Week 7
Week 7
Week 7
EEE 3327
• Wind- “free” of cost and “clean” source of electricity.
• In Europe (Germany, Denmark and Portugal), the installation rate increase
from 19% in 2006 to 38% in 2007.
• By 2007, the total capacity installed in Europe is 67 GW while in US, it is
only 11GW in 2007.
• The nature of wind makes it an unreliable source of power due to its
variability and uncertainty.
Components of A Wind Turbine Generator
• The rotor blades,
– Whose pitch is adjustable as per wind velocity so as to catch
maximum wind energy.
• The gear box,
– Which adjusts the rpm of the rotor of the generator as closely as
possible to the grid synchronous frequency.
• The generator,
– Which converts mechanical input into an electrical output.
Components of A Wind Turbine Generator
Operation of Wind Turbine Generators
Operation of Wind Turbine Generators
Operation of Wind Turbine Generators
Performance Improvement- Blade Pitch Control
Efficiency of a WTG
• Average efficiency of a WTG is defined as the ratio of energy delivered to
grid to the energy at the turbine rotor shaft.
• As the energy is transmitted from one member to the next in the
transmission system of a WTG, losses are incurred.
Types of losses Induction Synchronous Directly driven
generator (grid generator PM generator
Type of Losses connected) (diode (diode
losses connected) connected)
Friction, 1.0%, Core losses 1.5% 1.5% 1.2%
windage, and including
oil churning turbine Copper losses 1.5% stator and 1.15% stator 3.5% stator
losses bearing and additional rotor
Gear mesh 1.7%
losses Friction, 0.5% 0.5% 1.0%
windage and
Total losses 2.7%
cooling losses
at rated load
Excitation losses - 0.75% -
Flickers in the Output of a WTG
• There are two main causes of flicker in the supply from a WTG:
1. Mechanically related causes
– Motor turbine imbalance
– Rotor blades passing in front of the wind structure
– Structural modes due to mechanical eigenfrequencies
(frequencies at which there is mechanical resonance)
– Rotational sampling
2. Wind velocity related causes
– Wind flow has regular bursts that can cause flicker.
– This flicker has a high amplitude and a range of 0.01 Hz–10 Hz.
– This flicker is objectionable and has been investigated deeply.
Connection Of Wind Energy Plants To The Grid—
The Grid Code
• In the early days of wind electricity generation, the plant sizes were small.
– With an induction generator, there was no problem of synchronizing
with grid frequency.
• External capacitors took care of voltages; when there was a disturbance in
the grid leading to low voltages at the point of connection, the wind plants
were disconnected and stayed disconnected until the grid disturbance was
• Today, wind plant sizes have increased.
– Should a wind plant get disconnected due to a grid disturbance, it could
aggravate the situation.
– A grid code for interconnection has evolved.
Connection Of Wind Energy Plants To The Grid—
The Grid Code
• The mean features of the grid codes are:
– A Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) is essential for getting into a
– Accurate power control at a PF of ±0.95 has to be maintained at the
point of connection.
– Accurate plant models must be submitted.
– SCADA data must be supplied as agreed with the system operator.
Wind Energy Farms
• With rising contribution by wind power to electricity systems, individual
WTGs or clusters thereof are giving up their place in the energy scenario
to wind energy farms.
• These farms have a few noteworthy features.
– They are generally located away from load centres.
– Connecting them into the grid system requires almost dedicated
transmission arms.
• Whereas WTGs can be planned, installed, and put in operation within a
short time span, connecting transmission links require long-time planning
and execution.
Wind Energy Farms
• Existing transmission lines might not have the capacity to carry the wind
farm power.
• An irregular flow on the direct line could also affect load flows and
voltage regulation on the neighbouring lines.
– This necessitates central control from the system operator over the
operation and contribution by the wind energy farm.
Promoting Growth Of Wind Electricity
• How we can increase wind energy penetration and at what level of operation
can we make it economical?
– The first issue involves operational reliability.
– The second issue involves dimensions and integration into the existing
• Operational reliability involves relativity between connected wind-energy-
derived capacities to total system capacity before the wind connection. In a
contingency, the largest component of the wind capacity might trip.
Promoting Growth Of Wind Electricity
• There must be sufficient reserve capacity to cover this loss.
– Failure of a wind capacity member may happen very fast.
– For making up the deficit, the ramping-up rate of the balance system
should be high.
• Ramping rate of the balance system is a critical factor in the allowable safe
wind penetration.
– When a new WTG is added, some grids put a condition on its ramping
• This ramping-up rate is also important.
– Holding down captive reserves on account of wind energy in the system
increases the cost of wind energy and absence of it retards its growth.
Promoting Growth Of Wind Electricity
• The solution to reduce these reserves lies in accessing a larger
resource base and consolidating balancing areas through use of
dynamic scheduling.
• Accessing larger resources is achieved by interconnecting into
neighbouring resources, such as Denmark to North Germany and
Denmark to Sweden, and into large grids, as in the proposed European
grid and interstate connection in the United States.
• Transmission support systems such as FACTs devices, capacitor
banks, and so on can effectively help. The economics will have to be
worked out.
• Transmission tariffs and regulations need to be favourably biased.
• Dynamic scheduling by the system operator helps.
• Models are also important in today’s dynamic scheduling when
incorporating wind energy.
Wind Power Generation Calculation
Principle of Wind Turbine Generation Calculation
• Converting the kinetic energy in the wind first into rotational kinetic
energy in the turbine.
• Then electrical energy that can be supplied though the grid.
• When planning a wind farm it is important to know the expected
power and energy output of each wind turbine to be able to
calculate its economic viability.
Mathematical Model
Mathematical Model
Mathematical Model
Mathematical Model
Mathematical Model
Mathematical Model
Example 1
Example 1
Example 1
Test yourself!!!
• Wind turbines work by converting the kinetic energy in the wind first into
rotational kinetic energy in the turbine and then electrical energy that can be
supplied, via the national grid. The energy available for conversion mainly
depends on the wind speed and the swept area of the turbine. When planning a
wind farm it is important to know the expected power and energy output of each
wind turbine to be able to calculate its economic viability. Using the given figure
and data, calculate the rotational kinetic power, P m produced in a wind turbine
at its rated wind speed. Assuming the given wind speed is lasted for 3 hours,
calculate the energy in kWh.