Presentation Slide Based On e Commerce
Presentation Slide Based On e Commerce
Presentation Slide Based On e Commerce
Foreign exchange operations
Of Standard Bank Limited
Supervised By Prepared By:
Sampling Technique
Convenience sampling method has been performed for selecting samples.
Tools and Techniques of Data Analysis
After collecting of entire data approaches are used to analyze and interpret
them. Qualitative approaches have been adopted for data analysis and
interpretation taking the processed data as the base.
Pie chart
Microsoft office package has been used for summarizing and illustrating
the collecting data systematically.
Import Business volume of SBL (2017-2022):
Year Import Business volume
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
6.1.2. Export Business volume of SBL (2017-2021):
Graphical presentation of export volume (2017-2021): (Figures in
million Tk.)
30000 Series2
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
6.1.3. Volume of foreign remittance Business of SBL (2017-2021):
From the above-paired sample correlations test it is seen that the correlation coefficient is (r) = .904 which indicates that
there is a strong positive correlation between COVID-19 and an average decrease of revenues. Besides the test result we
can take the decisions about rejection and acceptance of our hypothesis from the paired sample test. From the paired
sample test it is seen that, our calculated p-value is .000 which is <.05 of the significance level. As the p-value is less than
the significance level value of 5 percent hence, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
So, there is a significant positive relationship between COVID-19 and the average revenue of the restaurant business.
Pie diagrame
There were 7 statements for investigating the respondents‟ attitude towards the impact, responses and priorities of
the restaurant business in COVID-19. These seven statements are mentioned here as the rent of the space should
be reduced, government incentives should provide, COVID-19 shocked the restaurant business, COVID-19 cause
the joblessness of many workers, the restaurant may open by maintaining health rule and social distancing,
closing restaurant for a long time causes the disrupts of customers‟ entertainment, the policy needed for
addressing the socio-economic losses and employment crises and state, social group and employer should move
together for reducing the shocked of CCOVID-19. In all cases, fivepoints Likert scale measurement process was
used as stated strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. The following pie chart shows the
result of respondent attitude towards the impact, responses and priorities of the restaurant business in COVID-19.
From the above graph, it is seen that 75 percent of restaurants have given
priority on policy formation for getting government incentives and the same
percentage have also given their consent for reducing the rent of the space in
COVID-19. For improving the condition of restaurant labor more than 70 percent
of restaurateurs have also given the emphasized on th state, social group,
employers joint actions and government assistance for the joblessness of this
hospitality sector. 74 percent of respondents think that closing restaurants for
long period have a bad effect on customers‟ entertainment
The pandemic and the lockdown measures imposed due to it had a
major impact on the restaurant business in Khulna. It is reflected in
the reduction in the number of customers as well as gross earnings of
such businesses.
▪ In the intervening period between the first wave and second wave
of the pandemic when the situation was gradually returning to
normal, such businesses to a certain extent revived their business but
the majority believed that it would take them a couple of more
months to fully revive if the situation stayed normal.
▪ Some of the restaurants lack contingency plans to tackle
unforeseeable emergencies like the pandemic. Nearly half of the
restaurants were fully out of business even during partial lockdown
as they did not provide take out service. 19% of the restaurants are
not spending any money in maintenance of COVID SOPs.
▪ In spite of the losses incurred, 98% of the business runners
want to continue with this
1. The restaurants should have contingency plans particularly in
terms of diversifying their activities to survive in emergency
situations such as the pandemic.
2. The restaurants should invest on maintenance of SOPs to make
their customers feel safe.
3. The restaurants should work on a limited items and reasonably
priced menu which will not only reduce their expenditures but also
appeal to a larger section of their customers.
In spite of the losses incurred, 98% of the business runners want to
continue with this
business. Some (27%) are hopeful that vaccination will help to
revive their business.
The restaurant businesses has experienced the effects of the disease and lessening
the production of 144 million workers in the COVID-19 pandemic in the world (UN
news, 2020). If the situation is prolonged further more than 50 percent of restaurants
will be shut down forever by the end of 2020 due to lack of capital. So, the government
and the respective authority of the restaurants should ensure that their workers are
beyond just complying with the law and regulations. Workers can get fair and humane
behavior from the state and employers as well as social institutions. Without
appropriating policy measures, workers in this sector will face a high risk of falling into
poverty. It may face greater challenges in retrieving their livelihoods in the recovery
period. The major priorities in addressing the consequences of the COVID-19 are
policy formation for government incentive packages, restoring the economy and
employment, subsidizing business, keep up jobs and incomes, protecting workers in
the workplace, engaging business with an online platform and arranging regular social
discourse for solutions.