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Lecture 1

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Biomedical Signal &


Dr. Jawad Hussain

Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Riphah International University, Lahore
Course Outline
• In this course, BME Tools such as
• the Laplace and Fourier Transforms,
• time-frequency analysis are introduced.
• Applications include signals and noise, processing of the ECG,
mathematics of imaging and derivation of useful physiological
parameters from input signals.
Learning Outcomes
• By the end of the course, you should be able to do the following:
• Signal Processing: Understand the mathematical principles of continuous and
digital signal processing. In particular, gain knowledge in ODE, Convolution,
Signal Approximation, Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms, Modulation,
Sampling, Laplace Transforms, and Z-transforms. Apply knowledge of math,
engineering and science to identify, formulate, and solve problems in these areas.
• Biomedical Signal Processing: Apply knowledge of math, engineering and
science to understand the principle of biomedical signal processing. Understand
how to apply specific mathematical techniques to solve problems in the areas of
biomedical signals (e.g., calculation of an ECG spectrum using Fourier Series
and calculation of Heart Rate Variability using Fourier Transforms).
What Is this Course All About ?
• To Gain an Appreciation of the Various Types of Signals and
• To Analyze The Various Types of Systems
• To Learn the Skills and Tools needed to Perform these Analyses
What are Signals?
• A Signal is a term used to denote the information carrying
property being transmitted to or from an entity such as a
device, instrument, or physiological source
• Examples:
– Radio and Television Signals
– Telecommunications and Computer Signals
– Biomedical Signals
What is a System?
• A System is a term used to denote an entity that processes a
• A System has inputs and outputs
• Examples
– Amplifiers, Radios, Televisions
– Telephone, Modem, Computer
– Oscilloscopes, ECG (EKG), EEG, EMG
How do we describe Signals?
• Signals are associated with an independent variable(s): e.g.,
time, single or multivariate spatial coordinate
– Most instrumentation signals have time as their independent
– A digital photograph or image has spatial coordinates as its
independent variables
• Signal Independent Variables can be either Continuous or
Continuous-Time Signals
Discrete-Time Signals
• A Discrete-Time Signal can be obtained from a Continuous-Time
signal by Sampling.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5

Continuous-Time Signal Discrete-Time Signal

x(t  nTs )  x(nTs )  x[n]  sin
x(t)  sin(t)
(nTs ) where n is an
integer: N1  n  N2
Discrete-Time Signals
Discrete Spatial Signal

This image consists of 200 x 158 pixels where

each pixel can take on a value representing the
color displayed in the form of [r,g,b].
Properties of Signals
• Take on Real or Complex values

• Periodic or non-periodic

• Symmetries

• Bounded or Unbounded
Complex Signals
• Continuous Signals have to be solutions of differential equations they
can be in the form:

• Discrete Signals have to be solutions of difference equations they can

be in the form:

where Ai, Bi , etc., si and zi can be complex numbers with real and
imaginary parts.
Periodic or non-periodic
• Periodic signals are those which satisfy
x(t +T) = x(t) for all t, and T is called the Period.
Sinusoidal Continuous Signals
• Sinusoidal Signals are periodic functions which are based on the sine or cosine
function from trigonometry.
• The general form of a Sinusoidal Signal
x(t)=A cos(ωot +ϕ)
x(t)=A cos(2πfot +ϕ)
– where cos (·) represent the cosine function and sin(·), the sine function
– ωot +ϕ or 2πfot +ϕ is angle (in radians) of the cosine function
• Since the angle depends on time, it makes x(t) a signal
– ωo is the radian frequency of the sinusoidal signal
• fo is called the cyclical frequency of the sinusoidal signal
– ϕ is the phase shift or phase angle
– A is the amplitude of the signal
Sine and Cosine Functions
Properties of Sinusoids

Property Equation

Equivalence sin θ = cos (θ – π / 2) or cos θ = sin (θ + π/2)

Periodicity cos (θ + 2πk) = cos θ or sin (θ +2πk) = sin θ where k is an integer

Evenness of cosine cos θ = cos (-θ )

Oddness of sine sin θ = -sin (-θ )

Zeros of sine sin πk = 0, when k is an integer

Zeros of cosine cos [π(k+1)/2] = 0, when k is an even integer; odd multiples of π/2

Ones of the cosine cos 2πk = 1, when k is an integer; even multiples of π

Ones of the sine sin [π(k+1/2)] = 1, when k is an even integer; alternate odd multiples of π/2

Negative ones of the cosine cos [2π(k +1)/2]= -1, when k is an integer; odd multiples of π

Negative ones of the sine sin [π(k +1/2)]= -1, when k is an odd integer; alternate odd multiples of 3π/2
Signal Symmetries
Sinusoidal Signals
Relation of Period to Frequency
• Period of a sinusoid, To, is the length of one cycle and
To = 1/fo
• The following relationship must be true for all Signals which are
periodic (not just sinusoids)
x(t + To) = x(t)
• So
• A cos(ωo(t + To) + θ) = A cos(ωot + ωoTo + θ)
A cos(ωot + ωoTo + θ) = A cos(2πfot +2π foTo + θ)
A cos(2πfot +2π foTo + θ) = A cos(2πfot +2π + θ)
A cos(2πfot +2π + θ) = A cos(2πfot + θ) =A cos(ωot + θ)
Phase shift and Time Shift
Phase Shift and Time Shift
• The phase shift parameter θ (with frequency) determines the time locations of the maxima
and minima of the sinusoid.
• When θ = 0, then for positive peak at t = 0.
• When θ ≠ 0, then the phase shift determines how much the maximum is shifted from t = 0.
• However, delaying a signal by t1 seconds, also shifts its waveform.

x(t-t1) = A cos(ωo(t-t1)) = A cos(ωot-ωot1)

ωot-ωot1 = ωot +θ
-ωot1 = θ
t1 = - θ / ωo = -θ / 2πfo
Θ = - 2πfot1=-2π(t1/ To)
• Note that a positive (negative) value of t1 equates to a delay (advance)
• And a positive (negative) value of θ equates to an advance (delay)
Phase and Time Shift
• Note that a positive (negative) value of t1 equates to a delay (advance)
• And a positive (negative) value of θ equates to an advance (delay)
x(t) = 5 cos(2π 50t + θ); θ = π / 2; -π / 2
t1 = - π / 2 / (2π50) = -.005 sec; +.005 sec
Identities and Derivatives
Bounded or Unbounded
• For Bounded Signals f (t) dt approaches a constant value as t

• Unbounded Signals approach infinity as t 
Euler’s Formula
•Basic Formula
e j  cos  j sin
(Note that: e  cos  j sin )
e jt  cost  j sint and
e j (t )  cos(t   )  j sin(t   )
•And one more where s    j
est  e(  j )t  et cos(t   )  jet sin(t   )
More on Complex Signals
• Let’s assume that x(t)=Ae st for all t, A is a real constant and s is complex
and is given as s = α + jω
• If s = α is real, then x(t) is a real exponential function
• If s = j ω is imaginary and using Euler’s formula, then x(t) is a
sinusoidal function x(t)=Aejωt = A(cos ωt + j sin ωt)
• If s is complex, then x(t) is called a damped sinusoidal function for
s < 0 and is of the form
x(t)=Aest = Ae αt (cos ωt + j sin ωt)
1. Continuous and Discrete Signals
Use Matlab to plot the signals; submit your code
1. f(t) = 1- e-t is a continuous signal. Draw its waveform.
2. Draw the discrete version of f(t) for T=0.25.
2. Periodic Signals
1. Show that tan t is periodic. What is its period?
2. Is e-t periodic? Why not?
3. Is e-t sin(t) periodic? Describe?
3. Bounded Signals
1. Prove that f(t) = e-t is bounded for t > 0.
2. What about f(t) = e-t for all t.
4. Biosignals
1. For a typical EEG, EKG, and EMG signal, is the signal periodic? If so, what is its
2. For a typical EEG, EKG, and EMG signal, is the signal bounded? If so, describe
5. Symmetry
1. Is cos t even or odd? sin t? tan t?
2. What about cos t x sin t ? tan t x cos t ?
3. What is the symmetry of the product of:
1. Two even functions
2. Two odd Functions
3. Even and Odd function
Next Week
• Complex numbers and unit impulse functions
• Basic Theory of complex numbers and mathematics of their representation

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