Lec 2
Lec 2
Lec 2
Lecture 2
Dr. Yaser Abdalla
Oct. 2020/2021 1
Project Manager’s responsibilities
⮚ Satisfy needs: task, team, and حتياجات/ وا،لمهام/ احتياجات ا:تلبية االحتياجات ▪
individual needs واالحتياجات الفردية،الفريق
⮚ Set objectives ▪ تحديد األهداف
⮚ Establish plans ▪ وضع الخطط
⮚ Organize resources تنظيم الموارد ▪
⮚ Provide staffing (Recruitment) ▪ التوظيف
⮚ Set up controls إعداد عناصر التحكم ▪
⮚ Issue directives ▪ اصدار التوجيهات
⮚ Motivate personnel تحفيز الموظفين ▪
- On the project team, the Marketing manager is the primary, direct link with the customer.
- In the current trends, Project managers are typically required to manage many diverse
systems such as; networks, bar charts, job costing, task forces, partnering and schedule, to
manage projects.
Project Manager’s Skills
⮚ Leadership ،⮚ القيادة
- Because of the requirement for in-
depth expertise, project management is ⮚ Communication التواصل ⮚
generally restricted to specialists. ⮚ التنظيم
⮚ Organization
⮚ Team-building ⮚ تكوين الفريق
- The professional certification for ⮚ Negotiating ⮚ القدرة علي التفاوض
project managers is a Project
⮚ Critical Thinking ⮚ التفكير النقدي
Management Professional (PMP).
True FALSE ⮚ Task Management ⮚ إدارة المهام
Classification of Project Manager’s Skills
Project / Program / Portfolio
Difference bet. Project and Program?
البرنامج هو مجموعة مشروعات مشتركه ومترابطه والمخرج واحد
A Program is considered to be a series of coordinated, related, and multiple
projects that continue over extended time intended to achieve a goal.
• Example:
شرك"ة للبني"ة التحتي"ة لديه"ا هدف اس"تراتيجي ل "تعظي"م العائ"د عل"ى اس"تثماراتها" ق"د تض"ع مع"ا مجموع"ة تض"م خليطً"ا من
المشروعات ف"ي مجال النف"ط والغاز والطاق"ة والمياه والطرق والس"كك الحديدي"ة والمطارات .وم"ن هذا المزي"ج ،قد تختار
الشرك"ة إدارة المشروعات المرتبط"ة بعضه"ا ببع"ض ك"برنامج واحد .ويمك"ن تجمي"ع ك"ل مشروعات الطاق"ة مع"ا كبرنامج
للطاقة .وبالمث"ل ،يمك"ن تجمي"ع ك"ل مشروعات المياه مع"ا ك"برنامج للمياه .وهكذا ،فإ"ن برنام"ج الطاق"ة وبرنامج المياه
يصبحان جز ًءا ال يتجزأ من حافظة Portfolioمشروعات شركة البنية التحتية.
Project / Program / Portfolio
Project / Program / Portfolio
# Projects are usually classified into all but one of the following categories. Which one is not
one of the typical classifications?
A. Compliance and emergency B. Operational
C. Strategic D. Political necessity
# Effective program managers recognize that managing a project is much more complex than
managing a program. True FALSE
# Which of the following is true of program managers?
a. They report to project managers who c. They provide leadership and direction for
represent the next level in the hierarchy. project managers heading the projects
within a program.
b. They recognize that managing a program is d. They are responsible solely for the delivery
simpler than managing a project. of project results.
#Which of the following is a difference between project management and portfolio management?
a. Project management involves making wise c. Portfolio management asks questions like,
investment decisions whereas portfolio “Are we carrying out projects efficiently?”
management does not. whereas project management asks
questions such as “Are we investing in the
right areas?”
b. Portfolio management is an easy task whereas d. Project management addresses specific,
project management is a more difficult task. short-term goals whereas portfolio
management focuses on long-term goals.
ا99ألسا99ليبا99لتنظيميهOrganizational Structures 9
االس9لوب التنظيم9ى ه9و أح9د العوام9ل ال9بيئيه المؤثره ف9ى المشروع والذى يمكن9ه التاثي9ر ف9ى توافر
الموارد الخاصه بالمشروع والطريقه التى يتم تنفيذ المشروعات بها.
⮚ Major types of organizational structures:
ا//لهيك/لا//لتنظيم/يا//لوظيف/يهو هيك/لت///نظيم/يهرم/يحي/ثي//ت/م /ت///جمي/ع /ا//ألشخاص ب///نا ًء /على▪ Functional Organization
. ) ي//تمتع /مدير ا//لمشروع ب///معظم /ا//لسلطة وا//لموارد وا//لتحكم /ف///يا//لعمل ▪ Strong Matrix Organization
ي//تمت/ع /مدي/ر ا//لمشروع ب///ا//لس/لطة ا//لكامل/ة ل//تحديد ا//ألولوياتادارة ا//لموارد▪ Project-based Organization
.وتوجيه /عملا//ألشخاصا//لمعينينف///يل//مشروع
▪ projectized organization structure هيكلت///نظيميي//تمتع /ف///يه /مدير ا//لمشروع ب///ا//لسلطة ا//لكاملة
.ل//تحديد ا//ألولوياتوتطبيقا//لموارد وتوجيه /عملا//ألشخاصا//لمعينينل//لمشروع 10
Organizational Structures
⮚ Major types of organizational structures:
▪ Functional Organization (A functional organization structure is a hierarchical
organization structure wherein people are grouped based on their area of specialization.)
▪ Weak Matrix Organization (In weak matrix organizations, the project manager
will have limited power and authority.)
▪ Balanced Matrix Organization (is one in which a matrix management
strategy is put in place to balance the level of authority between the project manager and
the functional manager.)
▪ Strong Matrix Organization ( the project manager has most of the power,
resources and control over the work. )
▪ Project-based Organization ((PBOs) Project-based organizational structures
borrow from those based on hierarchies, functions and operations. .)
▪ projectized organization structure (projectized - an organizational
structure in which the project manager has full authority to assign priorities, apply
resources, and direct the work of persons assigned to the project.
Organizational Structures (cont’d)
# Most colleges and universities have very strong functional organizations True FALSE
# The same organization can have different subcultures True FALSE
# Project managers in matrix organizations have staff from various functional areas working on
their projects True FALSE
# An organization that uses a project organizational structure earns their revenue primarily
from performing projects for other groups under contract. True FALSE
# The _____ perspective of an organization focuses on different groups’ roles and
responsibilities in order to meet the goals and policies set by top management.
a. structural frame c. political frame
b. human resources frame d. symbolic frame
Organizational Structures (cont’d)
Table: Influence of Organizational Structures on Projects
Organizational Structures (Cont’d)
Functional Organization:
Functional Organization:
الفرق الوظيفي
والمشروعي هو
اتجاه توزيع اإلدارة
افقي وراسي
Projectized Organization:
)Organizational Structures (Cont’d
▪ يتـم تجميـع أعضاء فريـق العمـل حسـب التخصـص مثـل اإلنتاج ،والتسـويق ،والهندسة،
والمحاسبة ،على المستوى العلوي
▪ ويمكـن تقسـيم التخصـصات مرة أخرى إلـى مجموعـة فرعيـة فـي وحدات وظيفيـة مركزة مثل
هندسة الميكانيكا وهندسة الكهرباء
▪ ويقوم كـل قسـم فـي التنظيـم الوظيفـي بأعمال المشروع المنوطـة بـه بصـورة مسـتقلة عـن األقسام
األخرى( .مثل شركة توزيع الكهرباء)
)Organizational Structures (Cont’d
Project-based Organization التنظيم القائم على المشروعات
على النقيض من التنظيم الوظيفى ,في التنظيم القائم على المشروعات:
▪ يتم حصر أعضاء فريق العمل في موقع واحد( ,مثل شركات النفط)
▪ تشتمـل التنظيمات القائمـة علـى المشروعات علـى وحدات تنظيميـة تُسـمى األقسـام ،ولكـن قد
إلشراف مدير المشروع مباشر ًة أو توفر خدمات دعم للمشروعات المتنوعة.
Organizational Structures (Cont’d)
Which of the following structures is referred to in popular literature as a projectized form
of organizations?
A. Functional organization
B. Balanced matrix organization
C. Weak matrix organization
D. Strong matrix organization
E. Projectized organization
Identify and briefly describe the three basic project management structures.
1. functional, 2. matrix, and 3. project
Briefly describe the task decision making responsibilities under the three project management
matrix structures.
- In a weak matrix structure, the functional manager makes all the decisions on what and how
tasks are to be done.
- In a strong matrix structure, the project manager makes all the decisions on what and how
tasks are to be done.
- In a balanced matrix they share responsibility with the project manager deciding what is to be
done, while the functional manager decides how it is to be done.
Project Phases and Project Life Cycle
Project life cycle دورة حياة المشروع
⮚ A project life cycle: is the series of phases that a project passes
through from its initiation to its closure. اية/لنه//ليا//ية ا/لبدا//ع منا/لمشرو//ا ا/ه///مر ب//لتيي//حلا/لمرا//هيا
# The last phase of the traditional project life cycle is the implementation phase. True
(The last phase )Closing Phase. During the final closure, or completion phase,
the emphasis is on releasing the final deliverables to the customer, handing
over project documentation to the business, terminating supplier contracts,
releasing project resources, and communicating the closure of the project to
all stakeholders.
⮚ Project life cycle define the work, deliverables, time, who is involved, how
management will control the work for each phase.
⮚ A deliverable is a product or service, such as a technical report, a training
session, a piece of hardware, or a segment of software code.
Project Phases and Project Life Cycle (Cont’d)
⮚ Project phases vary by project or industry.
⮚ This generic life cycle structure is often referred to when communicating with
upper management or other entities less familiar with the details of the project.
# An organization usually commits more money as a project continues, therefore a management
review should occur after each phase to evaluate progress, potential success, and continued
compatibility with organizational goals. True FALSE
Project Life Cycle
1. Concept (Starting)
is where the project is conceived صور99ت, investigated for feasibility, a business case
formally proposed to progress to Developing a plan (Project Charter لمشروع99)ميثاقا
4. Close-out (Finishing)
customers should accept the entire project. The project team should document its
experiences on the project in a lessons-learned report. 20
# In Rizzati Corp, vice presidents in departments such as engineering, manufacturing, IT, and
human resources report directly to the chief executive officer and undertake their tasks
independently of each other. The staffs of these departments have specialized skills in their
respective disciplines. Rizatti Corp can be said to have a _____ organizational structure.
a. project b. Symbolic c .matrix d. functional
# In a _____organizational structure, program managers, rather than functional managers or vice
presidents, report to the CEO. Their staffs have a variety of skills needed to complete all
required tasks within their programs.
a. projectized b. Symbolic c. matrix d. functional
# In a _____ organizational structure, personnel often report to both a functional manager and
one or more project managers.
a. project b. symbolic c. matrix d. functional
# Project managers have the least amount of authority in a pure ____ organizational structure.
a. functional b. project c. matrix d. circular
# Which of the following is true of a matrix organizational structure?
a. In a matrix organizational structure, employees are organized into departments according to
their skills, and there is little interaction between employees from different departments.
b. Project managers in matrix organizations have staff from only a single functional area
on their projects.
c. In a strong matrix organizational structure, the project manager controls the project budget
and has moderate to high authority.
d. A matrix organizational structure is hierarchical, but instead of functional managers 21
Feasibility Study
دراسـة الجدوى هـي أسـلوب علمـي منهجـيـ منظـم لتأكيـد نجاح أـو فشـل المشروع ،وذلك
يتطلـب دراسـة علميـة سـليمة أوليـة ثـم تفصـيلية ،والتأكـد مـن قدرة المشروع علـي استرداد
االستثمارات وتحقيق معدل عائد مناسب وتحديد نوعية المخاطر وكيفية التغلب عليها.
وتتكون دراسـة الجدوى التفصـيلية مـن العديـد مـن الجوانـب والتـيـ مـن أهمهـا دراسات جدوي
بيئية وتسويقية وفنية وقانونية واجتماعية وتجارية وإدارية واقتصادية ومالية…
Project Life Cycle Characteristics
⮚ Cost and staffing levels are low at the start, peak as the work is
carried out, and drop rapidly as the project draws to its finish.
Fig. Typical Cost and Staffing Levels Across a Generic Project Life Cycle Structure
Project Life Cycle Characteristics (Cont’d)
⮚ Risk and uncertainty are greatest at the start of the project while
decreases over the life of the project as decisions are reached and
as deliverables are accepted.
⮚ The cost of making changes and correcting errors typically
increases substantially as the project approaches completion.
Project Life Cycle Characteristics (Cont’d)
#Which of the following is true of the project life cycle?
a. In the early phases of a project life cycle, resource needs are usually lowest.
b. In the later phases of the project life cycle, the level of uncertainty is usually the highest.
c. It is much more expensive to make major changes to a project during the earlier phases than
the latter phases.
d. More resources are usually needed during the initial phases of a project than during the
middle or final phases.
# The first two traditional project phases (concept and development) focus on planning, and are
often referred to as _____.
a. project feasibility b. project acquisition c. project implementation d. project close-out
# A preliminary or rough cost estimate is developed in the _____ phase of the project life cycle,
and an overview of the work involved is created.
a. implementation b. acquisition c. concept d. close-out
#In the _____ phase, the project team creates a definitive or very accurate cost estimate, delivers
the required work, and provides performance reports to stakeholders.
a. Development b. implementation c. concept d. close-out
Project Phases
⮚ A project phase is a collection of logically related project-activities
that aim to completion of one or more deliverables.
⮚ Different phases typically have a different duration or effort.
Phase-to-Phase Relationships:
Sequential Overlapping
Examples on phases relationships
وهدف9ه9ا :إ/نه/اء جميع /ا//ألنشطة عبر جميع /مجموعاتا//لعمليات▪ Closing Process Group:
.إل/غالقا//لمشروع أو ا//لمرحلة رسميًا
Project Management Process Groups
المجموعات العملياتيه الدارة المشروع
⮚ The project phases should not be confused with PM process
(5 process groups)