Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents
1. Know the applicable ACCOUNTING STANDARDS
2. Know the SCOPE of the applicable standards
3. Know the important Definition of Terms
4. Know the RECOGNITION (when? Or tuwing kailan?); (a) initial and (b) Subsequent
5. Know the Measurement (e.g., historical cost/fair value/present value (a) initial and (b)
Subsequent .
8. Know the requirements (is there any important matters need to be disclosed to the users)
Cash and Cash
SOURCE: ( I N T E R M E D I AT E A C C O U N T I N G 1 A – 2 0 2 2 E D I T I O N ; Z E U S V E R N O N
STANDARDS 9 (Financial Instruments)
2. Philippine Accounting Standards (PAS) 32 –
Financial Instruments Disclosure and Presentation
3. PAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements
4. PAS 7 – Statements of Cash Flows
Definition of Cash
- includes money or its equivalent that Cash includes CASH ON HAND AND CASH IN
is readily available for unrestricted BANK:
use. a) CASH on HAND – refers to undeposited
collections awaited for deposited and other
- other negotiable instruments that funds held as of the reporting date.
can be used to settle obligations and
acceptable by the bank for deposit and
immediate credit. b) CASH in BANK – refers to deposits in banks
that are available for immediate withdrawal
and unrestricted use.
a. Coins and Currencies – (Cash on Hand) e. Postal Money orders – similar to bank drafts but
are drawn from post offices or other financial
b. Demand deposits (checking or current institutions. – (Cash on Hand)
accounts) and saving accounts – (Cash in
Bank) F. Cash Funds set aside for use in current operations,
such as:
c. Checks – such as cashier’s checks, personal ◦ Petty Cash Fund – for petty expenses
checks, manager’s checks, traveller’s check,
◦ Revolving Fund – use for current and limited purpose
and certified checks received from
customers or other external parties. – (Cash ◦ Payroll Fund – pansweldo?
on Hand) ◦ Change Fund – panukli?
◦ Dividend Fund
d. Bank drafts - guarantees by bank to advance
◦ Tax fund
funds on the demand by party to whom the
draft was directed. (Cash on Hand) ◦ Interest fund
◦ Other imprest bank account
Cash on hand includes a P20,000 customer check The Cash in Bank – peso saving deposit includes
dated January 10, 2022. a deposit in escrow account amounting to
P340,000 and a compensating balance of
During December 2021, checks amounting to
P250,000 which is legally restricted.
P60,000 and P40,000 were drawn against the
cash in bank – current account. The P60,000 The Cash in Bank – dollar deposit (unrestricted)
check is dated January 15, 2022. The P40,00 is account includes interest of $2,000, net of tax,
dated December 31, 2021, but it was delivered to directly credited to ABC Co.’s account. The
the payee only on January 18, 2022. exchange rate at year-end is $1:P52.
Compute for the amount of cash and cash equivalents to be reported in 2021 Financial Statements:
Cash on Hand (100k - 20k postdated customer check) 80,000
Cash in Bank - current acct (350K + 60k postdated company check + 40k undelivered Check 450,000
Cash in Bank - savings (2M - 340K deposit in escrow* - 250k restricted compensating) 1,410,000
Cash in Bank - dollar deposit ($100K x P52) 5,200,000
Cash in money-market account 250,000
Treasury bills, purchased 12/1/2021, maturing 2/28/2022 800,000
Redeemable preference shares, purchased 12/1/2021, due on 3/1/2022 370,000
Cash and Cash Equivalents – Adjusted Balance P 8,560,000
- a negative (credit) balance in the cash in bank accounting resulting from
overpayment of checks in excess of the amount of deposit.
- occur only in checking accounts, but not in savings and time deposits.
- payable in demand; thus, these are presented as CURRENT LIABILITIES, except in
cases where offsetting is permitted.
- if overdraft is repayable on demand and form an integral part of the entity’s cash
management, it is included as component of cash and cash equivalents as
deduction or offset (PAS7).
- when two or more bank accounts are maintained in the same bank and one
account results to an overdraft, the overdraft may be offset or deducted from other
bank account with positive balance (provided this balance is not restricted)
BANK OVERDRAFT (Continuation)
It should be noted that offsetting of assets and liabilities is
appropriate only when permitted by PFRS. Financial Assets and
Financial Liabilities may be offset if the entity has both: