12-Freedom and Necessity
12-Freedom and Necessity
12-Freedom and Necessity
Alfred Ayer (1910-1989)was an English philosopher who played a major role in the logical
Positivist movement. His most influential book was Language. Truth and Logic ( 1936).
• Ayer believes both that we are free and yet that our act are necessitated. The
reconciliation of freedom and necessity is compatible. Acco. to him a
person can be both free and determined.
He argues that this view does Justice to a moral agent because all hold that
a person’s character determines one’s choice. A person is free her choice
are brought about and is not free when the choice are restrain by
something or some other person.
Ayer’s key point is that one is free when one goes through a process of
deciding whether or not to do an act.
It is commonly assumed both that men are capable of a) acting freely , in the
sense that is required to make them morally responsible and b) that human
behaviour is entirely governed causal laws. So there arises conflict between
these two assumption that give rise to the philosophical problem of the
freedom of the will.
Why it is unthinkable to hold that some event do not have a cause?
According to the determinist’s belief that all human actions are subservient to
casuals to be justified. Indeed it is necessary that every event must have a
cause, then the rule must apply to human behaviour as much as to anything else.
But why should it be supposed that every event must have a cause?
The contrary is not unthinkable. Nor the law of universal causation a necessary
proposition of scientific thought. The scientist may try to discover causal laws,
sometimes he has to content with statistical laws, and sometimes he comes upon
event which, he is not be able to subsume under any law at all.
In the case of these events he assumes that if he knew more he would be able to
discover some laws, whether causal or statistical, which would enable him to
account for them. And this assumption cannot be disproved.
One may carried out his investigation . If he carried it further he would discover the
connection which had hitherto escape him. However it is conceivable that the
events which he is concerned are not systematically connected with any others;
so that the reason he must discover the sort of laws that he requires is simply
that they do not obtain,
3. Relationship between one’s character and
• Human conduct search for explanation.. not fruitless.
• Certain scientific law to make successful prediction to behaviour of different
people. But not detail.
Angry :
Science of psychology still infancy , it is developed not only with more human
action be explained , but explanation will go greater detail.
It is impossibleto show i.e apriori. This will not discourage the scientist who in
the field of human behaviour , but will continue to formulate theories and test
them by the facts. A person is free when his choice is brought about , a
4.Under what circumstances are we not free?