Chapter 1 - MIS in Business
Chapter 1 - MIS in Business
Chapter 1 - MIS in Business
SEMESTER 2021-22
Mehzab H. Nahid
Assistant Professor, Dept of MIS, FBA
Communication and Counseling
Email: [email protected]
Office Location : Annex 4, Level 2
Chapter 1-Part 1
Prepared by: Mehzab Nahid, Assistant Professor, Dept of MIS
Chapter Objective
• Why are information systems so essential for running and managing a business
• Identify the major management challenges to building and using information systems.
•Textbook: Management Information
Systems: Managing the Digital Firm,
Global Edition, 17ed, Kenneth Laudon,
Jane Laudon. Year: 2021, Publisher:
• “If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45
minutes sharpening my axe.” – Abraham Lincoln.
• How you identify problem and solve that depends on Who
you are ?
• Your value, beliefs, Goals, Philosophies.
Businessmen are Engineers always
goal oriented. focus on Problems.
HOT Water
Information System:
Set of interrelated components – collect (or retrieve), process, store & distribute information to support
decision making and control in an organization.
• Input
• Processing
• Output
• Storage
• Feedback
What is IoT? Information Security
Office of Budget and Finance
Education – Partnership –
Embedded with
electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity
—that enables these objects
Where is IoT?
It’s everywhere!
Education – Partnership –
Driverless car
Application programming interface (API)
• a set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications
that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or
other service
The actual cost of paper processes goes beyond the cost of paper, ink,
fax machines, and storage.
The costs of using paper in the office can run up to 31 times the cost of purchasing the
paper and also consumes 35-50% of time in searching documents which are lost in huge
Companies with paper based processes incur higher costs resulting in slower growth rate
due to longer turnaround time to customer requests.
Why do
systems exist?
• In most US firms information systems are essential for conduction day-to-day business. These
are MUST for survival & prosper.
• E-Commerce firms such as Amazon, eBay, Google would not exist without systems/ internet.
• Business firms invest heavily in information systems to achieve six strategic business objectives:
1. Operational excellence
2. New products, services, and business models
3. Customer and supplier intimacy
4. Improved decision making
5. Competitive advantage
6. Survival
Improved decision making
Wal-Mart has achieved sales of more than $28 per square foot, when the
closest competitor has achieved $23/ sq. foot.
New products, services, and business models
• Business model: describes how company produces, delivers, and sells product or service to create
• Truly new Business Models are invented which are internet based, such as Music Industry in USA.
Customer and Supplier Intimacy
– Serving customers well leads to customers returning, which raises revenues and profits
• Example: High-end hotels that use computers to track customer preferences and use to
monitor and customize environment
Customer and Business Intimacy
Customer and
Intimacy – Intimacy with suppliers allows
them to provide vital inputs,
which lowers costs
• Example: J.C.Penney’s
information system which
links sales records to
contract manufacturer
Competitive Advantage
Computer Science
• Methods of computation
• Methods of efficient data storage and access
Management Science
• development of models for
• decision-making
• management practices
Operational research
• Mathematical techniques for optimizing selected parameters of organizations such as
• transportation
• inventory control
• and transaction costs.
• Complementary assets
– Assets required to derive value from a primary investment
– Firms supporting technology investments with investment in complementary
assets receive superior returns
– E.g.: invest in technology and the people to make it work properly
Houses are built
with hammers
nails and wood
but these alone
do not make a
Why is the building of a house an
appropriate analogy for the building
of an information system?
Why is the building of a
house an appropriate
analogy for the building of an
information system?
4. Industrial revolution
Based on cyber-physical-
3. Industrial revolution
Through the use of electronics
and IT further progression in
autonomous production
2. Industrial revolution
Introducing mass production
Level of complexity
lines powered by electric
1. Industrial revolution
Introducing mechanical
production machines powered
by water and steam
Industry 1.0 Industry 2.0 Industry 3.0 Industry 4.0
End of the Beginning of the Beginning of the Today
18th century. 20th century 70th
Source: DFKI/Bauer IAO
Role of Info. Systems in Business
business CRM
eCommerce E-governance
analysis consulting
medical enterprise
supply chain
legal forensics records resource
automation planning
Sample Q
• 1. Order data for T20 World cup Cricket tickets and bar code
data are the examples of ____. • 3. Engineers scientists architects business analysts who
• Raw Input design new products or services for a firm are known as
• Customer and Product data __________.
• Sales Information • Operation manager
• Knowledge workers
• 2. Which of the following roles in a firm will be least • Senior Executive
affected by using mobile device to access firm ? • Middle management
• Operation manager
• Production worker • 4. City bank introduced their ATM machine by
• Senior Executive implementing their MIS resources to achieve which
• Sales Executive business objective ?
• Survival
• Customer Supplier Intimacy
• Improved efficiency
Sample Q
1. Example of a Raw data from a Fast food Chain Store would be _______________.
6 piece boneless chicken sold at 12.45 PM on An average of400 piece boneless chicken are sold
January 1 2015 in banani Dhaka daily in Banani
How system effect individual and organization How decision makers perceive and use formal
The production of digital goods How new information system change the control
and cost structure within the firm.
3. An example of a business using information technology to create new products and service is _____.