Learner Centered Pedagogy

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1. Traditional Face-to-Face
- this refers to a learning delivery modality where
students and the teacher are both physically present
in the classroom, and there are opportunities for
active engagement, immediate feedback, and socio-
emotional development learners.
2. Blended Learning
- This refers to a learning delivery that combines
face-to-face with any or a mix of online distance
learning, modular distance learning, and TV/Radio-
based instruction.
Distance Learning
-This refers to a delivery modality where learning
takes place between the teacher and the learners who
are geographically remote from each other during
instruction. This modality has three types: Modular
Distance Learning, Online Distance Learning and
TV/Radio-Based Instruction.
A. Modular Distance Learning
- It involves individualized instruction that allows
learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print
or digital format/ electronic copy, whichever is
applicable in the context of the learner, and other
learning resources like Learner’s Materials, textbooks,
activity sheets, study guides and other study materials.
B. Online Distance Learning
- It features the teacher facilitating learning and
engaging learners’ active participation various
technologies accessed through the internet while they
are geographically remote from each other during
instruction. The internet is used to facilitate learner-
teacher and peer-to-peer communication.
Online Distance Learning
Synchronous- requires both parties to have good and
stable internet connection. It is often more interactive
than the other types of distance learning. The response
is real-time. This can be facilitated through the use of
digital tools such as Zoom or Google Meet
Asynchronous- the interaction between students and
teacher is not real time. This can be facilitated through
Learning Management Systems such as Moodle,
Google Classroom, Schoology, etc.
C. TV/Radio-Based Instruction
- it utilizes SLMs converted to video lessons for
Television-Based Instruction and SLMs converted to
radio script for Radio-Based Instruction.
1. Formal Education- usually takes place in the
premises of the school, where a person may learn
basic, academic, or trade skills.
 Formal education is structured hierarchically
 It is planned and deliberate
 It has grading system
 It has syllabus
 The child is taught by the teachers
- is a parallel learning system in the Philippines that
provides a practical option to the existing formal
instruction. When one does not have or cannot access
formal education in schools, ALS is an alternate or
substitute. ALS includes both the non-formal and
informal sources of knowledge and skills.
ALS Programs are carried out by the ALS Mobile Teachers
and District ALS Coordinators in the 17 regions of the
Mobile Teachers- specialized teachers who live among
the people in remote barangays of the country conduct
the BLP for illiterate out-of-school youth and adults
who are willing to learn the basic literacy skills and
Accreditation and Equivalency ( a continuing
education) for those who left formal school system or
have no access to schools.
District ALS Coordinators are primarily designated to
harmonize ALS initiatives in a district. However, just
like the Mobile Teachers, they also serve as facilitators
in the delivery of the Basic Literacy Program and the
Accreditation and Equivalency Program.
3. Non-Formal Education
Non-formal education includes adult basic education,
adult literacy or school equivalency preparation. In
non-formal education, someone can learn literacy,
other basic skills and job skills.
 The non-formal education is planned and takes place apart
from the school system.
 The timetable and syllabus can be adjustable
 Unlike theoretical formal education, it is practical and
vocational education.
4. Informal Education

4. Informal Education

When you are not studying in a school and do not use

any particular learning method. In this type of
education, conscious efforts are not involved. It is
neither pre-planned nor deliberate.
It is independent of boundary walls
It has no definite syllabus
Not pre-planned and has not timetable
Certificates/degrees are not involved and one has no
stress for learning new things
Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM) are tried and tested
alternative modalities of education delivery within the
confines of the formal system that allow schools to
deliver quality education to marginalized students and
those at risk of dropping out in order to help them
overcome personal, social and economic constraints in
their schooling.
1. Modified In-School Off-School Approach
Is an alternative delivery mode of education meant to
address the problem of congestion-overcrowding due
to classrooms and teachers’ shortage. This approach
makes use of Self-Instructional Materials(SIMs) in the
different learning areas which learners can work on
independently in a venue other than the regular
classroom under the supervision of a Teacher-
2. Enhance Instructional Management by Parents,
Community and Teachers (e-IMPACT)
In the e-IMPACT system, every single pupil has access
to modules and instructional materials to guide them in
their education. More than being trained on how to
become facilitators of the learning process, the school
faculty learns new perspectives about children and
child education. Parents and members of the
community become actively engaged in sustaining the
system and making it work. Their support is crucial in
ensuring that the learning process continues in their
homes. Thus, in the process of learning with the child,
a whole community is transformed.
3. Open High School Program
 OHSP is an acronym for Open High School Program. It is an alternative mode of formal
secondary education program run by the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) of the
Department of Education (DepED) of the Republic of the Philippines. The program provides
an opportunity for elementary school graduates, high school drop-outs and successful
examinees of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT) to complete secondary
education in a purely distance learning mode. The program provides printed self-learning
modules for students to use for their lessons and classroom activities.

 When can I avail of OHSP?

 OHSP is available anytime. It is not dependent on the calendar of the regular school year.
Student may start at their own time and at their own pacing, provided they complete their
entire high education within a maximum period of six (6) years.
 Where is OHSP offered?
 OHSP is available nationwide. All interested parties may contact the DORP Coordinator at the
nearest DepEDDivision Office. The DORP Coordinator will direct the applicant to the nearest
schools where EASE is offered

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