Lecture 1 Intro To Remote Sensing

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Introduction to Remote Sensing

Government Post Graduate College No 1, Abbottabad

Adnan Rauf([email protected])
Principles of Electromagnetic Radiation
The EM Spectrum
Radiation Laws
Interactions of Radiation with the Atmosphere
Atmospheric Windows
Interactions of Radiation with Earth Surface Features
Spectral Response
What is remote sensing?
Remote sensing is the science of deriving information about
objects, areas, phenomena from measurements made at a
distance, using electromagnetic radiation in one or more
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Un‐Conventional Definition
Remote Sensing is the most expensive way to make a picture
Having fun without touching
Staying as far away from the problem as possible
What is terrestrial remote sensing?
Terrestrial remote sensing is the science of deriving
information about objects, areas, phenomena of earth
surface features from measurements made at a
distance, using electromagnetic radiation in one or
more regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
History of Remote Sensing
 1666 Isaac Newton while experimenting with a prism, found that
he could disperse light into a spectrum of red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo, and violet. Utilizing a second prism, he found
that he could re‐combine the colors into white light.
 1777 Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a Swedish chemist, discovers that
silver chromate darkened by exposure to sunlight could be rinsed
off with ammonia leaving the dark unexposed silver chromate
crystals to form a "fixed" image, a precursor to modern
photographic film.
 1800 Discovery of Infrared spectrum by Sir William Herschel
History of Remote Sensing
1839 Beginning of practice of photography
1847 Infrared spectrum shown to share properties
with visible light
1850‐60 Photography from balloons
History of Remote Sensing
1855 James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist,
describes color addictive theory for the producing
color photographs
 1873 Theory of electromagnetic energy developed
by James C Maxwell
History of Remote Sensing
History of Remote Sensing
1909 Photography from
1914‐1918 World War I:
aerial reconnaissance
1920‐30 Development &
initial applications of
aerial photography &
History of Remote Sensing
1930‐40 Development of radar in Germany, US and
1940‐50 World War II: applications of nonvisible
portions of EM spectrum
1950‐60 Military research and development
1960's US begins collection of intelligence
photography from Earth orbiting satellites, Corona
History of Remote Sensing
1956 Colwell’s research on disease detection with infrared photography
1960‐70 First use of term ”Remote Sensing” TIROS Weather satellites, SkyLab
remote sensing observations from space.
1972 Civilian satellite remote sensing: launch of Landsat 1
1970‐80 Rapid advances in digital image processing
1980‐90 Landsat 4: new generation of Landsat TM; SPOT: French Earth
Observation Satellite
1980s Development of hyperspectral sensors
1990s Global RS systems; Spaceborne SAR systems; Very high‐resolution
satellites; LiDAR
2005 Google Inc. releases Keyhole, http://earth.google.com,
http://maps.google.com greatly increasing public awareness of the uses of
satellite imagery & other geospatial information.
 2007 3D Virtual Earth (http://www.microsoft.com/virtualearth)
The Remote Sensing Framework
The Remote Sensing Framework
Complex mosaic (e.g., geophysical, biophysical,
Landscape/terrain Characteristics vary over
SPACE (geographically varied)
TIME (temporally dynamic)
Toronto (Canada) Area over time
1983 1988 1990

1996 2001
Toronto (Canada) Area over time
KhaoLak, Thailand Over time
ASTER- Achive


2002/11/15 2004/12/31 2005/02/08 2006/01/26

The Remote Sensing Framework
Source of Energy
Passive Sources (Natural)
Reflected solar radiation
Emitted terrestrial radiation
Active Sources (Man‐made)
Flash photography
The Remote Sensing Framework
Scattering, absorption, refraction
Atmospheric windows
The Remote Sensing Framework
Sensors: mounted on various platform
The Remote Sensing Framework
Interpretation and Analysis
Visual Interpretation
Digital Image Analysis
Pre‐processing: Geometric & Radiometric
Image Enhancement & Transformation
Image Classification
The Remote Sensing Framework
Information Products
Analog and Digital
Images or Image Maps
Thematic Maps
Spatial databases
Accuracy Report
 Thematic
Statistics: Univariate, Multivariate
The Remote Sensing Framework
understand radiation laws & energy‐atmosphere‐terrain
understand remote sensing systems
Advantages and limitations
knowledge of landscape units
digital image analysis skills
experience and formal instruction
Practical application of information
Principles of Electromagnetic Radiation
The EM Spectrum
Radiation Laws
Interactions of Radiation with the Atmosphere
Atmospheric Windows
Interactions of Radiation with Earth Surface Features
Spectral Response
The EM Spectrum
The EM Spectrum
The EM Spectrum
• Gamma rays < 0.03 nm
•  X rays 0.03 ‐ 300 nm
• UV radiation 0.3- 0.38 µm
•   Visible 0.38 ‐ 0.72 µm
•  Near Infrared 0.72 ‐ 1.30 µm
•  Mid Infrared 1.30 ‐ 3.00 µm
•  Far IR (Thermal) 7.0 ‐ 1000 µm (1mm)
•  Microwave 1 mm - 30 cm
•   Radio > 30 cm
Electromagnetic Wave
Interactions of Radiation with the
Atmosphere ‐ Scattering
Rayleigh Scattering
Caused by atmosphere molecules & other tiny particles that
are smaller in diameter than the wavelength of the interacting
Inversely proportional to λ4
Dominant process high in the atmosphere
(up to 9-10km) Blue sky,
Brilliant red and orange colors often seen
in the sunset
Interactions of Radiation with the
Atmosphere ‐ Scattering
Mie Scattering
Caused by larger atmosphere particles, such as water vapor,
pollen and dust, that have diameters roughly equivalent to
the wavelength of the scattered radiation (lower in the
atmosphere 0‐5 km)

Nonselective Scattering
Caused by particles with much larger diameters than the
wavelength of the scattered radiation.
For radiation in and near the visible spectrum, such particles
might be water droplets or large particles of airborne dust.
Interactions of Radiation with the
Atmosphere ‐ Refraction

Occurs in the atmosphere as light passes
through air masses of different clarity,
humidity and temperature
Interactions of Radiation with the Atmosphere ‐ Absorption
Most efficient absorbers: Water vapor (strongest absorption in 5.5‐7µm and above
27µm), carbon dioxide (strongest absorption in the region 13‐17.5µm), and ozone
(max. concentrations at 20-30km)

10.2 ‐ 12.4 µm
Microwave 7.5 ‐ 11‐5 mm
20.0+ mm
Interactions of Radiation with Earth Surface
Interactions of Radiation with Earth Surface
Specular vs. Diffuse Reflectance
Spectral Signatures Dominant Factor
Controlling Leaf Reflectance

Leaf Pigments Cell Structure Water Content

Water Absorption
Spectral Signatures
Spectral Signatures
Normal Color

Color Infrared

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