Introduction To Sets Form 2
Introduction To Sets Form 2
Introduction To Sets Form 2
By Ms Lambert
Ms Peter
Objectives Represent
What are the can be in any order but cannot be repeated. All the set
elements are represented in small letter in case of alphabets.
Also, we can write it as 1 ∈ A, 2 ∈ A etc. Some commonly used
Elements of a sets are as follows:
• N: Set of all natural numbers
Set? • Z: Set of all integers
• Q: Set of all rational numbers
• R: Set of all real numbers
• Z+: Set of all positive integers
• ∈ denotes “is an element of’ or “is a member of” or “belongs
to”, ∉ denotes “is not an element of” or “is not a member of”
or “does not belong to”
Listing The Elements (Roster Method)
• The set can be defined by listing all its elements, separated by commas
and enclosed within curly brackets. This is called the roster method.
• Examples:
V = {a, e, i, o, u}
B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
X = {a, b, c, d, e}
Representation • However, in some instances, it may not be possible to list all the
elements of a set. In such cases, we could define the set by methods 2
of Sets or 3.
Order of Sets
• Finite sets are the sets having a finite/countable
number of members. Finite sets are also known
as countable sets as they can be counted. The process
will run out of elements to list if the elements of this
set have a finite number of members.
• A set of months in a year.
M = {January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December}
n (M) = 12
• If a set is not finite, it is called an infinite set because the number of elements in
that set is not countable and also we cannot represent it in Roster form. Thus,
infinite sets are also known as uncountable sets.
Empty Set
• The set is empty! This means that there are no elements in the set. This set is
represented by ϕ or {}. An empty set is hence defined as:
• Definition: If a set doesn’t have any elements, it is known as an empty set or null
set or void set.
Eg. P = {x : x is a leap year between 1904 and 1908}
• Between 1904 and 1908, there is no leap year. So, P = ϕ.
Universal Set
• This is the set which is the base for every
other set formed. Depending upon the
context, the universal set is decided. It may
be a finite or infinite set. All the other sets
are the subsets of the Universal set. It is
represented by U.
• For e.g. The set of real numbers is a universal
set of integers, rational numbers, irrational
Sub Set
• Definition:
• set A is a subset of a set B if all elements of A
are also elements of B
• Given A = {1, 2, 4} and B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Even numbers
A subset
The Universal set
Venn Diagrams
The intersection of 2 sets consists of elements common to both
The intersection
Symbols and Venn diagrams