History of Volleyball
History of Volleyball
History of Volleyball
-An attack line is marked 10 feet of each side of the center -Volleyball poles should be a set at 36 feet apart, 3 feet
line further out from the sidelines.
• Ceiling height
-The minimum ceiling height should be 23 feet.
• The Ball • Knee pads
-The standard volleyball is made of leather or synthetic -knee pads should be sturdy enough to protect your
leather, weighs between 9 and 10 ounces and has a knees from falls, slides, and dives but flexible enough
circumference of 25.6 to 26.4 inches. The ball has a to allows you bend comfortably.
rubber bladder and can be one color or a combination
• Shoes
of colors.
• Antenna and Side Bands -Arch and ankle support is key when choosing
volleyball shoe. Mizuno, Asics and Nike are just a few
-Antenna are flexible rods that are 1.8 meters long of popular brands of volleyball shoes which are
made of fiberglass, fastened at the outer edge each side lightweight, allowing you to be faster.
• Clothing and jewelry
-Side bands are two white bands attached vertically to
-All clothing must be lightweight to allow maximum
the net and placed above sideline.
flexibility as well as made of materials that absorbs
sweat and keeps skin dry, jewelries are not permitted in
6 players on a team,3 on the front row and 3 on the A player can not block or attack a serve from on
backrow. share inside the 10 foot line.
Maximum of three hits per side. After the serve, front line players may switch
positions at the net.
Player may not hit the ball twice in succession9a
block is not considered a hit) A ball hitting boundary line is “in”.
It is legal to catch, hold, or throw the ball. A ball hitting the floor outside the court is “out”.
It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a If two or more players contact the ball it is
players body. considered “one play”
When serving, stepping on or across the service Back row player blocking.
line as you contact with the serve is not considered.
Back row player attacking.
Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
Reaching over the net.
Touching the net.
Serving out of order.
Crossing the court center line.
Basic rules of volleyball scoring:
-A side out is used as reference to an absolute rule, this is when only the serving team can score. Although now the
meaning of side out has changed . A side out now referred to hen the receiving team gets to serve even if they get a point or
not. The scoring system was changed to the Rally system. A rally is a sequence of playing actions that decides each point
from the moment the ball is served until the ball is out of bounds. If the serving team wins the rally they continue to serve,
and if the receiving team wins the rally, they receive the opportunity to serve.
Rally Scoring:
-Rally scoring is when a team gets a point when the other team fails to return the ball over the net, or when the ball goes
out of bounds, commits an infraction or makes a service error.
-When the opposing team fails to return the ball over the net, hit the ball out of bounds, commits an infraction or
make a service error, the serving team scores a point. This also counts for the receiving team.
Rally Game Parameters:
-Games are played until a team hits 25 points and at least has a two-point lead to win the set. Most games has
five sets, so to win a team must have won three out of five sets. The last set goes up to 15 points and a team must
have a two-point lead to win the set. With side out scoring, all sets are played up to 15 points and the team must
at least have a two-point lead. Some organizations say that the first team to win 17 points wins the set, so in this
case the two-point margin is not needed.
•-The FIVB is the global governing body responsible for all forms
of volleyball, with currently 221 affiliated national federations and
five continental confederations. The FIVB's key role is to provide
leadership to over 500 million players and 33 million licensed