Important Distinctions
Important Distinctions
Important Distinctions
in Linguistics
• Traditional Grammar vs. Modern Linguistics
• Descriptive vs. Prescriptive
• Synchronic vs. Diachronic
• Langue vs. Parole
• Competence vs. Performance
• Microlinguistics vs Macrolinguistics
• Signifier vs. Signified
• Paradigmatic vs Syntagmatic Relations
• Speech vs. Writing
• In the 18th century, all the main
European languages were studied
– The grammarians tried to lay down rules
for the correct use of language and settle
the disputes over usage once and for all.
– Some usages were prescribed to be
learned by heart, followed accurately or
avoided altogether. It was a matter of black
or white, right or wrong.
Traditional Grammar VS. Modern
1. Traditional grammar was very strongly
normative (prescriptive) in character,
– You should never use a double-negative;
– You should not split the infinitive; etc.
Modern linguistics is descriptive:
linguistics describes languages and does not
lay down rules of correctness. Linguists are
interested in what is said, not what they think
ought to be said. So they are often said to be
descriptive, not prescriptive.
Traditional Grammar VS. Modern