DC-DC Converters
DC-DC Converters
DC-DC Converters
Figure 3-5 (a) The boost converter circuit , (b) Equivalent circuit for the switch closed
DC-DC Converters
• Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) around the path
containing the source, inductor, and closed
switch is
DC-DC Converters
• The rate of change of current is a constant, so
the current increases linearly while the switch
is closed, as shown in Fig 3-6 (b)
DC-DC Converters
Figure 3-6 , Boost converter waveforms. (a) Inductor voltage; (b) Inductor current; (c) Diode current; (d) Capacitor current.
DC-DC Converters
• Analysis for the Switch Open
• When the switch is opened, the inductor
current cannot change instantaneously, so the
diode becomes forward-biased to provide a
path for inductor current.
DC-DC Converters
Figure 3-7 (a) The boost converter circuit; (b) Equivalent circuit for the switch open.
• Input power is :