Birth Canal Injuries Final Lecture

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 One should suspect traumatic bleeding in women

having excessive bleeding after expulsion of

placenta and uterus is well contracted.
 In such cases the perineum and lower genital
tract should be explore under good light.
Common birth canal injuries are –
I. Perineal tear
II.vaginal and cervical tear
 Periurethral lacerations
 Periclitoral lacerations
 Vaginal lacerations
 Cervical lacerations/ cervical

• Occurs due to pressure from delivering head
to the anterior perineum by the intact
posterior perineum.
• If light bleeding- pressure with a pad for 1-2
minutes arrest the bleeding
• If significant bleeding- repair to be done
using fine continuous sutures.
• If stitches are taken urethral catheter be
 Gross perineal tear is usually due to mismanaged
2nd stage of labour.
Degree of perineal tear –
 1st degree perineal tear- it involves the vaginal

mucosa and subcutaneus tissue and forchette.

 2nd degree perineal tear- it involves the vaginal

mucosa , subcutaneous tissue (connective tissue)

varying degree of perineal body tear but it is not
reaching up to external anal sphincter.
 1st & 2nd perineal tears are termed as
incomplete perineal tear.
 3rd degree perineal tear- in this injury to
perineum involves –post vaginal wall tear of
whole of the perineum as well as complete
transection of anal sphincter .
 4thdegree perineal tear- involving the
vaginal mucosa, perineum, anal sphincter,
anal and rectal mucosa

 3rd
& 4th degree perineal tear are complete
perineal tear.
 Prevention- proper conduction of 2 nd stage of
labour is preventive i.e,
 Early extension of head during delivery to be

 Slow delivery of fetal head in between

 To perform timely episiotomy when indicated
 To take care of perineum during delivery of

 Recent perineal tear should be repaired
immediately following delivery of placenta.
 In case of delay more than 24 hrs immediate

repair to be with held. In 2nd degree it should

done after antibiotic coverage and when ever
wound become clean.
 In case of complete perineal tear when delay

is >24 hrs then repair to be done after 3 rd

month of delivery.
 Itis just like episiotomy repair i.e. stitch the
vaginal mucosa, subcutaneous tissue , and
skin-suture material 1 or 1-0
 Patient is to be put in lithotomy position
 All aseptic precaution to be taken
 Local anaesthesia or preferable GA.
 Suture material used is 1-0 vicryl or chromic

cut gut
 The rectal mucosa is sutured 1 st from above

downward with interrupted suture

 Then stitch the rectal muscle and para-rectal

fascia by interrupted suture

 Now explore the torn end of anal sphincter
with the help of allies forceps
 Torn end of sphincter are sutured in midline by

figure of eight stitch

 It is supported by another layer of interrupted

 Stitch the vaginal mucosa, perineal muscles

and skin by interrupted suture.

 Just like episiotomy cleaning and dressing of
wound after each urination and defecation.
Special care to be taken in repair of complete
perineal tear-
 Liquid diet on 1st day
 Low residual diet (such as milk, rice, bread,

egg, fish, potato, sweets, fruit juice)for 4 days.

 Lactose 8ml twice a day for one week to

soften the stool

 Broad spectrum antibiotics along with
metronidozol (400mg) TDS for 5-7 days
 Avoid giving enema and rectal
examination for two weeks
 Minor degree of cervical tear is during 1 st
delivery is common.
 It is commonest cause of traumatic PPH
 Left lateral cervical tear is more common
I. Iatrogenic- in case of operative vaginal
delivery or breech extraction through
incomplete dilatation of cervix
II. Rigid cervix following previous cervical
III. Precipitate labour
 Cervical tear or vaginal tear should be
suspected when PPH is there in-spite of
well contracted uterus.
 Explore the cervix and vagina for tear
under good light.
Exploration of cervix
 With all aseptic precaution
 Evacuation of bladder if full
 Place the patient in lithotomy position
 Insert speculum and retract the posterior
vaginal wall
 Ask the assistant to push down the fundus of uterus gently.
 Hold the anterior lip of cervix with sponge holder and trace
whole of the cervix with another sponge holder forceps in
clock wise manner and identify the cervical tear
 Now grasped the both margin of the tear of cervix by the
sponge holder.
 Stitchthe cervical tear by interrupted
mattress suture by taking the whole
thickness of cervix, suture material is 1-0
chromic catgut with round body needle.

 The repair should be started 1 cm above

the apex of the tear.
 Mattress suture prevents rolling of the edges.

 If
the cervical tear is extending to the lower
segment or vault with broad ligament
haematoma needs laparotomy.
 After the proper exposure haemostatic suture
and vaginal tear suturing to be done if multiple
laceration, then pack the vagina for 24 hrs.
after removing the packing see for bleeding
 Vulva injuries- vulval laceration, perineal
laceration and hematoma needs to be drained
and proper haemostatic suture should be given

 Sometime local packing requires.

 Vulval haematoma
 Paravaginal haematoma
 Broad ligament and
retroperitoneal haematoma
 Small vulval haematomas (≤5 cm) may be
treated conservatively with analgesics,
observation and ice packs
 If pain is not controlled, enlarging or large

haematoma need to incise and evacuate.

 Regional / general anaesthesia needed.
 Incision is made over the most prominent

area and clots evacuated.

 Discreet bleeding points are ligated although
frequently none are found
 Oozing areas may be oversewn with figure-

of-eight sutures
 Vaginal packing be done
 Foley catheter is placed
 Broad spectrum antibiotics be given.
 Sub peritoneal and supravaginal haematomas
not repaired vaginally
 Laparotomy is advisable
 Angiographic embolisation of internal iliac

arteries may be done.

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