Grammar Translation Method Slide

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Description of grammar translation method

Grammar Translation Method
• The grammar translation method was originally used to teach classical
languages such as Greek and Latin.
• Later it was modified to teach foreign languages and was popular through
the 19th and early 20th centuries.
• It received its name because of the importance it gives to correct grammar
and translation for learning another language.
• GTM has been used to teach foreign language for centuries.

• This method is still widely used to teach foreign languages.

• The main aim of the Grammar – translation Method is to enable the

learner to read and appreciate literature written in the target language.
• A good knowledge of grammar structures,

• The ability to translate separate words and phrases correctly

Main principles of the Grammar- Translation Method
The language of instruction

• The students’ first language is widely used in class.

• Spoken English is most commonly used for retelling texts

• It is very rarely used to communicate

Which language system are emphasized?

• Correct grammar is extremely important.

• Grammar rules are taught deductively.

• Vocabulary is taught by writing down new lexical items (words) with their
L1 (mother tongue) translations.

• Long lists of idiomatic expressions and their L1 equivalents have to be

memorized but without using them in meaningful texts.
Which language skills are emphasized?
• Written language is given far more importance than spoken language.

• So, reading and writing predominate while listening and speaking,

including pronunciation, are almost ignored.

• Reading classical fiction is considered to be the way to learn about the

target culture.
What kind of language?
• Formal literary language is emphasized rather than conversational

• And ‘accurate’ language is more important than ‘fluent’ language.

• Functional language which might be useful for everyday communication

is ignorded.
The roles of the teacher and the learner

• The teacher is an authority.

• She is in control of everything that goes on in the class.

• Students obey their teacher’s commands.

Teacher-student interaction and student-
student interaction
• The teacher usually tells students what to do and when to speak.

• Students do not speak to, or interact in any way with, other students.
• The teacher checks the students’ knowledge and progress by:
• Grammar tests which require students to change tenses and forms of the
verbs, fill in gaps with various grammar items or words, or translate
• And asking them to translate extracts from literary texts.
Some typical exercises and activities related to
the Grammar-Translation Method
• 1. Translation
• 2. Comprehension questions
• 3. Synonyms/antonyms
• 4. Gap-falling
• 5. Memorization
• 6. Transformation
• 7. Composition
• As we can see, communication is not the aim of the Grammar-Translation

• However, the Grammar-Translation Method has proved that it can be


• To sum up, if used in combination with the communicative approach, the

Grammar-Translation Method can be successfully used to the benefit of
learners of English.
• As we can see the Grammar-Translation Method provides learners with
the knowledge of grammar, and their communicative skills can be built
on this solid foundation.
• So, frequently used ‘communicative’ activities in conjunction with GTM
can develop the learners’ fluency.

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