커피- 홈바.영어.English
커피- 홈바.영어.English
커피- 홈바.영어.English
Diet Effect
Kilimanjaro Coffee
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification
Guatemala Coffee
the strongest personality.
Guatemala Coffee – Antigua - bitter-
sweet taste of black chocolate and
fiery smell.
3. Coffee bean- Regional classification
Kenya coffee
One of the world's most recog-
nized gourmet coffee
Brazilian Santos
The bitter taste is light and smooth.
Blue Mountain
What is peaberry?
- Barrel-shaped beans
- Smaller than usual beans and shaped slightly dif-
- An expensive bean
- Prices vary according to the
management of beans.
3. Coffee- Mountain
Mount Emerald: A fine selection of coffee from Columbia's Suprimo.
PNG Blue Mountain: Blue Mountain Coffee Transplants in Papua New Guinea.
Crystal Mountain: Cuban coffee, the same breed as Jamaican Blue Mountain.
Coral Mountain: Costa Rican mountain, next to the state, is produced
in the alpine region by the river.
Caribbean Mountain: Puerto Rico coffee.
Andes Mountain: Coffee with the nickname Ruby Mountain in Ecuador.
Mechanical stripping
4. The process of making Coffee – Purification – Dry
2. Purification
Dry method
4. The process of making Coffee – Purification – Wet/Washed
2. Purification
4. The process of making Coffee – Selection & Blending
3. Selection &
3. Selection &
Blending It is to mix the raw beans in propor-
tion and roast it together..
4. Roasting
4. Roasting
4. The process of making Coffee – Roasting - Time
Very Light
-Light yellowish brown
4. Roasting - Time -a sour smell, a sour flavour
- yellowish brown
-A strong sour taste, Mild sweetness
Moderately Light
- Brown
- A sour flavour, Medium sweetness
4. The process of making Coffee – Roasting - Time
-light brown
4. Roasting - Time -A mild acidity, Strong sweetness
-The bitter taste begins to form.
City Medium
-A combination of mild sour taste,
strong sweetness, and medium bitter.
-The preference of taste
-For Americano
-For Espresso
4. The process of making Coffee – Roasting - Time
Full City Moderately Dark
-Dark brown
-A combination of mild sour, medium
4. Roasting - Time sweet, and medium bitter.
-Starting to smell of smoky
-For Espresso
-For Variation
French Dark
-Dark brown
-Mild sweetness, A strong bitter taste
-strong scent of smoky.
-For Variation
4. Roasting Method
4. The process of making Coffee – Dr. Mann Handy Coffee Rosater
4. When it’s roasting to your liking, quickly separate the flame from
the heat and cool it down in the cooler to prevent further roasting by
the coffee's own heat.
4. The process of making Coffee - Roasting
5. Grinding
Mild Strong
4. The process of making Coffee – Grinding stage
4. The process of making Coffee – Grinder type
5. Grinding
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment
Turkish coffee
6. Coffee extraction It is a traditional way of extracting ground coffee,
which is made by boiling it and then cooling it down.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment
French Press
It is a manual extraction method that puts crushed coffee
6. Coffee extraction in a glass tube, draws hot water, and then squeeze it out
with a metallic filter.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment
Automatic Drip
This is a mass extraction method, in which hot water is au-
6. Coffee extraction tomatically poured through electronic control to extract
coffee, and is used in rest areas where demand is high.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment
Vacuum Pot
6. Coffee extraction It is a vacuum-type extraction method using steam pressure
and water osmotic pressure.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment
Mocha Pot
6. Coffee extraction Extraction apparatus used to extract the pres-
sure of water vapor from heated water.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment
Espresso Machine
6. Coffee extraction It is a modern method of extraction that uses pressure and
motors to boil faster.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction - Equipment
Dutch Coffee
Dutch coffee brews coffee using cold water. It takes a long time.
6. Coffee extraction
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Hand Drip
Hand Drip
It is the most natural way. It was developed by a German woman named
6. Coffee extration Melitta Bentz by pouring hot water slowly using the principle of gravity to
extract coffee.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Hand Drip
The ribs are formed all the way through to help the water
fall out.
Since coffee mixes with water to increase the time it spends inside
the dripper, it gives you a heavy, strong taste.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction
– Hand Drip – Type of Dripper
The rib starts in the middle and produces more flavorful coffee
than any other drip.
Taste changes depending on how you extract it.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction
– Hand Drip – Type of Dripper
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction
– Hand Drip – Type of Dripper
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Principle of Hand Drip
1. When sock, Drip the filter paper out of contact with a thin stream
of water.
2. Wait about 20 seconds for the bean powder to soak and then
make the first drip.
4. After the first drip, start the second drip when the coffee extract drops into a
drop shape. Once the desired amount has been extracted, remove the dripper
from the holder and transfer it to another container so that the foam does not mix
with the coffee extract.
# Keep water out of direct contact with filter paper in all drip actions.
4. The process of making Coffee – Coffee extraction – Crema
If coffee is a flower,
The Barista is
a gardener
5. Barista
A barista must be able to feel the coffee from head to foot.