Reinventing Performance Management - Syndicate1
Reinventing Performance Management - Syndicate1
Reinventing Performance Management - Syndicate1
1. Julyestra Vidha Thaashaar (29121274)
2. Muhammad Sani Muharam (29121293)
3. Nabila Prajnaparamita Leman(29121159)
Executives in one large practice area at Deloitte called up data from project
managers to consider important talent-related decisions and then see the
his or her performance snapshots
This view plotted all the Project managers agreed with two Next the data was filtered to look
statements: “I would always want this person only at individuals at a given job
on my team” (y axis) and “I would give this person the level. (LEVEL 4)
highest possible compensation” (x axis). The axes are the
same for the other three screens.
This view was filtered to show individuals whose team This view was filtered to show individuals whose
leaders responded “yes” to the statement “This person is team leaders responded
ready for promotion today.” “yes” to the statement “This person is at risk of low
performance.” As the upper right of this screen
shows, even high performers can slip up and it’s
important that the organization help them recover.
To see performance at the individual level, then, Management will ask team leaders not
about the skills of each team member but about their own future actions with respect to
that person.
There are 4 Future Focused Statement that a leader respond to each team members for
produce a rich stream of information for leaders discussions of what they, in turn, will do
whether it’s a question of succession planning, development paths, or performance-
pattern analysis.
1. Given what I know of this person’s performance, and if it were my money, I would award
this person the highest possible compensation increase and bonus [measures overall
performance and unique value to the organization on a five-point scale from “strongly
agree” to“strongly disagree”].
2. Given what I know of this person’s performance, I would always want him or her on my
team [five-point scale].
3. This person is at risk for low performance [identifies problems that might harm the
customer or the team on a yes-or-no basis]
4. This person is ready for promotion today [measures potential on a yes-or-no basis].
The Third Objective (Fuel Performance)
Deloitte decide to establish weekly check-ins, the weekly check-ins is weekly conversation
across the organization, leaders use them to clarify what expected, what great work looks
like and how each person can excel. The check-ins not considered additional work, but also
to see: what expectations, review priorities, comment on work, provide coaching and
Why the check-ins do in weekly?
Frequency is matters, so that priorities don’t became vague and merely aspirational, and
the coaching can stay focused on near term, not in past performance.
Jump-starting the discussion
Deloitte shows the correlation between the frequency of conversations and the
engagement of teams members. Leaders have may demands on their time, team members
are responsible for initiating the check-ins. To help the conversation rollings, deloitte has
created a self-assessment tool, that allow employees to explore their strengths and
presented to their teammates, their leaders and the rest of the organization.
Thank You