Lesson 2 Moral Action
Lesson 2 Moral Action
Lesson 2 Moral Action
I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose
life. Deuteronomy 30:19
Mortal and venial sin The world, the flesh and the devil
A sin is an evil
moral (or ‘immoral’)
act: a thought, word,
deed or omission
contrary to God’s
What is sin?
Full consent
dismisses the
The devil
offers the kingdoms of the world if Christ will worship him.
The wings of the devil symbolise his angelic nature: his
darkness and distorted features symbolise his sin.
The world
There are two senses in which
Christians understand ‘the world’.
In the first sense it is good in that it is
created by God.
However, there are now evil influences
in the world opposed to God’s will and
our good actions. These evil influences
are collectively also referred to as ‘the
The Mystical Mocking of Christ In this second sense the world is our
by Fra Angelico
enemy because it encourages evil and
discourages good.
The world, the flesh and the devil
Temptations Examples
Ideas and “You only live
slogans once!”
Empty Rich and selfish
pleasures living
Evil Immoral public
examples figures
Mental Peer pressure and
persecutions ridicule
Physical Unjust laws,
persecutions physical harm
The world, the flesh and the devil
The flesh
The flesh is an enemy because of
concupiscence. Pleasures are good
things created by God. However, a
disordered and unrestrained
pursuit of pleasure in our fallen
condition risks dominating our
lives and enslaving us to sin.
In addition, the fear of pain may
prevent us from doing the good
that we should do.
The world, the flesh and the devil
Temptations Examples
Eating disorders,
Disordered desires
sex or drug
for certain things
The devil
The devil and his fallen angels are
our spiritual enemies because of their
hatred of God and their desire to
deprive us of eternal happiness.
These creatures also have intellects
that they use in a perverted way
against us. As well as acting directly,
they also use the world and the flesh
against us.
For this reason, the attacks against
Christians often seem to be organised
in a strategic way.
The world, the flesh and the devil
Temptations Examples
“If you will, then,
worship me, it shall
Empty promises
all be yours” (Lk 4:7)
The 1
Prayer of St Michael
Holy Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of
battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and
snares of the enemy, may God rebuke him, we humbly
pray. And do Thou, prince of the heavenly host, by the
power of God, cast down to hell Satan, and all evil spirits,
who wonder through the world for the ruin of souls.