Chapt 4
Chapt 4
Chapt 4
Code of Ethics
• Step 1 :
• Create a list of all the standards by which you believe
your company should take. Write them down on a
piece of paper. This should include :
• The general values of the company, managers, and
• The ways in which the company helps with employees'
continued education; and how the business complies
with all laws and reports all legal issues.
• Step 2 :
Customize your code of ethics to your
business. Include examples from your firm
into the code.
• If, for example, you use a code of ethics from
another business in your industry, rewrite the
code so it has meaning and, therefore, benefit
to your goals.
• Step 3 :
• Involve employees in the creation of a business
code of ethics. Every employee has insight into
the day-to-day operations and challenges. If,
for example, a department experiences low
confidence because of office gossip ()ن ميمة, help
employees find productive ways to build a
culture of trust and respect.
• Step 4 :
• Write down "Code of Ethics".
• A code of ethics should be to the point, and
simple to read. It should have a positive tone
and focus on improving the lives of the
business' directors, employees, and customers.