Day 2 - MCQs
Day 2 - MCQs
Day 2 - MCQs
Pathway to N T
Improve M S
Localized E
District Supervisor
Payao District A
The participants are expected
to enliven their understanding and
skills on the preparation of well-
constructed multiple choice
questions aligned with the table of
specification and levels of thinking.
• Describe the Do’s and Don’ts of
multiple choice questions;
• Recognize the characteristics of
well constructed multiple choice
• Explain the use and importance of
table of specification;
• Prepare table of specifications;
• Construct multiple choice test
questions aligned with the table of
• create questions that address the
different levels of Bloom’s
• Show appreciation on the
importance of well-constructed
test questions
Priming Activity: Strength or
Tell whether the statement is a
strength or weakness of a multiple
choice question. Write S if the
statement is a strength and W if it
is its weakness.
1. Achievement of learning outcomes from
simple to complex can be assessed.
2. Constructing good items is time
3. Incorrect alternatives provide diagnostic
4. Scores can be influenced by reading
5. Highly structured and clear tasks
are provided.
6. Can be ineffective for assessing
some types of problem solving and
the ability to organize and express
7. Can cover a lot of material very
8. Often focus on testing factual
information and fails to test higher
levels of cognitive thinking.
9. Avoids the absolute judgments
found in True-False tests.
10. They place a high degree of
dependence the instructor’s writing
Activity: Do it To Me One More
Using the provided MELC formulate
one multiple choice question
following the Revised Bloom’s
Taxonomy. Make sure to identify
the level of question.
Activity: Do it To Me One More
Araling Panlipunan:
e. If in doubt, guess
• use five alternatives instead of three or four to
reduce guessing
Evaluation Creating
Synthesis Evaluating
Analysis Analyzing
Application Applying
Comprehension Understanding
Knowledge Remembering
1956 2001
(Based on Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 8)
Changes in Terms
• Noun to Verb
• Comprehension became
understanding and synthesis
was renamed creating in order
to better reflect the nature of
the thinking described by each
Level One : Remembering
The learner is able to recall, restate and
remember learned information.
– Recognizing
– Listing
– Describing
– Identifying
– Retrieving
– Naming
– Locating
– Finding
Can you recall information?
Remembering cont’
• List
• Memorize
• Listen
• Relate • Group Recall or
• Show
• Locate
• Choose recognition of
• Distinguish • specific
Recite information
• Give example
• Reproduce • Review
• Quote • Quote
• Repeat
• Label • Record
• Recall • Match Products include:
• Know • Quiz
• Group • Select • Label
• Read • • Definition • List
• Outline • Cite • Fact • Workbook
• Sort • Worksheet • Reproduction
• Test •Vocabulary
Classroom Roles for
Teacher roles Student roles
• Directs • Responds
• Tells • Absorbs
• Shows • Remembers
• Examines • Recognizes
• Questions • Memorizes
• Evaluates • Defines
• Describes
• Retells
• Passive recipient
Remembering: Engagement
Activities and Products
• Make a story map showing the main events
of the story.
• Make a time line of your typical day.
• Make a concept map of the topic.
• Write a list of keywords you know about….
• What characters were in the story?
• Make a chart showing…
• Make an acrostic poem about…
• Recite a poem you have learnt.
(Shallow processing: drawing our
factual answers, testing recall and
• Explains
• Demonstrates
• Describes
• Listens
• Outlines
• Questions • Restates
• Compares • Translates
• Contrasts • Demonstrates
• Examines • Interprets
• Active participant
Understanding cont’
• Restate • Describe
• Identify • Report Understanding
• Discuss
• Recognize of given
• Retell information
• Review
• Research
• Observe
• Annotate
• Outline
• Translate
• Give examples of • Account for Products include:
• Paraphrase • Interpret • Recitation • Example
• Reorganize • Give main • Summary • Quiz
• Associate idea • Collection • List
• Estimate • Explanation • Label
• Define • Show and tell • Outline
Understanding: Engagement
Activities and Products
• Write in your own words…
• Cut out, or draw pictures to illustrate a particular event in the story.
• Report to the class…
• Illustrate what you think the main idea may have been.
• Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events in the story.
• Write and perform a play based on the story.
• Write a brief outline to explain this story to someone else
• Explain why the character solved the problem in this particular way
• Write a summary report of the event.
• Prepare a flow chart to illustrate the sequence of events.
• Make a colouring book.
• Paraphrase this chapter in the book.
• Retell in your own words.
• Outline the main points.
(translating, interpreting and extrapolating)
– Implementing
– Carrying out
– Using
– Executing
Can you use the information in another
familiar situation?
Applying cont’
• Translate • Paint
• Manipulate • Change Using strategies,
• Exhibit • Compute concepts, principles
and theories in new
• Illustrate • Sequence situations
• Calculate • Show
• Interpret • Solve
• Make • Collect
• Practice • Demonstrate Products include:
• Apply • Dramatize • Photograph • Presentation
• Operate • Construct • Illustration • Interview
• Interview • Use • Simulation • Performance
• Adapt • Sculpture • Diary
• Draw • Demonstration • Journal
Classroom Roles for Applying
Teacher roles Student roles
• • Solves problems
• Demonstrates use of
• Facilitates knowledge
• Observes • Calculates
• Evaluates • Compiles
• Organizes • Completes
• Questions • Illustrates
• Constructs
• Active recipient
Applying: Engagement Activities
and Products
• Construct a model to demonstrate how it looks or works
• Practise a play and perform it for the class
• Make a diorama to illustrate an event
• Write a diary entry
• Make a scrapbook about the area of study.
• Prepare invitations for a character’s birthday party
• Make a topographic map
• Take and display a collection of photographs on a particular topic.
• Make up a puzzle or a game about the topic.
• Write an explanation about this topic for others.
• Dress a doll in national costume.
• Make a clay model…
• Paint a mural using the same materials.
• Continue the story…
(Knowing when to apply, why to apply and
recognizing patterns of transfer to situation
that are new, unfamiliar or have a new slant
for students)
• Discusses
• Probes • Uncovers
• Guides • Argues
• Debates
• Observes • Thinks deeply
• Evaluates • Tests
• Acts as a resource • Examines
• Questions
• Questions • Calculates
• Organizes • Investigates
• Dissects • Inquires
• Active participant
Analyzing: Engagement Activities
and Products
• Use a Venn Diagram to show how two topics are the same and different
• Design a questionnaire to gather information.
• Survey classmates to find out what they think about a particular topic. Analyse
the results.
• Make a flow chart to show the critical stages.
• Classify the actions of the characters in the book
• Create a sociogram from the narrative
• Construct a graph to illustrate selected information.
• Make a family tree showing relationships.
• Devise a role play about the study area.
• Write a biography of a person studied.
• Prepare a report about the area of study.
• Conduct an investigation to produce information to support a view.
• Review a work of art in terms of form, color and texture.
• Draw a graph
• Complete a Decision Making Matrix to help you decide which breakfast cereal to
(breaking down into parts, forms)
• Facilitates • Designs
• • Formulates
• Plans
• Reflects
• Takes risks
• Analyses • Modifies
• Evaluates • Creates
• Proposes
• Active participant
(combining statement into a pattern not
clearly there before)
Apply Draft Infer Produce
Assemble Dramatize Interpret Relate
Calculate Draw Modify Schedule
Change Employ Operate Select
Choose Estimate Practice Show
Compute Explain Predict Sketch
Defend Illustrate Prepare Use
Problem Solving
Analyze Criticize Inspect Question
Appraise Debate Interpret Rate
Argue Defend Judge Relate
Arrange Differentiate Justify Recognize
Assemble Discriminate Manage Score
Assess Distinguish Modify Select
Categorize Estimate Organize Solve
Compare Evaluate Plan Support
Compose Examine Predict Test
Conclude Formulate Prepare Value
Construct Illustrate Propose Write
Create Infer
The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy takes the
form of Two-dimensional table. The Knowledge
Dimension or the kind of knowledge to be
learned and second is the Cognitive Process
Dimension or the process used to learn.
• Factual Knowledge
– refers to the essential facts,
terminology, details or
elements student must know
or be familiar with in order to
solve a problem in it.
• Conceptual Knowledge
– is knowledge of classification,
principles, generalizations,
theories, models or structure
pertinent to a particular
disciplinary area.
• Procedural Knowledge
– refers to information or knowledge
that helps students to do something
specific to a discipline subject, area of
study. It also refers to methods of
inquiry, very specific or finite skills,
algorithms, techniques and particulars
• Meta-cognitive Knowledge
– is a strategic or reflective
knowledge about how to go
solving problems, cognitive
tasks to include contextual and
conditional knowledge and
knowledge of self.
Emphasis is the third and final
category of changes. It is placed
upon its use as a more “authentic
tool for curriculum planning,
instructional delivery and
• More authentic tool for curriculum
planning, instructional delivery and
• Aimed at a broader audience
• Easily applied to all levels of schooling
• The revision emphasizes explanation
and description of subcategories
Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things
Designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing.
Justifying a decision or course of action
Checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging
Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships
Comparing, organizing, deconstructing, interrogating, finding
Using information in another familiar situation
Implementing, carrying out, using, executing
Explaining ideas or concepts
Interpreting, summarizing, paraphrasing, classifying, explaining
Recalling information
Recognizing, listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding
“The new century has brought us
the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
which is really new and improved.
Try it out; the author thinks
you will like it better
than a cake”.
Table of Specification
A table of specifications is a miniature
view of the test. It is a helpful tool that is
used by the teacher to build a test.
It is often presented in the form of a
two-dimensional grid with content areas
represented along one dimension and the
educational outcomes/skills along the
The first step for writing any exam
is to have a blueprint ( table of
specifications ).
Item Placement
Aligning test questions
with the table of
Listen carefully as your teacher reads the poem .Then answer items 1- 2