Optic Disc Disorders
Optic Disc Disorders
Optic Disc Disorders
Optic nerve anatomy
The ON carries 1.2 million afferent nerve fibers.
one third of the fibers subserve the central 5 degree of the visual
field.(papillomacular bundl).
80% are visual fibers and 20% are pupillary fibers for light reflex.
The ON is surrounded by myline sheath and 3 meningeal layers :
◦ Inner pia mater,archanoid and dura mater.
Anatomical subdivisions
1- intraocular: (optic nerve head) 1mm.
2- intraorbital: 25-30 mm,extends from globe to the optic foramen.
Its diameter 3-4 mm because of the addition of myelin sheath.
At the orbital apex the ON is surrounded by the annulus of zinn.
3- intracanalicular: 6mm.
4- intracranial :10 mm,joins the chisma.
Clinical Classification
1- optic disc
Optic atrophy
acute optic neuropathy
1-optic neuritis:
- papilitis
- retrobulbar neuritis
Demylination plaques.
It is the action potential of the visual cortex evoked by visual
Course of ON
Vision warsens over days to 3 weeks ,begins to improve over 6-12 ms
More than 90% of pts recover VA to 6/9 .
10% develop chronic optic neuritis end with optic atrophy and visual
Treat or not? ONTT
457 pts with acute optic neuritis randomized to 3 groups
- 250 mg IV methylpred/6h x 3 days,then oral steroid over 11
days and taper.
- Oral prednisolone 1mg/kg per day fo 14 days.
- Oral placebo for 14 days.
Outcomes are assessed over 6ms (VA,colour,contrast sensitivity and
visual field ).
Visual functions recovered faster in IV steroid group.
Sudden hypotensive events,sleep apnea
Age :50 ys
c/o sudden painless monocular visual loss usu discovered on
Altitudinal visual field defect.
Dyschromatopsia usu proportional to the visual impairment.
Difuse or sectoral hypermic disc swelling followed by pallor 3-6 ws.
Systemic work up
Lipid profile
Referal to control the systemic predisposition
Prognosis of NAION
Improvment of vision is common
50% can achieve 6/9
25% will reach 6/60 0r worse
The fellow eye will be involved in more than 30% of cases within
days to 1 week.
Increased ESR and CRP
Temporal artery biopsy TAP