philosophical concepts which gives clarity, validity,
reliability and strength to our statements results to easier
relating and understanding to the world around us.
Doing philosophy can also be applied in making
laws. Nowadays, the number of minors involved in
criminal acts is rising. There had been proposals by
some legislators that the age of criminal liability be
reduced to 15 years old as opposed to the usual 18
years old.
Make your arguments regarding this issue. Write
your clear and valid arguments.

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