• 1 Abstract
• 2 Project Purpose
• 3 Project Introduction
• 4 Charter of the project
• 5 Organizational Structure
• 5.1 Finance Department
• 5.2 HR department
• 5.3 Marketing department
• 5.4 Engineering department
• 5.5 Project and Marketing
• 7 Estimated Budget
• 8 Scheduling of the project
• 8.1 Gantt Chart
• 8.2 CPM
• 8.3 PERT
• 9 Risk Management
• 10 Conclusion
The first step to start a project is to So first of all the project scope is
identify the project is a new defined and then calculate all the
construction project or the existing financial resources are.Identified
project to be modified.By signing all the stake holders who will take
an agreement which is called the part in the project internal or
charter of the project,with external.The step is called the
stakeholders to start the project. identification of project.
Both parties signed the agreement which includes all the descriptions.The owner will responsible to
deliver the money on time and the company will respond to complete the project on time.
In this project,our initial focus is to construct the project within a given time line which is 1 year.
To achieve the goal,we construct a table and then allocate each phase of the project to different months
which is given below.
Project name House construction
• The final and 3rd focus of the project is to identify the scope of the project.To contruct and well luxury
house in a given period and budget is the scope of the project
• Scope tells about the project needs and requirements which fulfill the customer requirement.
5 . O R G A N I Z AT I O N S T R U C T U R E
• The MD construction company is a functional organisation structure in which all managers reports to
Board of director.The contains different fuctional units which are working down separately.
• Function unit includes Project managers,purchasing managers,engineer managers,HR directors,financial
managers and marketing managers.
• The Organization structure describes with the help chart which shows the graphical representation of the
company structure.
• The Graphical representing show to employees and stakeholders to identify the working relationship,so
they know exactly how the company works.
5 . 1 F I N A N C I A L D E PA RT M E N T
• The financial department controls the cash flow inside the company and outside the company.Its
responsibly to ensure the funds availability to the project to meet the day to day payments.
• The financial departments includes the following subunits.
5 . 2 H U M A N R E S O U R C E S D E PA RT M E N T
• The human resources department has to ensure the staff hiring on daily wages or monthly salary depend on
vacant position.Its also responsible for the training of the staff,record of everything in an organisation,
insurance of the employees or workers,compensation and benefits,and employee relations.
5 . 3 M A R K E T I N G D E PA RT M E N T
• Advertisement and promotion of the company is the basic responsibility of the Marketing department.Its
also responsible for the sale of the company,pricing of different things,market research and strategy,and all
the activities which are related to public relations.
5 . 4 E N G I N E E R I N G D E PA RT M E N T
• Engineering Department conducting the surveys of the site for the construction of the project .
• Scheduling and managing the project is the basic responsibility of the project department.
• The project manager ensures the budget for the project and assigns workers and employees to complete the
project on time according to the contract.
• It’s also responsible for the safety of the workers.
5 . 6 P U R C H A S I N G D E PA RT M E N T
• The main responsibility of the purchasing department is to purchase the material for the project.
• WBS means the work breakdown structure of the project.WBS is used to complete a complex and multi
step project.
• WBS is a chart that breaks down large projects into Small chunks to do the work faster and more
accurately.The main aim of the WBS is to be done project t manageable.
• WBS helps the project manager to decide on the outcome of the various scenarios about whether or not to
accept the proposed procedures or changes.
• Before creating the work breakdown structure(WBS),the manger explains the main objectives first and
then the required tasks are identified to complete the goals.WBS draws like a tree diagram in which the
primary objectives(trunk)is shown at the top and the specified detail as an observer read
7 . E S T I M AT E D B U D G E T
• The material was selected and pick from the local markets.There is no compromise on material quality and
select the best quality material.First,we calculate structure cost and then we calculate on finishing cost.Plot
cost,Digging and other miscellaneous charges will also be added to the budget estimates cost.
• Developing the schedule is created in a planning phase.It is a key part of project management.
• It is a timetable that organises the different activities that which acts to be done and which activity to be
• It’s a process that organizes tasks,duration,resources availability,and due dates of the task to complete the
project in a given period within the estimated budget and also assign each task to each task to each member
who is responsible to complete it.
• There are many ways to construct a project schedule with the help of the Gantt chart ,critical path
Method(CPM),and PERT.
• Microsoft project 16 is used to construct a Gantt chart for the house of construction which mentioned each
activity,duration ,and predecessor of each task.The SS of the MS project us attached below.
8 . 2 C R I T I C A L PAT H M E T H O D ( C P M )
• The CPM is a simple project management technique that is used to identify all the tasks lying on the
critical path which is known as critical activities.If this critical task is delayed the project will also be
• When the critical path is identified,then we have a visible picture of the whole schedule and we can easily
determine the whole project duration.
• Now we can find the critical activities of the project with the help of CPM.
8.3 PERT
• Pert stands for project Evaluation Review Technique.It is a tool that is used in project management
planning to estimate the duration for finishing the project accurately.
• Critical path and PERT are similar tools,both are used to calculate the total duration of the project and the
task to be done on that duration of a project.
• Risk is the chance or possibility that something hing bad happening all the time.
• Risk Management is also used in a whole project for the identification of something bad happen and
analysing the risk that how to minimise the risk.
• There are many ways to identify the risk but we will use brainstorming techniques to identify the risk and
minimise it on time.
• Project seven Marla house of comtruction is started on 1 st January 2021 and completed on 31st December
by passing through many stages including designing,planing ,estimation,construction and inspection of
every phase to control every change in the project.
• First approved by the owner ,purchased the required raw material,and started construction in the presence
of subcontractor to implement work according to the schedule.
• Overall the project was completed on the and the project cost will remain within the estimated which is
near 3 chores.