ENG - W2 (Autosaved)
ENG - W2 (Autosaved)
ENG - W2 (Autosaved)
Quarter 3–Module 2:
Making a Stand
What I Need to Know
This module was carefully designed and written with your level of
understanding and interest in mind. It is here to help develop the
skill in providing evidence to support opinion. The language and
vocabulary used is intended for you as an intermediate reader.
This module focuses on this learning competency:
Make a stand based on informed opinion.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
• Give an opinion based on knowledge (informed opinion); and
• Make a stand based on informed opinion.
What I Know
What I Know
Now, it is time for you to make a stand or express your
position on this topic.
Choose the column that shows your stand on the
topic. As you write your response in the column of
your choice, be guided by the following questions:
− Why should pupils be allowed to use cellphones in
− Will cellphones help pupils learn better in school? In
what ways?
− What other benefits do pupils get from using
cellphones in school?
How to make a stand based on informed opinion?
The following are the steps to effectively express your view:
1. Link your position to your goal.
Know your goal. Be sure to where you stand so everything you will say
and write will be linked to your goal.
2. Back it up with data.
Beyond linking your point to a goal, it helps to have the facts and data to
back up your position. This will appeal to those detail-oriented people who
are only persuaded by analysis and logic. Plus, you will want to have done
some of this work as part of deciding on taking your stand.
3. Create a compelling narrative.