The Confessions
The Confessions
The Confessions
Central to Enlightenment thought were the use and celebration of reason,
the power by which humans understand the universe and improve their
own condition. The goals of rational humanity were considered to be
knowledge, freedom, and happiness.
The Enlightenment produced the first modern secularized theories
of psychology and ethics.
3. Humans who are morally deprived would care only about their
relative status to others, leading to amour pro.pre, or vanity.
Rousseau felt that children learn right and wrong through experiencing the
consequences of their acts rather than through physical punishment. The
tutor will make sure that no harm results to Émile through his learning
He also repudiated the doctrine of Original Sin, which plays a large part in
Calvinism. In his "Letter to Beaumont", Rousseau wrote, "there is no original
perversity in the human heart.
In his "Letter to the Archbishop of Paris", "in which he insists that freedom of
discussion in religious matters is essentially more religious than the attempt
to impose belief by force.
Dates and events, historical verity and exactitude not important for him,
memory fails him but feelings for him are of vital significance.
He lays bare his own self and seems to say that he was basically good inspite of
all his weakness.
“How could I become wicked, when I had nothing but examples of
gentleness before my eyes, and none around me but the best people in the
Rousseau believed that emotion which was derived from nature and
physicality, was the core of his being and the source of his inspiration:
“My passions have made me live and my passions have killed me”.
This is related to his notion of primitive life in nature as a “gentle state” of