Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
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• Periodic or non-periodic
• Symmetries
• Bounded or Unbounded
Complex Signals
• Continuous Signals have to be solutions of differential equations they
can be in the form:
where Ai, Bi , etc., si and zi can be complex numbers with real and
imaginary parts.
Periodic or non-periodic
• Periodic signals are those which satisfy
x(t +T) = x(t) for all t, and T is called the Period.
Sinusoidal Continuous Signals
• Sinusoidal Signals are periodic functions which are based on the sine or cosine
function from trigonometry.
• The general form of a Sinusoidal Signal
x(t)=A cos(ωot +ϕ)
x(t)=A cos(2πfot +ϕ)
– where cos (·) represent the cosine function and sin(·), the sine function
– ωot +ϕ or 2πfot +ϕ is angle (in radians) of the cosine function
• Since the angle depends on time, it makes x(t) a signal
– ωo is the radian frequency of the sinusoidal signal
• fo is called the cyclical frequency of the sinusoidal signal
– ϕ is the phase shift or phase angle
– A is the amplitude of the signal
Sine and Cosine Functions
Properties of Sinusoids
Property Equation
Zeros of cosine cos [π(k+1)/2] = 0, when k is an even integer; odd multiples of π/2
Ones of the sine sin [π(k+1/2)] = 1, when k is an even integer; alternate odd multiples of π/2
Negative ones of the cosine cos [2π(k +1)/2]= -1, when k is an integer; odd multiples of π
Negative ones of the sine sin [π(k +1/2)]= -1, when k is an odd integer; alternate odd multiples of 3π/2
Signal Symmetries
Sinusoidal Signals
Relation of Period to Frequency
• Period of a sinusoid, To, is the length of one cycle and
To = 1/fo
• The following relationship must be true for all Signals which are
periodic (not just sinusoids)
x(t + To) = x(t)
• So
• A cos(ωo(t + To) + θ) = A cos(ωot + ωoTo + θ)
A cos(ωot + ωoTo + θ) = A cos(2πfot +2π foTo + θ)
A cos(2πfot +2π foTo + θ) = A cos(2πfot +2π + θ)
A cos(2πfot +2π + θ) = A cos(2πfot + θ) =A cos(ωot + θ)
Phase shift and Time Shift
Phase Shift and Time Shift
• The phase shift parameter θ (with frequency) determines the time locations of the maxima
and minima of the sinusoid.
• When θ = 0, then for positive peak at t = 0.
• When θ ≠ 0, then the phase shift determines how much the maximum is shifted from t = 0.
• However, delaying a signal by t1 seconds, also shifts its waveform.