WORD FORMATION 25102022 050217pm
WORD FORMATION 25102022 050217pm
WORD FORMATION 25102022 050217pm
Samra Saghir
Content, Function And Form Words
Content Words; Main Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs
Function Words; Articles, Pronouns, Prepositions, Quantifiers and Qualifiers,
Conjunctions, Question words, Auxiliary, Linking and Modal Verbs
Form Words; words with different content word forms
‘Content Con’tent
‘Progress Pro’gress
‘Rebel Re’bel
‘Contrast Con’trast
‘Conduct Con’duct
‘Entrance En’trance
‘Record Re’cord
‘Subject Sub’ject
‘Conflict Con’flict
A process accomplished by means of a large number of small “bits” of the English language
that are not usually given separate listings in dictionaries.
These small “bits” are generally described as affixes.
Examples include un-, mis-, pre-, -ful, -less, -ish, -ism and -ness which appear in words like
unhappy, mistrust, prejudge, joyful, careless, boyish, terrorism and sadness.
Affixes added to the beginning of the word (e.g. un-, mis-) are called prefixes.
Affixes added to the end of the word (e.g. -less, -ish) are called suffixes.
Some more examples include;
mislead has a prefix,
disrespectful has both a prefix and a suffix,
foolishness has two suffixes.
English has about 200 derivational affixes, divided into 90 prefixes and 110 suffixes.
Write three words using each of the following affixes
A change in the function of a word, i.e., when a noun comes to be used as a
verb (without any reduction), is known as conversion.
Nouns such as bottle, butter, chair and vacation have come to be used, through
conversion, as verbs:
We bottled the home-brew last night;
Have you buttered the toast?;
Someone has to chair the meeting;
They’re vacationing in Florida.