1) Circulatory system :-
In human beings digested food, water and oxygen are transported to
all parts of the body. Waste products are also transported form all parts
of the body to be removed from the body.
The transport of substances in the body is done by the circulatory
system. It consists of heart, blood vessels and blood.
i) Blood :-
Blood transports substances in the body. It has a fluid part called
plasma and cells like red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC)
and platelets.
Red blood cells :- contain a pigment called haemoglobin which
transports oxygen.
White blood cells :- fights against germs and protects us from
Platelets :- help in clotting of blood.
ii) Blood vessels :-
There are three types of blood vessels. They are arteries, veins and
Arteries :- carry oxygen rich blood from the heart to all parts of the
body. They have thick walls.
Veins :- carry carbon dioxide rich blood from all parts of the body to
the heart. They have thin walls.
Capillaries :- are very thin blood vessels which join arteries and veins.
Pulse/Pulse rate :- Blood flows through arteries at a high pressure
causing throbbing movements called pulse. The number of pulse beats
per minute is called pulse rate. The normal pulse rate is between 72 and
80 beats per minute.
iii) Heart :-
The heart is an organ which pumps blood to all parts of
the body. The heart is about the size of our fist. The heart
has four chambers. The two upper chambers are called atria
and the two lower chambers are called ventricles. The heart
has a partition in the middle which prevents mixing up of
oxygen rich blood and carbon dioxide rich blood.
Heart beat :-
The walls of the heart is made up of muscles. These muscles contract
and relax rhythmically producing heart beat. We can feel the heart beat
if we place the hand on the left side of the chest. The human heart beats
about 70 - 80 times per minute.
Stethoscope :- is a device used to hear the sound of heart beat. It
has a chest piece and two ear pieces joined by tubes.
Ear pieces
Chest piece
2) Excretion in animals :-
Excretion :- is the process by which waste products are
removed from the body.
Excretion is done by the excretory system. The human
excretory system consists of kidneys, ureters, urinary
bladder and urethra.
The blood brings the waste
products to the kidneys. The
kidneys filter the waste and
removes the waste as urine.
The urine passes through the
ureters into the urinary bladder.
From the urinary bladder the
urine passes out through the
3) Transportation in plants :-
In plants transport of food, water and minerals takes place through
special tissues called vascular tissues.
Tissue :- is a group of cells which performs a specialised function.
Vascular tissues is of two types called xylem and phloem.
The roots have root hairs which absorb water and minerals from the
soil. The xylem tissue transports the water to all parts of the plant.
Food is prepared in the leaves. The phloem tissue transports the food
to all parts of the plant.
Transpiration :-
Transpiration :- is the process by which plants give out
water through the stomata in the leaves.
The evaporation of water from the leaves produces a
suction pull which can pull water to great heights in tall