BCommManagers 07
BCommManagers 07
BCommManagers 07
Module 7: Public Speaking
Why learn about public speaking in business?
Effective Public Speaking
Learning Outcomes: Effective Public Speaking
Public speaking is, simply, an oral presentation or speech delivered to a live audience. It is
generally a formal or staged event, although impromptu speeches are a common occurrence—
and they can be a defining career moment.
• attending a client meeting and being asked to explain a procedural or technical point
• attending a management meeting and being called upon to defend your recommendations
through research and analysis that you have conducted.
What is Public Speaking?
As a speaker, you have the obligation to factor your audience into the design and development
of your speech.
Developing an Effective Speech
What NOT to do: Thank the audience for the opportunity to speak; or, “Today I’m going to be
talking about…”
Body Language and Gestures
One of the most common barriers to communication is jargon, the terminology associated with
a given profession.
You're tasked with presenting the overarching rollout of a new IT system that will change
workflow for your whole company. You will be presenting to the entire division in a large
auditorium. Your speech will be followed up by smaller, how-to oriented presentations for
individual teams. Your primary objective should be to:
a] communicate the project process and benefits using common terminology and/or
b] use jargon to establish credibility and confidence in successful project completion
c] convey the complexity of the project, using appropriate technical terminology
Audience Engagement
Learning Outcomes: Audience Engagement
Set clear ground rules during audience engagement to maintain control throughout audience
participation and prevent groups from becoming bored or distracted.
Understand the power of pathos: Emotion often drives decision making and opinion
Keep your speech brief: Too much information creates a cognitive backlog and state of anxiety
in your audience.
Make it memorable: Take time to condense your big idea into a short, memorable phrase.
Practice Question 2
You joined a Toastmasters International group and have built confidence and credibility as
a speaker. You’ve set your sights on speaking at a TEDx event, and you’re experimenting
with speech structures. You specifically want to make a persuasive speech that moves
people to donate to and support your non-profit.
Given that you only have 18 minutes, what elements should you incorporate into your
a] credibility, logic, and emotion
b] credibility
c] credibility and logic
Quick Review
Remember to understand the power of pathos, believe in your message, keep your speech brief,
and make it memorable!