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◦ Once upon a time there was a (1) beautiful princess who had a golden ball.
She lived in a wonderful palace with her father, the king .
◦ At the end of the garden there was a (2)-----------------------, dark lake.
When the weather was (3)-----------------------------, the princess like
playing near the lake.
◦ (4)--------------------------, one day she dropped her golden ball into the
water. She was very (5)---------and she sat on the grass and started to cry.
(6)-------------------she heard a voice:”Don’t cry princess”.
◦ She opened her eyes and saw a large (7) -------------------------frog. “Oh,
please help me!” she said.” I can’t get my ball.” I’ll help you “, said the
frog,” if I can come and live with you in the palace!”
◦ “Yes, yes of course, I promise,” said the princess.
The Princess and the Frog
Once upon a time- a fairy tale.Complete the story with the adjectives and adverbs from the box. Use each word once only.

adjectives adverbs

beautiful carefully

green hapilly

hot quickly

angry suddenly

deep immediately

handsome unfortunately

unhappy quietly
◦ So the frog jumped into the water and came back with the ball. The princess laughed and
took the ball. She ran (8) -------------------------back to the palace and forgot all about the
◦ The frog was very (9 )-------------------------. He followed the princess into the palace and
told his story to the King.
◦ “A promise is a promise”, said the frog.
◦ ‘Yes”, said the king and called his daughter . “A promise is a promise , my daughter. Take
this frog into your room and look after him (10) ---------------------.”
◦ The princess cried again, but she took the frog and put him on her bed. The frog looked at
her and said (11) -------------------.” Please kiss me, princess”. She closed her eyes and
kissed him .(12)---------------------------, the frog turned into a (13)---------------------------
prince. Of course he and the princess fell in love. One week later they married and they
lived (14) ------------------------------ever after.
True or false
1. The princess had a silver , big ball.
2. At the end of the garden there was a deep river.
3. Suddenly the ball fell into the water.
4. A nice fellow helped the princess to get her ball.
5. The princess kept her promise and invited the frog into her palace.
6. . She ran happily back to the palace and forgot all about the frog.
7. The king treated the frog respectfully.
8. The princess didn’t take the frog into her room.
9. The princess cried again, but she took the frog and put him on her bed.
10. The frog turned into a pretty princess.
The basic rules for changing the Reported speech

Tense Direct Speech Reported Speech

present simple I like ice cream She said (that) she liked ice cream.

present continuous I am living in London She said (that) she was living in London.

She said (that) she had bought a car OR She said

past simple I bought a car
(that) she bought a car.

She said (that) she had been walking along the

past continuous I was walking along the street

present perfect I haven't seen Julie She said (that) she hadn't seen Julie.

She said (that) she had taken English lessons

past perfect* I had taken English lessons before

will I'll see you later She said (that) she would see me later.
Review the use of indirect speech and
change all the statements.

Direct Request Reported Request

Please help me. She asked me to help her.
Please don't smoke. She asked me not to smoke.
Could you bring my book tonight? She asked me to bring her book that night.
Could you pass the milk, please? She asked me to pass the milk.
Would you mind coming early tomorrow? She asked me to come early the next day.

To report a negative request, use 'not':

•Direct speech: Please don't be late.
•Reported speech: She asked us not to be late.
would* I would help, but..” She said (that) she would help but...

She said (that) she could speak perfect

can I can speak perfect English

She said (that) she could swim when she

could* I could swim when I was four
was four.

shall I shall come later She said (that) should come later.

should* I should call my mother She said (that) she should call her mother

might* I might be late She said (that) she might be late

She said (that) she must study at the

must I must study at the weekend weekend OR She said she had to study at
the weekend
Special questions
Direct Question Reported Question

Where is the Post Office, please? She asked me where the Post Office was.

What are you doing? She asked me what I was doing.

Who was that fantastic man? She asked me who that fantastic man had been.
General questions
Direct Question Reported Question

Do you love me? He asked me if I loved him.

Have you ever been to Mexico? She asked me if I had ever been to Mexico.

Are you living here?

She asked me if I was living here.
Predict what the story is about with the
help of the following words
◦ Pit- a large deep hole in the ground
◦ However- used to introduce a statement that contrasts with something that has just been said
◦ Despite- used to show that something happened or is true although something else might have happened
to prevent it
◦ At the top of- at the highest part or point of something
◦ Give up- to stop trying to do something
◦ make it out-to manage to see somebody/something or read or hear something
◦ Eventually-at the end of a period of time or a series of events
◦ take heed- to pay careful attention to somebody/something
◦ To yell at- to cry
The Group of frogs
◦ As a group of frogs was traveling through the woods, two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other
frogs crowded around the pit and saw how deep it was, they told the two frogs that there was no hope
left for them.
◦ However, the two frogs decided to ignore what the others were saying and they proceeded to try and
jump out of the pit. 
◦ Despite their efforts, the group of frogs at the top of the pit were still saying that they should just give
up. That they would never make it out.
◦ Eventually, one of the frogs took heed to what the others were saying and he gave up, falling down to
his death. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Again, the crowd of frogs yelled at
him to stop the pain and just die.
◦ He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not
hear us?”
◦ The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
As you read
◦ Where were the frogs walking?
◦ Where did two of them fall?
◦ How did the other frogs help the ones that had fallen into the pit?
◦ Why was there no hope left for the two frogs?
◦ Why did one of the frogs die?
◦ What helped the second frog survive and overcome the difficulty?
◦ What is the main idea of the story?

◦ Believe in yourself
◦ Never give up to the problems or difficulties
◦ Listen to others ‘ advice but do how you consider
◦ A good encouragement form self-confidence and helps to succeed.
Match the following into pairs of
synonyms or antonyms
◦ In spite of fall into
◦ Jump out of to proceed
◦ At the bottom of to take heed
◦ To continue despite
◦ To ignore at the top of
Moral of the story:
◦People’s words can have a big effect on other’s
lives. Think about what you say before it
comes out of your mouth. It might just be the
difference between life and death.
Project work
Comment on the following quotation:” What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?” in about 150

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