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Human Resource Planning

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The evolution of manpower Planning Manpower planning is not a new concept.It has a long history The ability to mobalise human resource in a planned way was the success of Roman Empire more than 2,000 years ago They trained every citizen in the discipline of the soldier and making sure that senators were trained in the art of generalship Manpower planning in the Roman Empire was dynamic. Circumstances were reviewed constantly and strategies adapted accordingly The same principles of challenge and response can be applied in HRP

Human Resource Planning

y Learning Objectives y Nature and importance of HR planning y Factors affecting personnel planning y The Process of Human Resource Planning y Forecasting Demand :nature, importance, techniques and approaches y Forecasting Supply: nature, techniques y Determining Manpower Gaps y Barriers to HRP

Organizational Objectives and Strategies

Scan External Environment for Changes Affecting Labor Supply


Analyze Internal Inventory of HR Capabilities

Organizational Need for People HR Strategies and Plans

Survey of People Available

Human Resource Planning

y Who is responsible for this process y Top-level executives are responsible for manpower planning, y -as it is one of the important factors influencing the success of

an organization. y The Human Resource Division in consultation with other corporate heads usually prepares the plans. y The Human Resource Division must offer counsel and advice to various divisional heads and coordinate the various manpower estimates from time to time.

Human Resource Planning

The three key elements of the process are y Forecasting the demand for labor, y Performing a supply analysis, and y Balancing supply and demand considerations.

Human Resource Planning

Prof.Geisler outlined the responsibilities of Human Resource Department in respect of manpower planning thus: y Assist and counsel operating managers to plan and set objectives
y Collect and summarize manpower data keeping long-run

objectives and broad organizational interests in mind.

y Monitor and measure performance against the plan and y keep top management informed about it. y Provide proper research base for effective manpower and

organizational planning.

Human Resource Planning

Nature of HRP HRP is the process of forecasting a firms future demand for and supply of the right type of people in the right number Importance of HRP 1.Future Personnel Needs-Planning is significant as it helps determine future personnel needs 2.Part of Strategic Planning-HR management must become an integral part of strategic management process-All activities of HRM planning, hiring- training, remunerating and maintaining-must be merged with strategic management 3.Creating Highly Talented Personnel-HR managers must know to attract and retain qualified and skilled personnel -job hopping creates shortages-technology changes upgrade some jobs and degrade others -Another facet of the high talent personnel is management succession planning

Human Resource Planning

4.International Strategies-Depend upon HRP -Without effective HRP and subsequent attention to employee recruitment , selection, placement ,development and career planning the growing competition for foreign executives may lead to expensive and strategically disruptive turnover among key decisions makers -HR department needs to fill key jobs with expatriates ,motivate them and compensate them 5.Foundation for Personnel functions 6.Increasing Investments in Human Resources-through training or job assignments-use them effectively -Rupee value of a trained , flexible, motivated and productive workforce is difficult to determine -HRA(HR accounting) acknowledged that quality of workforce responsible for significant differences in short and long run performance

Human Resource Planning

7.Resistance to Change and Move -Growing emphasis on self evaluation and on evaluation of loyalty and dedication to the organization-difficult to move people 8.Unite the perspective of line and staff managers -Communication between HR staff and line managers is essential for the success of HR planning initiatives 9.Other Benefits of HRP -Upper management has better view of the HR dimensions of business decision -Personnel costs may be less because the management can anticipate imbalances before they become unmanageable and expensive -More time is provided to locate talent -Better planning opportunities exist to include women and minority groups in future growth plans - Better planning of assignments to develop managers -Major and successful demands on local labour markets can be made

Human Resource Planning

Factors affecting HRP
Organisational Growth Cycles and Planning Environmental Uncertainties HRP Time Horizons Type and quality of Forecasting Information Out sourcing

Types and Strategy of organizatio n

Nature of jobs being filled

Human Resource Planning

Long Range Objectives & Plans Overall Requirements for human resources Inventory of Present Human Resources Net New Human Resource Requirement Leading to action planning. For Recruiting & Selection Needed personnel Procedure for Evaluating Effectiveness of Human Resources

Short terms goals, plans, programmes & budgets

Work force Requirements by occupational categories job skills etc.

Inventory by occupational categories skills, Demographic characteristics

Needed Replacement or additions. Leading to plans for developing, transferring, recruiting & selecting needed people

Human Resource Planning

y Once the Corporate strategy and objectives are clear, estimates

of demand and supply can be made with the help of certain approaches and methods.
y When each projection is formulated, the difference between them is determined. y This difference is termed as known as Manpower gap. y The whole purpose behind human resources planning is to close this gap

Human Resource Planning

y One thing, which you should consider before beginning the

process of forecasting: Always decide on y a. The approach of how the estimation are to be based qualitative or quantitative
y b. Basic factors to be considered, whether we are projecting

wastage or redundancy or labor costs or absenteeism or labor turnover,

Human Resource Planning

c. Frequency of the forecasting exercise (that is, dealing with: rate of changes and matching estimations) d. Specific techniques to be adopted (this depends upon the approach adopted) such as time series analysis, markov analysis, probability techniques, work load analysis, work study analysis, job analysis etc.
y The moment you have decided upon these parameters, and

then it s a smooth sail to towards demand and supply forecasting

Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning Model

FORECAST DEMAND CONSIDERATIONS * Product/service demand * Economics * Technology *Financial resources *Absenteeism/turnover * Organizational growth Management philosophy TECHNIQUES Ratio trend analysis Regression analysis Managerial estimate Work study techniques Delphi technique

BALANCE SUPPLY AND DEMAND RECRUITMENT ( SHORTAGE) Full time Part-time Recalls REDUCTIONS ( SURPLUS) terminations Layoffs Demotions Retirement

FORECAST SUPPLY INTERNAL Staffing tables Markov analysis Skills inventories Management inventories Replacement charts Succession planning EXTERNAL Demographic changes Education of workforce Labor mobility Government policies Unemployment rate

Human Resource Planning

Forecasting demand
y A key component of HRP is forecasting the number and type

of people needed to meet organizational objectives. -Since it s an open system that we exist in, a variety of organizational factors, -including competitive strategy, technology, structure, and -productivity can influence the demand for labor.
y For example, utilization of advanced technology is generally accompanied by

less demand for low-skilled workers and more demand for knowledge workers.
y Let us consider few of the main factors, which can help us

forecast demand of human resources in an organization.

Human Resource Planning

Forecasting demand
We can easily categories the factors in three different sources External environmental challenges y These challenges arise from three important sources 1. Economic developments, 2. Political, legal, social and technical changes, 3. And the Competition. y For example, liberalization, opening up of banking sector, capital market reforms, the on-line trading systems have created huge demand for finance professionals during 1990-1995 in India.
y The demand for certain categories of employees and skill is also influenced

by changes in political, legal and social structure in an economy.

y Likewise, firms employing latest technology in construction, power,

automobiles, software etc., have greatly enhanced the worth of technicians and engineers

Human Resource Planning

y Technology, however, is a double-edged weapon and hence, its impact on HR

plans is difficult to predict. For example,

y computerization programs in Banks, Railways, Post and Telegraph

Departments may reduce demand in one department(book keeping, for example) while increasing it in another (such as computer operations).
y High technology with all its attendant benefits may compel organizations to

go lean and downsize workforce suddenly.

y Employment planning under such situations becomes complicated.

Human Resource Planning

Organizational decisions:
y HR planning needs to take into account the rest of the organization s

strategic plans, sales and production forecasts and new ventures to be more accurate.
y For example, estimating changes in product or service demand is a

basic forecasting concern, as is anticipating changes in national or regional economics.

y This enables the planning expert to forecast the requisite production

schedules and thereby estimate whether any extra workforce is needed in future.

Human Resource Planning

y If Britannia Industries Ltd. Expects higher demand for biscuits and bread,

the long-term HR plan must take this into consideration.

y Likewise, if it tries to venture into other lucrative fields such as milk-based

products, confectionary items the demand for people possessing requisite skills in those areas in the next couple of years should be looked into carefully.

y where plans are changed, the effect of the changes

must be estimated.
y Proposed expansion, contraction or diversification of the organization s

activities will obviously affect the demand for labor in general or for particular skills.

y This may be estimated by market research, competitive analysis,

trends in technological advances and so on.

Human Resource Planning

y Workforce factors: Demand is also influenced by the internal and out

flux of the employees through retirements, terminations, resignations, deaths and leaves of absence, etc.

Human Resource Planning

Organisational objectives and policies y Are vacancies to be filled by promotion from within or hire from outside
y How do the training and development objectives interface with HRP

y Union constraints are encountered in HRP policies needed to handle y How to enrich employee s job y How to downsize the organisation to make it competitive y To what extent production be automated-what to do with those displaced y How to ensure continuous availability of adaptive and flexible workforce

Human Resource Planning

There are two approaches to HR demand forecasting: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
y Quantitative approaches to forecasting involve the use of

statistical or mathematical techniques; they are the approaches used by theoreticians and professional planners. y One example is trend analysis, which forecasts employment requirements on the basis of some organizational index and is one of the most commonly used approaches for projecting HR demand. y Following several steps typically does trend analysis: First, select an appropriate business factor. This should be the best available predictor of human resources needs. Frequently, sales is used as a predictor in trend analysis.

Human Resource Planning

y Second, plot a historical trend of the business factor in relation to number

of employees. The ratio of employees to the business factor will provide a labor productivity ratio (for example, sales per employee).
y Third, compare the productivity ratio for at least the

past five years.

y Fourth, calculate human resources demand by dividing the business factor

by the productivity ratio.

y Finally, project human resources demand out to the target year.

Human Resource Planning

Other, more sophisticated statistical planning methods include y modeling or multiple predictive techniques.
y Several mathematical models, with the aid of computers are also used to

forecast HR needs, e.g., optimization models, budget and planning analysis. product, disposable income, and sales, to predict employment levels.
y While the costs of developing these forecasting methods

used to be quite high, advances in technology and computer software have made rather sophisticated forecasting more affordable to even small businesses.

Work Study Techniques:

A department estimates that its production for the following five years will be 40,000 components per year. Work measurement has shown that it takes, on an average, 4 skilled men to produce 40 components per day. Therefore man years required are : 40,000 = 4000 man-days 10 (Components per man/day) Therefore man-days required are: 4,000 = 16 man years 250 (assumed working days in a year) Thus, to fullfil the plan for the production of 40,000 components, an average of 16 skilled men will be required in the department during the following year. To this figure would, of course, have to be added the necessary adjustment for wastage and possibly, absenteeism including leave reserve.

Human Resource Planning

Qualitative Approaches y In contrast to quantitative approaches, qualitative approaches to forecasting are less statistical, attempting to reconcile the interests, abilities, and aspirations of individual employees with the current and future staffing needs of an organization.
y In both large and small organizations, HR planners may rely on experts who

assist in preparing forecasts to anticipate staffing requirements.

y For example, Expert forecasts: In this method, managers

estimate future human resource requirements, their experiences and judgments to good effect.
y Management forecasts are the opinions (judgments) of supervisors,

department managers, experts, or others knowledgeable about the organization s future employment needs.

Human Resource Planning

Delphi Technique
y Method of forecasting personnel needs y Group of experts usually managers are involved y Ideally, HRP should include the use of both quantitative and qualitative

y In combination, the two approaches serve to complement each other, thus

providing a more complete forecast by bringing together the contributions of both theoreticians and practitioners.

Human Resource Planning

Forecasting Supply
y Once an organization has forecast its future requirements for employees, it

then goes on to the next search that is from where can it fulfill its requirements.
y It therefore needs to determine if there are sufficient numbers and types of

employees and how many are eligible for the plausible positions.
y Supply analysis thus, involves planning for procurement: who, from where,

how and when


It scans the internal and external environment for the best-fit candidate for the positions in question.

y Thus, there are two source of supply- internal and external

Human Resource Planning

y Forecasting Supply
y Internal sources: The most popular approach to be followed by all managers

is to look within the organization among its cadre first.

y It is cost saving in many ways to utilize what is already available to the

y A profile of employee in terms of age, education, training, experience, job

level, past performance and future potential is continuously maintained for use whenever required.

Human Resource Planning

y Thus, if the requirements in terms of growth/diversification, internal

movements of employees (transfer, promotions, retirement,etc.) are determined in advance then the data can be very useful.
y But while provisioning for the above corporate movements, one must keep

an eye on the internal movement, such as, attrition, absenteeism, promotion, etc of the workforce through the workforce analysis.
y In addition to workforce analysis, the organization needs to maintain

replacement charts or succession plans. Regular manpower audits are the best option to keep track of the available talent in terms of skills, performance and potential.

Human Resource Planning

y An internal supply analysis is done with

1. Staffing tables/manning charts, which are pictorial representations of all organizational jobs, along with the numbers of employees currently occupying those jobs and future employment requirements. 2. Markov analysis, which shows the percentage (and actual number) of employees who remain in each job from one year to the next, thus keeping track of the pattern of employee movements through various jobs. Thus this analysis results in a composite matrix of supply. 3. Skill inventories -that list each employee s education, past work experience, etc.

Human Resource Planning

y Replacement chart -that helps us derive the profile of job

Holders, department-wise and reveals those who could be used as replacements whenever the need arises.

Human Resource Planning

y Turnover Rate-Traditional and simple method of forecasting internal

y Number of separations during one year

___________________________________*100 Average number of employees during the year If 30 out of an average of 150 skilled fitters have left (20 per cent turnover)

Human Resource Planning

y Conditions of work and absenteeism

Number of persons days lost _____________________________*100 Average number of persons * number of working days

Productivity level-Any change in productivity would affect the number of

persons required per unit of output

Movement of job

Human Resource Planning

y External supply-From external sources y Important

1.New blood new experience 2.Organisational need to replenish lost personnel 3.Organization growth and diversification needs additional people

Human Resource Planning

Determining Manpower Gaps
y The final stage is to balance out the demand and supply gap. y The closer the gap the better it is for the company when it actually goes into

y A comparison chart can be developed to find what is available and to what

extent it can fulfill the demand forecast.

y This exercise helps us have an idea of the quantitative and qualitative gaps in

the workforce.

Human Resource Planning

y A reconciliation of demand and supply forecasts will give us the number of

people to be recruited or made redundant as the case may be. This forms the basis for preparing the manpower plan.
y Changes in product mix, union agreements, and competitive action are

some of the important things that need special attention.

The human resource requirements thus identified are translated into a

concrete manpower plan, backed up by detailed policies, and other human resources instruments and strategies (for example, recruitment, selection, training, promotion, retirement, replacement, etc.).

Human Resource Planning

The manpower plan is further divided into the following resultant operational plans:y Recruitment plan to show how many and what type of

people is required and when they are needed;

y Redeployment plan to help chart out the future movement in terms of

training and transfers.

y Redundancy plan will indicate who is redundant, when and where; the

plans for retraining, where this is possible; and plans for golden handshake, retrenchment, lay-off, etc.

Human Resource Planning

y Training plan to chart out if a training is required. If yes, when and to

which level; whether it will be done in-house, done in phases or included as part of a formal induction program. This includes the cost and benefit analysis of all the options available.
Productivity plan Will indicate reasons for employee productivity or

reducing employees costs through work simplification studies, mechanization, productivity bargaining, incentives and profit sharing scheme job redesign, etc.

Human Resource Planning

y Retention plan -Will indicate reasons for employee turnover and show

strategies to avoid wastage through compensation policies, changes in work requirements and improvement in working conditions.
y Check/reviews points -The success of the entire exercise is dependent

upon frequent reviews so that none of the factors are left out and changes are constantly taken care of the important thing is to clearly demarcate point

Human Resource Planning

Barriers to HRP: y Planners face significant barriers while formulating an HRP. y The major ones are the following: 1. People question the importance of making HR practices future oriented and the role assigned to HR practitioners in formulation of organizational strategies. Their argument is simple-there are people when needed. Offer attractive package of benefits to them to quit when you find them in surplus. 2. HR practitioners are perceived as experts in handling personnel matter, but are not experts in managing business. The personnel plan conceived and formulated by the HR practitioners when enmeshed with organisational plan, might make the overall strategic plan itself defective.

Human Resource Planning

3. HR information often is incompatible with the information used in strategy formulation. Strategic planning efforts have long been oriented towards financial forecasting often to the exclusion of other types of information. 4. Conflicting may exist between short-term and long-term HR needs. For example, there arises a conflict between the pressure to get work done on time and long-term needs, such as preparing people for assuming greater responsibilities. Many managers are of the belief that HR needs can be met immediately because skills are available on the market as long as wages and salaries are competitive. These managers fail to recognize that by resorting to hiring or promoting depending on shortterm needs alone, long-term issues are neglected.

Human Resource Planning

5. There is conflict between quantitative and qualitative approach to HRP. Some people view HRP as a number game designed to track the flow of people across the departments. These people a strictly quantitative approach to planning. Others take a qualitative approach and focus on individual employee concerns such as promotabilty and career development. Best results would accrue if there is a balance between the quantitative and qualitative approaches.

Human Resource Planning

6. Non-involvement of operating managers renders HRP ineffective. HRP is not strictly an HR department function. Successful planning needs a co-coordinated effort on the part of operating managers and HR personnel.

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