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Let’s play Coffee!

Hope a Village Academy

Instructor : Nayoung, Lee.

1. Coffee 2. Origin 3. Coffee 4. The process 5. Barista
-Definition Bean of making
-Types, Distributions Coffee
-Regional classifications
-Pea berry
1. Coffee -Definition

A beverage made from

coffee plant beans that are harvested
and then roasted.
1. Coffee-Effect

The awakening effect

Diet Effect

The prevention of diabetes

2. Origin- Kaldi

One day, a shepherd boy

Kaldi saw his goats jump-
ing up and down.
He realized that it hap-
pened after they ate some
red berries from a tree.

He was curious about the

taste and effect of this
fruit, so he tasted it and re-
alized that he no longer felt
2. Origin- Omar

Sheik Omar was an Arabian priest in

He made a mistake and was banished
to the mountains.
As he was hungry, he ate red
fruits that some birds ate.
He realized he felt less tired after
eating this fruit.
Later, he used these coffee
beans to treat many people and
received high praise as a saint.
2. Origin- Ethiopia
Other areas use coffee as a drug,
but Ethiopia treats it as food.

The coffee beans gradually spread to

different parts of Arabia in the early
11th century, representing Arabia's
Razes (A.B.Lazes) and Abisena (Avi-
Doctors report that coffee is a soothing,
awakening process for the stomach.

Coffee has turned into a drink for

the taste rather than a drug.
3. Coffee bean-appearance
3. Coffee bean-appearance
3. Coffee - Types, Distributions

Worldwide Output 2~3%

Worldwide Output 70%

Worldwide Output 25%
3. Coffee bean- Types, Distributions
Arabica Species Robusta
Mild Climate Warm and humid
600~2,200 altitude 0~800

15~24 Temperature 18~36

A deep red color Cherry A dark scarlet

Or yellow
Elliptic, Flat, Deep Home The shapes of beans oval

0.9~1.4 Caffeine 18~4.0

Sweet and sour tasty Characteristics

Good smell strong bitter taste
expensive. Cheap
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification
Ethiopia coffee
It has a floral smell and low caffeine
The Ethiopian - Yegacev - strong aroma
and strong sour taste.
Ethiopia Ethiopian – Sidamo - has a sour and savory
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification

Kilimanjaro Coffee

It is most similar to African coffee.

It is neat and has a wine flavor.

3. Coffee bean- Regional classification

Guatemala Coffee
the strongest personality.
Guatemala Coffee – Antigua - bitter-
sweet taste of black chocolate and
fiery smell.
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification

Kenya coffee
One of the world's most recog-
nized gourmet coffee

It has a strong, refreshing, and sour

It has a rich taste.
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification
Colombian Coffee

It has a sweet and unique smell of walnuts.

Narino and Suprimo tastes sweet and nutty.

Suprimo is considered one of the best
Colombia beans thanks to its rich taste.
Mount Emerald is a fine selection of coffee
from Columbia's Suprimo.
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification
Hawaii Corna

It smells like fresh pineapple.

It tastes a little sour.

United States Hawaii

3. Coffee bean- Regional classification

Brazilian Santos
The bitter taste is light and smooth.

It is used as a blending base to mix dif-

ferent kinds of beans.
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification

Blue Mountain

It is rare and expensive, producing only

30,000 sacks a year.
It is supplied to the imperial family.

Jamaica The sour taste and chocolate flavors are

well mixed together.
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification
Yemen mountain Mokamatari is famous.

It has a soft yet strong flavor, so it is

good to drink after dinner.
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification
Robusta species are produced and sold
under the name of Barako.
It is about a third of the price of Ala-Mid-
class and is native to the Batangas area,
where the volcano is located.
It is so rare in the world that there are only
three or four other countries that distribute
It is characterized by large beans and high
caffeine with strong flavors.
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification
Alamid (civet)
Ruwak coffee or civet coffee.
Low-volume production
Slightly more bitter than Barako
Expensive, rare brand coffee that can only be
enjoyed by 0.01 % of the world's population.

Exported and sold under different distribu-

tion companies
Kalinga-(Robusta) Sagada(Arabica)
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification
* Vietnam is the second largest coffee
producer in the world.
* Coffee is Vietnam’s largest exported
commodity and accounts for over 18% of
global coffee exports.
* Vietnam primarily grows robusta coffee,
famous for its high caffeine content and
bitter profile.
Vietnam * Traditionally, Vietnamese coffee is known
for having a dark roast.
* Brew: Strong + Dark
(with sweetened condensed Milk)
3. Coffee- Pea berry

What is peaberry?
- Barrel-shaped beans
- Smaller than usual beans and shaped slightly dif-
- An expensive bean
- Prices vary according to the
management of beans.
3. Coffee- Mountain
Mount Emerald: A fine selection of coffee from Columbia's Suprimo.
PNG Blue Mountain: Blue Mountain Coffee Transplants in Papua New Guinea.
Crystal Mountain: Cuban coffee, the same breed as Jamaican Blue Mountain.
Coral Mountain: Costa Rican mountain, next to the state, is produced
in the alpine region by the river.
Caribbean Mountain: Puerto Rico coffee.
Andes Mountain: Coffee with the nickname Ruby Mountain in Ecuador.

Gayo Mountain: Coffee produced in Indonesia's Sumatra mountain.

Jamaica Blue Mountain: Coffee produced at the foot of the sea
at a depth of 2,255 meters on Antares Island,
the Emperor of Coffee.
4. The process of making Coffee

1. Growing & 3. Selection &

2. purification
harvesting Blending
4. The process of making Coffee

4. Roasting 5. Grinding 6. Brewing

4. The process of making Coffee – Cultivation and Harvesting

Selective Manual stripping

1. Cultivation &

Mechanical stripping
4. The process of making Coffee – Purification – Dry

2. Purification
Dry method
4. The process of making Coffee – Purification – Wet/Washed

2. Purification Wet/washed method

4. The process of making Coffee - Purification

2. Purification
4. The process of making Coffee – Selection & Blending

3. Selection & It is evaluated over other

agricultural products after
Blending continuous and elaborate
quality testing.
Because much or little of the
foreign matter or loose end is a
factor that determines the qual-
ity of the raw head soon, a
great deal of effort is required,
especially in large coffee plan-
4. The process of making Coffee – Selection & Blending

3. Selection &

Full Black Full Sour Cherry Pods

Severe Insect Foreign Matter

Fungal Damage Damage
4. The process of making Coffee – Selection & Blending

3. Selection &
Blending It is to mix the raw beans in propor-
tion and roast it together..


First roast the coffee beans to match the

characteristic properties and then mix
them to the respective proportions.
4. The process of making Coffee - Roasting
It is a process that relies on time and temperature.

4. Roasting

It usually takes about Heat must be applied in

12 to 15 minutes. advance.

Coffee bean is most de- It goes up to 230 de-

licious three to five grees Celsius.
days after roasting.
8 단계 분류법 ( 우리나라 , 일본 ) SCAA ( 미국 스패셜티 커피협 )
4. The process of making Coffee
단 계
밝고 연한

맛과 향
Very Light
단 계
기 타

Light 황갈색       약배전

시나몬 연한 강한 신맛   Light Tile #85  
Cinnamon 황갈색 약한 단맛      
미디엄 밤색 신맛 Moderately Light Tile #75  
Medium   중간단맛    
하이 연한갈색 약한신맛 , 강한단맛 Light Medium Tile #65  
High   쓴맛이 나타나기 시작     중배전
시 티 갈색 약한신맛 , 강한단맛 Modium Tile #55  
City   중간쓴맛이 조화를 이룸      
    ※ 맛의 밸런스가 좋다      
    한국인이 선호하는 맛      
    에스프레소용 ( 후반부 )     중강배전
풀시티 진한갈색 약한신맛 , 중간단맛 Moderately Dark Tile #45  
Full-City   중간쓴맛이 조화를 이룸      
    스모키향이 나기시작함      
    에스프레소용 ( 전반부 )   .    
    베리에이션용 ( 후반부 )      
프랜치 흑갈색 약한단맛 , 강한쓴맛 Dark Tile #35  
French   스모키향이 나기시작함      
    베리에이션용 ( 전반부 )     강배전
이탈리안 흑색 약한단맛 Very Dark Tile #25  
Italian   매우 강한쓴맛      
4. The process of making Coffee

4. Roasting
4. The process of making Coffee – Roasting - Time

• First Crack – Begins when your beans

reach around 380 degrees F, this may take
from 3 to 15 minutes to begin and should
4. Roasting - Time last from 1 to 3 minutes.

• Second Crack – Begins 15 seconds to 2

minutes after First crack ends, when your
beans have reached around 435 degrees

• Coffee beans will expand to about two

times their original size when roasted.

• Coffee beans will lose one to three ounces

per pound in weight when roasted, due to
moisture loss and separation of the chaff.
4. The process of making Coffee – Roasting - Time

Very Light
-Light yellowish brown
4. Roasting - Time -a sour smell, a sour flavour

- yellowish brown
-A strong sour taste, Mild sweetness

Moderately Light
- Brown
- A sour flavour, Medium sweetness
4. The process of making Coffee – Roasting - Time

-light brown
4. Roasting - Time -A mild acidity, Strong sweetness
-The bitter taste begins to form.

City Medium
-A combination of mild sour taste,
strong sweetness, and medium bitter.
-The preference of taste
-For Americano
-For Espresso
4. The process of making Coffee – Roasting - Time
Full City Moderately Dark
-Dark brown
-A combination of mild sour, medium
4. Roasting - Time sweet, and medium bitter.
-Starting to smell of smoky
-For Espresso
-For Variation

French Dark
-Dark brown
-Mild sweetness, A strong bitter taste
-strong scent of smoky.
-For Variation

Italian Very Dark

-Mild sweetness
-A strong bitter taste
4. The process of making Coffee – Roasting Method

4. Roasting Method
4. The process of making Coffee – Dr. Mann Handy Coffee Rosater

1. First, the process of draining the raw beans(green beans) begins

with low heat. Stir-fry about 15cm high in the flame.
4. Roasting Method 2. When the color of the raw bean(green bean) turns yellowish brown
after losing some moisture, lower the height of the flame and stir-fry it
at a height of about 10cm.

3. In the second half of roasting, you should be careful that

coffee absorbs a lot of heat on its own, speeds up roasting,
and over-frying due to low moisture.
Raise the height of the flame to about 15cm high again,
and if the firepower seems excessive, move the hand roster out of
the flame and keep the hand roster rotating without stopping.

4. When it’s roasting to your liking, quickly separate the flame from
the heat and cool it down in the cooler to prevent further roasting by
the coffee's own heat.
4. The process of making Coffee - Roasting

The flavors and flavors of coffee on the

4. Roasting scale of roasting.
a sour flavour
a sweet flavour a bittert flavour


The aroma inher-

a sour flavour a sweet flavour
ent in coffee
The roast-
ing stage
4. The process of making Coffee - Grinding

The degree of grinding determines the level of coffee extraction.

5. Grinding
Mild Strong
4. The process of making Coffee – Grinding stage
4. The process of making Coffee – Grinder type

5. Grinding
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment

Turkish coffee
6. Coffee extraction It is a traditional way of extracting ground coffee,
which is made by boiling it and then cooling it down.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment

French Press
It is a manual extraction method that puts crushed coffee
6. Coffee extraction in a glass tube, draws hot water, and then squeeze it out
with a metallic filter.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment

Automatic Drip
This is a mass extraction method, in which hot water is au-
6. Coffee extraction tomatically poured through electronic control to extract
coffee, and is used in rest areas where demand is high.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment

Vacuum Pot
6. Coffee extraction It is a vacuum-type extraction method using steam pressure
and water osmotic pressure.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment

Mocha Pot
6. Coffee extraction Extraction apparatus used to extract the pres-
sure of water vapor from heated water.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment

Espresso Machine
6. Coffee extraction It is a modern method of extraction that uses pressure and
motors to boil faster.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment

Dutch Coffee
Dutch coffee brews coffee using cold water. It takes a long time.
6. Coffee extraction
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Hand Drip

Hand Drip
It is the most natural way. It was developed by a German woman named
6. Coffee extration Melitta Bentz by pouring hot water slowly using the principle of gravity to
extract coffee.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Hand Drip

The benefits of hand drip

It can be extracted softly and quickly.

Hand drip can extract a variety of flavors

and aroma.

It is allows the extraction of pure and

clear coffee because the crema is filtered
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Hand Drip

Hand drip tool

Drip pot Drip server Filter Dripper

4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction
– Hand Drip – Type of Dripper

It is the method by which extraction is made through three holes.

It is now used most in hand drip shops and homes. 

Light and soft coffee that keeps the sour flavor.

Vertical lines called ribs run down the side.

The ribs ensure that the filter is tightly secured, allowing optimal ex-

Kalita is formed from top to bottom so that water is con-

stantly drained. It is the most acceptable method for begin-
Kalita ners to use.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction
– Hand Drip – Type of Dripper

Coffee is extracted through one hole.

The sides and bottom are sloped against the kalita.

The ribs are formed all the way through to help the water
fall out.
Since coffee mixes with water to increase the time it spends inside
the dripper, it gives you a heavy, strong taste.

4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction
– Hand Drip – Type of Dripper

It is one of the most popular drippers like Kalita.

The rib starts in the middle and produces more flavorful coffee
than any other drip.
Taste changes depending on how you extract it.

Slowly drip reveals a more delicate, heavy, and tantalizing


4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction
– Hand Drip – Type of Dripper

Hario was produced by Japan's Hario Corporation to

complement Kono

The ribs are formed in a spiral to aid smooth extraction.

The extract is larger than Gono and slightly less body.

4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction
– Hand Drip – Type of Dripper

The Gojong is shaped like the script ( 王 ) which means


In the middle is a hole about the size of a coin.

4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Principle of Hand Drip

The principle of Hand Drip

1. It is an extraction method using the fall of water and


2. Drip water where the ground coffee layer is the

4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Hand Drip – Gojong driper

Method and amount of Hand Drip extraction

1. Soak process (1cup: 10g)

2. First extraction (around 50ml)

3. Second extraction (around 50ml) / 1st and 2nd combined, about

100ml extraction.

4. Dilution (Coffee extract undiluted solution 1 : 1.5 times water)

# Coffee 1cup - First and second extract around 100 ml + 150

ml water = 250ml.

# Adjust the amount of water according to individual tastes.

4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Hand Drip

Hand drip extraction method

1. When sock, Drip the filter paper out of contact with a thin stream
of water.

2. Wait about 20 seconds for the bean powder to soak and then
make the first drip.

Soak tips: Pour water into thin streams as quickly as three

turns in the shape of a snail shape. During the third rotation,
place about 5mm of water on the filter paper so that it does
not get wet.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Hand Drip

Starting with a 1 won coin size, make a drip in the

shape of a snail that is 10 won, 50 won, 100 won, and
500 won.

3. As a way to mark, initially drip it straight to the center for

three seconds.
Spin a circle in the shape of a snail, turning it five times and
Dripper Plane
making a first drip. (First extraction).

4. After the first drip, start the second drip when the coffee extract drops into a
drop shape. Once the desired amount has been extracted, remove the dripper
from the holder and transfer it to another container so that the foam does not mix
with the coffee extract.

# Keep water out of direct contact with filter paper in all drip actions.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Crema

Crema is a brown-colored cream on top of the espresso.

Espresso with three to four millimeters of crema is the most

delicious espresso.
1. Work as an insulation layer to prevent coffee from cooling
down quickly

2. It gives you a strong smell of coffee.

3. It is known as the best espresso since it has a soft and

refreshing taste and sweetness.
5. Barista

If coffee is a flower,

The Barista is
a gardener
5. Barista
A barista must be able to feel the coffee from head to foot.

A barista must also decide which coffee to choose.

(Roasting stage, percentage of Arabica and Robusta,
A truestage,
ripening barista is the
imported one
goods andwho cancof-
domestic give
fee, price, etc..)
you true happiness through a single
cup of coffee.
Furthermore, it is important to know how to store coffee,
which machines to use, how to maintain the performance
of the machine, and how to maintain hygiene control.
Thank you

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