Hematuria (1H)
Hematuria (1H)
Hematuria (1H)
Bloody Urine
Some individuals (particularly if the are anemic)
pass red urine after eating beets or taking laxatives
containing phenolphthalein, in which case the urine
is translucent rather than opaque and contains no
red cells.
Because of the wide use of rhodamine B as a
coloring agent in cookies, cakes, cold drinks, and
fruit juices, children commonly pass red urine after
ingestion of these foods.
The hemoglobinuria that occurs as a feature of the
hemolytic sd may also cause the red urine.
A-Bloody Urine in Relation to Symptoms and Diseases
A-Bloody Urine in Relation to St and
A-Bloody Urine in Relation to St and Diseases
B- Time of Hematuria
Learning whether the hematuria is partial (initial,
terminal) or total (present throughout urination) is
often of help in identifying the site of bleeding.
Initial hematuria suggests an ant urethral lesion (eg,
urethritis, stricture, meatal stenosis in young boys).
Terminal hematuria usually arises from the post
urethra, bladder neck, or trigone.(post urethritis and
polyps and tumors of the vesical neck.
Total hematuria has its source at or above the level
of the bladder (stone, tumor, TB, nephritis).