Morning Report Obs Febris
Morning Report Obs Febris
Morning Report Obs Febris
Coassistent :
Rahma Fauzia Al Erza
History of pregnancy :
Present State
Localized state
Head : Anemic palpebra conjuctiva (-), icteric (-)
Neck : within normal limits
Thorax : Respiratory sound : Vesicular
Additional sound : Wheezing(-)/(-), Rales (-)/(-)
Abdomen : Hepar and Lien no abnormality
Genitalia : within normal limit
Ext Superior/Inferior: Oedem -/-, Cyanosis -/-
Obstetric State
• Abdomen : Asymmetrically enlarged
• Leopold 1 : Fundal Height : 3 fingers Below Processus Xyphoideus
• Leopold 2 : right: tension part, feels like board.
left: feels like hand foot
• Leopold 3 : head palpable
• Leopold 4 : head has not entered the pelvic
• Fetal movement : (+)
• Fetal Heart rate : 132 bpm, regular
• Uterine Contraction : (+)
Gynecological State
Laboratory Findings
september 19th 2022
Indeks Eritrosit
- MCV 90 80 – 100 fL
- MCH 30 26 – 34 pg
- MCHC 34 32 – 36 g/dL
Hitung Jenis Lekosit
- Basofil 0 0–1%
- Eosinofil 0 1–3%
- Neutrofil Segmen 85 50 – 70 %
- Limfosit 11 20 – 45 %
- Monosit 4 4–8%
Laboratory Findings
september 19th 2022
Total Sel
Total Limfosit 1.48 0.58-4.47
Total Basofil 0.00 0-0.1
Total Monosit 0.51 0.17-1.22
Total Eosinofil 0.05 0-0.61
Total Neutrofil 11.4 1.88-7.82
Obs. Febris+G1P0A0 +IUP(24)wga
IVFD RL 30 dpm
Cefixine 2x1 tab 200 mg
Paracetamol 3x1
-measure vital signs
-monitoring fetal heart rate