Social Group Work Process-Phases
Social Group Work Process-Phases
Social Group Work Process-Phases
• The group is almost formed completely
• Members meet often in the group
• There are Signs of Development
• Leadership Patterns are visible
• Group Feeling starts developing
• Members start discussing what to do in the next meeting.
• Members start experiencing each other through the activities conducted by the Group Workers.
Beginning phase
• The first is a stimulating experience for the group.
• Much depends upon the members’ previous experiences of group. Help members share previous experience.
• Members are not fully certain about the group purpose. As well as the process- what demands will be placed
on them.
• At the beginning there is a caution and tentativeness about the expectation about each other persons.
• First exchanges are stereotyped. We often feel that we are the only ones, we alone have with our problems,
knowing that others have same problems encourages us and gives strength.
• It is the stage in which members try to find a place to themselves in a group. Group worker serves as a model
for disclosing characteristic about them. They fear disclosure, fear of getting too close. Because it makes
them vulnerable. Pattern developed are affectionate acceptance, rejection, alliances and sub group, status
rating leader/follower pattern.
Objective of this stage
• Introduce the members and make them comfortable.
• State the purpose and functions of group and the agency.
• Balance task and social emotional aspects of the group process.
• Provide opportunity and climate for feedback about the fit between their needs and the
worker’s view of their need and the services provided.
• Setting goals contracting
• Motivation expectation of the group.
• Introduction can be done by self introduction, round robin, dividing into pairs, top secret,
treasure hunt pick an animal (games)
• Purpose of group: Worker makes statement about the purpose of the group, discuss
• Members come together with the purpose of helping each other. The group feeling starts
developing through some preliminary exercise opportunities are provided for the members to
participate, interact and inter relate with each other. Members start accepting their roles in the
group as well as other members in the group. Exploration within the group takes place.
Middle Phase:
There are rules and regulations, which guides the proceeding in the group.
The members are well aware of every other member in the group.
the members know the extent to which they are accomplishing their objectives. The individuals as
well as the group as the whole should be evaluated. The following factors should be evaluated.
•The characteristics (age, sex, and other demographic details) of the group. Evaluate whether the
formation of the group was genuine and the right members were grouped properly.
•Evaluate the individual members attitude, behaviour and characteristics.
•Evaluate the group relationship.
•Evaluate group programme planning
•Evaluate the programme implementation process
•Evaluate the outcome of the programme
•Evaluate the participatory level of the members
•Evaluate the group resources
•Evaluate the role of group worker
•Evaluate the ability of the group to relate with other groups
Termination Phase
•The group worker and the group when feel that the group has obtained the
desired change then the group work intervention should be terminated.
Termination is that stage when the group has become self sufficient.
Termination can be done when the following is reached:-
•There is a desired change in the individual attitude and behavior.
•There is a desired change in the group interpersonal relationship.
•There is desired outcome of the programmes are obtained.
•The group feels that they can be independent and no longer need the
support from the group worker.
•The group worker feels that the group has shown the desired changes
towards growth and development.