Amines BSC Chemistry Honours
Amines BSC Chemistry Honours
Amines BSC Chemistry Honours
By –Neha Kumari
Women empowerment refers to making women strong regardless of what
challenges they face, both great and small. Women have suffered a lot
through the years at the hands of men. In earlier centuries, they mostly had
no rights; they could not vote, were expected to stay at home and raise kids
while the man was in charge of all property. In short, women had almost non-
Women empowerment became a breath of fresh air for most, granting them
equal rights to men and an understanding that they too could make decisions
for themselves rather than depending on or needing assistance from another
person. When they realized this, they began revolutionizing themselves. In
such a way, they could change their lives and those around them by
demanding their rights rather than having them given by others.
As time went on, they began emphasizing woman’s right to vote. They began
to demand equal pay and equal opportunities in employment and all facets
of life like social and political levels where they had very little room to
Need for Women Empowerment
History tells us that women have received violence across the ages. Some to
consider are the Sati Pratha of the ancient era, which is akin to modern-day
bride burning, to favoring baby boys over girls in present times due to the
unfair practice of dowry. We hear stories of great harm against women such
as rape, acid attack, honor killing, and domestic abuse; these brutal practices
not only continue but also worsen in present scenarios.
• Social
• Educational
• Economic
• Political
• Psychological
Social Empowerment
Social empowerment may be one of the most prominent forms of
empowerment shown in the mainstream media. It builds on women’s
social relations and positions within socially structured contexts,
offering them more opportunities to contribute productively without
regard to gender. Social empowerment is one way to empower
oneself socially. By being able to successfully function within society,
an individual can attain a sense of self-confidence which will benefit
them in the long run while empowering others around them at the
same time. In short, women need empowerment in all aspects of life.
Educational Empowerment
Education plays a crucial part in our growth and development. But
there are still people in this world who believe that women don't need
to go to school. This takes away a fundamental skill everyone has the
right to: knowledge. Without a proper education for all, gender
empowerment isn’t possible. Not only that, obtaining knowledge can
uplift self-confidence, self-esteem, but also make girls self-sufficient.
This will also give them access to social, political, intellectual, and
religious consciousness which discourages the growth of bigotry,
superstition, intolerance, and narrow-mindedness.